Source code for galpy.actionAngle.actionAngleIsochroneApprox

#   actionAngle: a Python module to calculate  actions, angles, and frequencies
#      class: actionAngleIsochroneApprox
#             Calculate actions-angle coordinates for any potential by using 
#             an isochrone potential as an approximate potential and using 
#             a Fox & Binney (2013?) + torus machinery-like algorithm 
#             (angle-fit) (Bovy 2014)
#      methods:
#             __call__: returns (jr,lz,jz)
#             actionsFreqs: returns (jr,lz,jz,Or,Op,Oz)
#             actionsFreqsAngles: returns (jr,lz,jz,Or,Op,Oz,ar,ap,az)
import warnings
import numpy
from numpy import linalg
from scipy import optimize
from ..potential import dvcircdR, vcirc, _isNonAxi
from ..potential.Potential import flatten as flatten_potential
from .actionAngleIsochrone import actionAngleIsochrone
from .actionAngle import actionAngle
from ..potential import IsochronePotential, MWPotential
from ..util import bovy_plot, galpyWarning
from ..util.bovy_conversion import physical_conversion, \
    potential_physical_input, time_in_Gyr
_TWOPI= 2.*numpy.pi
_ANGLETOL= 0.02 #tolerance for deciding whether full angle range is covered
    from astropy import units
except ImportError:
    _APY_LOADED= False
[docs]class actionAngleIsochroneApprox(actionAngle): """Action-angle formalism using an isochrone potential as an approximate potential and using a Fox & Binney (2014?) like algorithm to calculate the actions using orbit integrations and a torus-machinery-like angle-fit to get the angles and frequencies (Bovy 2014)"""
[docs] def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: initialize an actionAngleIsochroneApprox object INPUT: Either: b= scale parameter of the isochrone parameter (can be Quantity) ip= instance of a IsochronePotential aAI= instance of an actionAngleIsochrone pot= potential to calculate action-angle variables for tintJ= (default: 100) time to integrate orbits for to estimate actions (can be Quantity) ntintJ= (default: 10000) number of time-integration points integrate_method= (default: 'dopr54_c') integration method to use dt= (None) orbit.integrate dt keyword (for fixed stepsize integration) maxn= (default: 3) Default value for all methods when using a grid in vec(n) up to this n (zero-based) ro= distance from vantage point to GC (kpc; can be Quantity) vo= circular velocity at ro (km/s; can be Quantity) OUTPUT: instance HISTORY: 2013-09-10 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ actionAngle.__init__(self, ro=kwargs.get('ro',None),vo=kwargs.get('vo',None)) if not 'pot' in kwargs: #pragma: no cover raise IOError("Must specify pot= for actionAngleIsochroneApprox") self._pot= flatten_potential(kwargs['pot']) if self._pot == MWPotential: warnings.warn("Use of MWPotential as a Milky-Way-like potential is deprecated; galpy.potential.MWPotential2014, a potential fit to a large variety of dynamical constraints (see Bovy 2015), is the preferred Milky-Way-like potential in galpy", galpyWarning) if not 'b' in kwargs and not 'ip' in kwargs \ and not 'aAI' in kwargs: #pragma: no cover raise IOError("Must specify b=, ip=, or aAI= for