Any time-dependent amplitude wrapper potential¶
- class galpy.potential.TimeDependentAmplitudeWrapperPotential(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Potential wrapper class that allows the amplitude of any potential to be any function of time. That is, the amplitude of a potential gets modulated to
\[\mathrm{amp} \rightarrow \mathrm{amp} \times A(t)\]where \(A(t)\) is an arbitrary function of time. Note that amp itself can already be a function of time.
- __init__(amp=1.0, A=None, pot=None, ro=None, vo=None)[source]¶
Initialize a TimeDependentAmplitudeWrapperPotential.
- Parameters:
amp (float, optional) – Amplitude to be applied to the potential (default: 1.).
A (function, optional) – Function of time giving the time-dependence of the amplitude; should be able to be called with a single time and return a numbers.Number (that is, a number); input time is in internal units (see galpy.util.conversion.time_in_Gyr to convert) and output is a dimensionless amplitude modulation.
pot (Potential instance or list thereof) – The amplitude of this will modified by this wrapper.
ro (float or Quantity, optional) – Distance scale for translation into internal units (default from configuration file).
vo (float or Quantity, optional) – Velocity scale for translation into internal units (default from configuration file).
Started - 2022-03-29 - Bovy (UofT)