The action-angle stream DF¶
- class galpy.df.streamdf(sigv, progenitor=None, pot=None, aA=None, useTM=False, tdisrupt=None, sigMeanOffset=6.0, leading=True, sigangle=None, deltaAngleTrack=None, nTrackChunks=None, nTrackIterations=None, progIsTrack=False, ro=None, vo=None, Vnorm=None, Rnorm=None, R0=8.0, Zsun=0.0208, vsun=[-11.1, 241.92, 7.25], multi=None, interpTrack=True, useInterp=True, nosetup=False, nospreadsetup=False, approxConstTrackFreq=False, useTMHessian=False, custom_transform=None)[source]¶
The DF of a tidal stream
- __init__(sigv, progenitor=None, pot=None, aA=None, useTM=False, tdisrupt=None, sigMeanOffset=6.0, leading=True, sigangle=None, deltaAngleTrack=None, nTrackChunks=None, nTrackIterations=None, progIsTrack=False, ro=None, vo=None, Vnorm=None, Rnorm=None, R0=8.0, Zsun=0.0208, vsun=[-11.1, 241.92, 7.25], multi=None, interpTrack=True, useInterp=True, nosetup=False, nospreadsetup=False, approxConstTrackFreq=False, useTMHessian=False, custom_transform=None)[source]¶
Initialize the DF of a tidal stream
- Parameters:
sigv (float or Quantity) – Radial velocity dispersion of the progenitor.
progenitor (galpy.orbit.Orbit) – Progenitor orbit as Orbit instance (will be re-integrated, so don’t bother integrating the orbit before).
pot (galpy.potential.Potential or list thereof, optional) – Potential instance or list thereof.
aA (actionAngle instance) – ActionAngle instance used to convert (x,v) to actions. Generally a actionAngleIsochroneApprox instance.
useTM (bool, optional) – If set to an actionAngleTorus instance, use this to speed up calculations.
tdisrupt (float or Quantity, optional) – Time since start of disruption (default: 5 Gyr).
sigMeanOffset (float, optional) – Offset between the mean of the frequencies and the progenitor, in units of the largest eigenvalue of the frequency covariance matrix (along the largest eigenvector), should be positive; to model the trailing part, set leading=False (default: 6.0).
leading (bool, optional) – If True, model the leading part of the stream; if False, model the trailing part (default: True).
sigangle (float or Quantity, optional) – Estimate of the angle spread of the debris initially (default: sigv/122/[1km/s]=1.8sigv in natural coordinates).
deltaAngleTrack (float or Quantity, optional) – Angle to estimate the stream track over (rad; or can be Quantity) (default: None).
nTrackChunks (int, optional) – Number of chunks to divide the progenitor track in (default: floor(deltaAngleTrack/0.15)+1).
nTrackIterations (int, optional) – Number of iterations to perform when establishing the track; each iteration starts from a previous approximation to the track in (x,v) and calculates a new track based on the deviation between the previous track and the desired track in action-angle coordinates; if not set, an appropriate value is determined based on the magnitude of the misalignment between stream and orbit, with larger numbers of iterations for larger misalignments (default: None).
progIsTrack (bool, optional) – If True, then the progenitor (x,v) is actually the (x,v) of the stream track at zero angle separation; useful when initializing with an orbit fit; the progenitor’s position will be calculated (default: False).
ro (float or Quantity, optional) – Distance scale for translation into internal units (default from configuration file).
vo (float or Quantity, optional) – Velocity scale for translation into internal units (default from configuration file).
Vnorm (float or Quantity, optional) – Deprecated. Use vo instead (default: None).
Rnorm (float or Quantity, optional) – Deprecated. Use ro instead (default: None).
R0 (float or Quantity, optional) – Galactocentric radius of the Sun (kpc) (can be different from ro) (default: 8.0).
Zsun (float or Quantity, optional) – Sun’s height above the plane (kpc) (default: 0.0208).
vsun (numpy.ndarray or Quantity, optional) – Sun’s motion in cylindrical coordinates (vR positive away from center) (can be Quantity array, but not a list of Quantities) (default: [-11.1, 8.0 * 30.24, 7.25]).
multi (int, optional) – If set, use multi-processing (default: None).
interpTrack (bool, optional) – Interpolate the stream track while setting up the instance (can be done by hand by calling self._interpolate_stream_track() and self._interpolate_stream_track_aA()) (default: _INTERPDURINGSETUP).
useInterp (bool, optional) – Use interpolation by default when calculating approximated frequencies and angles (default: _USEINTERP).
nosetup (bool, optional) – If True, don’t setup the stream track and anything else that is expensive (default: False).
nospreadsetup (bool, optional) – If True, don’t setup the spread around the stream track (only for nosetup is False) (default: False).
approxConstTrackFreq (bool, optional) – If True, approximate the stream assuming that the frequency is constant along the stream (only works with useTM, for which this leads to a significant speed-up) (default: False).
useTMHessian (bool, optional) – If True, compute the basic Hessian dO/dJ_prog using TM; otherwise use aA (default: False).
custom_transform (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Matrix implementing the rotation from (ra,dec) to a custom set of sky coordinates (default: None).
2013-09-16 - Started - Bovy (IAS)
2013-11-25 - Started over - Bovy (IAS)