actionAngleIsochroneApprox") if 'aAI' in kwargs: if not isinstance(kwargs['aAI'],actionAngleIsochrone): #pragma: no cover raise IOError("'Provided aAI= does not appear to be an instance of an actionAngleIsochrone") self._aAI= kwargs['aAI'] elif 'ip' in kwargs: ip= kwargs['ip'] if not isinstance(ip,IsochronePotential): #pragma: no cover raise IOError("'Provided ip= does not appear to be an instance of an IsochronePotential") self._aAI= actionAngleIsochrone(ip=ip) else: if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(kwargs['b'],units.Quantity): b= kwargs['b'].to(units.kpc).value/self._ro else: b= kwargs['b'] self._aAI= actionAngleIsochrone(ip=IsochronePotential(b=b, normalize=1.)) self._tintJ= kwargs.get('tintJ',100.) if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(self._tintJ,units.Quantity): self._tintJ=\ /time_in_Gyr(self._vo,self._ro) self._ntintJ= kwargs.get('ntintJ',10000) self._integrate_dt= kwargs.get('dt',None) self._tsJ= numpy.linspace(0.,self._tintJ,self._ntintJ) self._integrate_method= kwargs.get('integrate_method','dopr54_c') self._maxn= kwargs.get('maxn',3) self._c= False ext_loaded= False if ext_loaded and (('c' in kwargs and kwargs['c']) or not 'c' in kwargs): #pragma: no cover self._c= True else: self._c= False # Check the units self._check_consistent_units() return None
def _evaluate(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: __call__ (_evaluate) PURPOSE: evaluate the actions (jr,lz,jz) INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz[,phi]: 1) floats: phase-space value for single object (phi is optional) (each can be a Quantity) 2) numpy.ndarray: [N] phase-space values for N objects (each can be a Quantity) b) Orbit instance: initial condition used if that's it, orbit(t) if there is a time given as well as the second argument cumul= if True, return the cumulative average actions (to look at convergence) OUTPUT: (jr,lz,jz) HISTORY: 2013-09-10 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ R,vR,vT,z,vz,phi= self._parse_args(False,False,*args) if self._c: #pragma: no cover pass else: #Use self._aAI to calculate the actions and angles in the isochrone potential acfs= self._aAI._actionsFreqsAngles(R.flatten(), vR.flatten(), vT.flatten(), z.flatten(), vz.flatten(), phi.flatten()) jrI= numpy.reshape(acfs[0],R.shape)[:,:-1] jzI= numpy.reshape(acfs[2],R.shape)[:,:-1] anglerI= numpy.reshape(acfs[6],R.shape) anglezI= numpy.reshape(acfs[8],R.shape) if numpy.any((numpy.fabs(numpy.amax(anglerI,axis=1)-_TWOPI) > _ANGLETOL)\ *(numpy.fabs(numpy.amin(anglerI,axis=1)) > _ANGLETOL)): #pragma: no cover warnings.warn("Full radial angle range not covered for at least one object; actions are likely not reliable",galpyWarning) if numpy.any((numpy.fabs(numpy.amax(anglezI,axis=1)-_TWOPI) > _ANGLETOL)\ *(numpy.fabs(numpy.amin(anglezI,axis=1)) > _ANGLETOL)): #pragma: no cover warnings.warn("Full vertical angle range not covered for at least one object; actions are likely not reliable",galpyWarning) danglerI= ((numpy.roll(anglerI,-1,axis=1)-anglerI) % _TWOPI)[:,:-1] danglezI= ((numpy.roll(anglezI,-1,axis=1)-anglezI) % _TWOPI)[:,:-1] if kwargs.get('cumul',False): sumFunc= numpy.cumsum else: