Arbitrary razor-thin, axisymmetric potential

class galpy.potential.AnyAxisymmetricRazorThinDiskPotential(amp=1.0, surfdens=<function AnyAxisymmetricRazorThinDiskPotential.<lambda>>, normalize=False, ro=None, vo=None)[source]

Class that implements the potential of an arbitrary axisymmetric, razor-thin disk with surface density \(\Sigma(R)\)

__init__(amp=1.0, surfdens=<function AnyAxisymmetricRazorThinDiskPotential.<lambda>>, normalize=False, ro=None, vo=None)[source]

Potential of an arbitrary axisymmetric disk.

  • amp (float, optional) – Amplitude to be applied to the potential. Default is 1.0.

  • surfdens (callable, optional) – Function of a single variable that gives the surface density as a function of radius (can return a Quantity). Default is lambda R: 1.5 * numpy.exp(-3.0 * R).

  • normalize (bool or float, optional) – If True, normalize such that vc(1.,0.)=1., or, if given as a number, such that the force is this fraction of the force necessary to make vc(1.,0.)=1. Default is False.

  • ro (float or Quantity, optional) – Distance scale for translation into internal units (default from configuration file).

  • vo (float or Quantity, optional) – Velocity scale for translation into internal units (default from configuration file).


  • 2021-01-04 - Written - Bovy (UofT)