
galpy.potential.LinShuReductionFactor(axiPot, R, sigmar, nonaxiPot=None, k=None, m=None, OmegaP=None)[source]

Calculate the Lin & Shu (1966) reduction factor: the reduced linear response of a kinematically-warm stellar disk to a perturbation

  • axiPot (Potential or list of Potential instances) – The background, axisymmetric potential

  • R (float or Quantity) – Cylindrical radius

  • sigmar (float or Quantity) – Radial velocity dispersion of the population

  • nonaxiPot (Potential object, optional) – A non-axisymmetric Potential instance (such as SteadyLogSpiralPotential) that has functions that return OmegaP, m, and wavenumber. Either provide nonaxiPot or m, k, OmegaP.

  • k (float or Quantity, optional) – Wavenumber (see Binney & Tremaine 2008). Either provide nonaxiPot or m, k, OmegaP.

  • m (int, optional) – m in the perturbation’s m x phi (number of arms for a spiral). Either provide nonaxiPot or m, k, OmegaP.

  • OmegaP (float or Quantity, optional) – Pattern speed. Note that in the usual Lin-Shu formula omega = m x OmegaP. Either provide nonaxiPot or m, k, OmegaP.


The reduction factor

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  • 2014-08-23 - Written - Bovy (IAS)