sumFunc= numpy.sum jr= sumFunc(jrI*danglerI,axis=1)/sumFunc(danglerI,axis=1) jz= sumFunc(jzI*danglezI,axis=1)/sumFunc(danglezI,axis=1) if _isNonAxi(self._pot): lzI= numpy.reshape(acfs[1],R.shape)[:,:-1] anglephiI= numpy.reshape(acfs[7],R.shape) danglephiI= ((numpy.roll(anglephiI,-1,axis=1)-anglephiI) % _TWOPI)[:,:-1] if numpy.any((numpy.fabs(numpy.amax(anglephiI,axis=1)-_TWOPI) > _ANGLETOL)\ *(numpy.fabs(numpy.amin(anglephiI,axis=1)) > _ANGLETOL)): #pragma: no cover warnings.warn("Full azimuthal angle range not covered for at least one object; actions are likely not reliable",galpyWarning) lz= sumFunc(lzI*danglephiI,axis=1)/sumFunc(danglephiI,axis=1) else: lz= R[:,0]*vT[:,0] return (jr,lz,jz) def _actionsFreqs(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: actionsFreqs (_actionsFreqs) PURPOSE: evaluate the actions and frequencies (jr,lz,jz,Omegar,Omegaphi,Omegaz) INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz[,phi]: 1) floats: phase-space value for single object (phi is optional) (each can be a Quantity) 2) numpy.ndarray: [N] phase-space values for N objects (each can be a Quantity) b) Orbit instance: initial condition used if that's it, orbit(t) if there is a time given as well as the second argument maxn= (default: object-wide default) Use a grid in vec(n) up to this n (zero-based) ts= if set, the phase-space points correspond to these times (IF NOT SET, WE ASSUME THAT ts IS THAT THAT IS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS OBJECT) _firstFlip= (False) if True and Orbits are given, the backward part of the orbit is integrated first and stored in the Orbit object OUTPUT: (jr,lz,jz,Omegar,Omegaphi,Omegaz) HISTORY: 2013-09-10 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ acfs= self._actionsFreqsAngles(*args,**kwargs) return (acfs[0],acfs[1],acfs[2],acfs[3],acfs[4],acfs[5]) def _actionsFreqsAngles(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: actionsFreqsAngles (_actionsFreqsAngles) PURPOSE: evaluate the actions, frequencies, and angles (jr,lz,jz,Omegar,Omegaphi,Omegaz,angler,anglephi,anglez) INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz[,phi]: 1) floats: phase-space value for single object (phi is optional) (each can be a Quantity) 2) numpy.ndarray: [N] phase-space values for N objects (each can be a Quantity) b) Orbit instance: initial condition used if that's it, orbit(t) if there is a time given as well as the second argument maxn= (default: object-wide default) Use a grid in vec(n) up to this n (zero-based) ts= if set, the phase-space points correspond to these times (IF NOT SET, WE ASSUME THAT ts IS THAT THAT IS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS OBJECT) _firstFlip= (False) if True and Orbits are given, the backward part of the orbit is integrated first and stored in the Orbit object OUTPUT: (jr,lz,jz,Omegar,Omegaphi,Omegaz,angler,anglephi,anglez) HISTORY: 2013-09-10 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ from ..orbit import Orbit _firstFlip= kwargs.get('_firstFlip',False) #If the orbit was already integrated, set ts to the integration times if isinstance(args[0],Orbit) and hasattr(args[0],'orbit') \ and not 'ts' in kwargs: kwargs['ts']= args[0].t elif (isinstance(args[0],list) and isinstance(args[0][0],Orbit)) \ and hasattr(args[0][0],'orbit') \ and not 'ts' in kwargs: kwargs['ts']= args[0][0].t R,vR,vT,z,vz,phi= self._parse_args(True,_firstFlip,*args) if 'ts' in kwargs and not kwargs['ts'] is None: ts= kwargs['ts'] if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(ts,units.Quantity): ts=\ /time_in_Gyr(self._vo,self._ro) else: ts= numpy.empty(R.shape[1]) ts[self._ntintJ-1:]= self._tsJ ts[:self._ntintJ-1]= -self._tsJ[1:][::-1] maxn= kwargs.get('maxn',self._maxn) if self._c: #pragma: no cover pass else: #Use self._aAI to calculate the actions and angles in the isochrone potential if '_acfs' in kwargs: acfs= kwargs['_acfs'] else: acfs= self._aAI._actionsFreqsAngles(R.flatten(), vR.flatten(), vT.flatten(), z.flatten(), vz.flatten(), phi.flatten()) jrI= numpy.reshape(acfs[0],R.shape)[:,:-1] jzI= numpy.reshape(acfs[2],R.shape)[:,:-1] anglerI= numpy.reshape(acfs[6],R.shape) anglezI= numpy.reshape(acfs[8],R.shape) if numpy.any((numpy.fabs(numpy.amax(anglerI,axis=1)-_TWOPI) > _ANGLETOL)\ *(numpy.fabs(numpy.amin(anglerI,axis=1)) > _ANGLETOL)): #pragma: no cover warnings.warn("Full radial angle range not covered for at least one object; actions are likely not reliable",galpyWarning) if numpy.any((numpy.fabs(numpy.amax(anglezI,axis=1)-_TWOPI) > _ANGLETOL)\ *(numpy.fabs(numpy.amin(anglezI,axis=1)) > _ANGLETOL)): #pragma: no cover warnings.warn("Full vertical angle range not covered for at least one object; actions are likely not reliable",galpyWarning) danglerI= ((numpy.roll(anglerI,-1,axis=1)-anglerI) % _TWOPI)[:,:-1] danglezI= ((numpy.roll(anglezI,-1,axis=1)-anglezI) % _TWOPI)[:,:-1] jr= numpy.sum(jrI*danglerI,axis=1)/numpy.sum(danglerI,axis=1) jz= numpy.sum(jzI*danglezI,axis=1)/numpy.sum(danglezI,axis=1) if _isNonAxi(self._pot): #pragma: no cover lzI= numpy.reshape(acfs[1],R.shape)[:,:-1] anglephiI= numpy.reshape(acfs[7],R.shape) if numpy.any((numpy.fabs(numpy.amax(anglephiI,axis=1)-_TWOPI) > _ANGLETOL)\ *(numpy.fabs(numpy.amin(anglephiI,axis=1)) > _ANGLETOL)): #pragma: no cover warnings.warn("Full azimuthal angle range not covered for at least one object; actions are likely not reliable",galpyWarning) danglephiI= ((numpy.roll(anglephiI,-1,axis=1)-anglephiI) % _TWOPI)[:,:-1] lz= numpy.sum(lzI*danglephiI,axis=1)/numpy.sum(danglephiI,axis=1) else: lz= R[:,len(ts)//2]*vT[:,len(ts)//2] #Now do an 'angle-fit' angleRT= dePeriod(numpy.reshape(acfs[6],R.shape)) acfs7= numpy.reshape(acfs[7],R.shape) negFreqIndx= numpy.median(acfs7-numpy.roll(acfs7,1,axis=1),axis=1) < 0. #anglephi is decreasing anglephiT= numpy.empty(acfs7.shape) anglephiT[negFreqIndx,:]= dePeriod(_TWOPI-acfs7[negFreqIndx,:]) negFreqPhi= numpy.zeros(R.shape[0],dtype='bool') negFreqPhi[negFreqIndx]= True anglephiT[True^negFreqIndx,:]= dePeriod(acfs7[True^negFreqIndx,:]) angleZT= dePeriod(numpy.reshape(acfs[8],R.shape)) #Write the angle-fit as Y=AX, build A and Y nt= len(ts) no= R.shape[0] #remove 0,0,0 and half-plane if _isNonAxi(self._pot): nn= (2*maxn-1)**2*maxn-(maxn-1)*(2*maxn-1)-maxn else: nn= maxn*(2*maxn-1)-maxn A= numpy.zeros((no,nt,2+nn)) A[:,:,0]= 1. A[:,:,1]= ts #sorting the phi and Z grids this way makes it easy to exclude the origin phig= list(numpy.arange(-maxn+1,maxn,1)) phig.sort(key = lambda x: abs(x)) phig= numpy.array(phig,dtype='int') if _isNonAxi(self._pot): grid= numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(maxn),phig,phig) else: grid= numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(maxn),phig) gridR= grid[0].T.flatten()[1:] #remove 0,0,0 gridZ= grid[1].T.flatten()[1:] mask = numpy.ones(len(gridR),dtype=bool) # excludes axis that is not in half-space if _isNonAxi(self._pot): gridphi= grid[2].T.flatten()[1:] mask= True\ ^(gridR == 0)*((gridphi < 0)+((gridphi==0)*(gridZ < 0))) else: mask[:2*maxn-3:2]= False gridR= gridR[mask] gridZ= gridZ[mask] tangleR= numpy.tile(angleRT.T,(nn,1,1)).T tgridR= numpy.tile(gridR,(no,nt,1)) tangleZ= numpy.tile(angleZT.T,(nn,1,1)).T tgridZ= numpy.tile(gridZ,(no,nt,1)) if _isNonAxi(self._pot): gridphi= gridphi[mask] tgridphi= numpy.tile(gridphi,(no,nt,1)) tanglephi= numpy.tile(anglephiT.T,(nn,1,1)).T sinnR= numpy.sin(tgridR*tangleR+tgridphi*tanglephi+tgridZ*tangleZ) else: sinnR= numpy.sin(tgridR*tangleR+tgridZ*tangleZ) A[:,:,2:]= sinnR #Matrix magic atainv= numpy.empty((no,2+nn,2+nn)) AT= numpy.transpose(A,axes=(0,2,1)) for ii in range(no): atainv[ii,:,:,]= linalg.inv([ii,:,:],A[ii,:,:])) ATAR= numpy.sum(AT*numpy.transpose(numpy.tile(angleRT,(2+nn,1,1)),axes=(1,0,2)),axis=2) ATAT= numpy.sum(AT*numpy.transpose(numpy.tile(anglephiT,(2+nn,1,1)),axes=(1,0,2)),axis=2) ATAZ= numpy.sum(AT*numpy.transpose(numpy.tile(angleZT,(2+nn,1,1)),axes=(1,0,2)),axis=2) angleR= numpy.sum(atainv[:,0,:]*ATAR,axis=1) OmegaR= numpy.sum(atainv[:,1,:]*ATAR,axis=1) anglephi= numpy.sum(atainv[:,0,:]*ATAT,axis=1) Omegaphi= numpy.sum(atainv[:,1,:]*ATAT,axis=1) angleZ= numpy.sum(atainv[:,0,:]*ATAZ,axis=1) OmegaZ= numpy.sum(atainv[:,1,:]*ATAZ,axis=1) Omegaphi[negFreqIndx]= -Omegaphi[negFreqIndx] anglephi[negFreqIndx]= _TWOPI-anglephi[negFreqIndx] if kwargs.get('_retacfs',False): return (jr,lz,jz,OmegaR,Omegaphi,OmegaZ, #pragma: no cover angleR % _TWOPI, anglephi % _TWOPI, angleZ % _TWOPI,acfs) else: return (jr,lz,jz,OmegaR,Omegaphi,OmegaZ, angleR % _TWOPI, anglephi % _TWOPI, angleZ % _TWOPI) def plot(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: plot PURPOSE: plot the angles vs. each other, to check whether the isochrone approximation is good INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz: floats: phase-space value for single object b) Orbit instance type= ('araz') type of plot to make a) 'araz': az vs. ar, with color-coded aphi b) 'araphi': aphi vs. ar, with color-coded az c) 'azaphi': aphi vs. az, with color-coded ar d) 'jr': cumulative average of jr with time, to assess convergence e) 'lz': same as 'jr' but for lz f) 'jz': same as 'jr' but for jz deperiod= (False), if True, de-period the angles downsample= (False) if True, downsample what's plotted to 400 points +plot kwargs OUTPUT: plot to output HISTORY: 2013-09-10 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ #Kwargs type= kwargs.pop('type','araz') deperiod= kwargs.pop('deperiod',False) downsample= kwargs.pop('downsample',False) #Parse input R,vR,vT,z,vz,phi= self._parse_args('a' in type,False,*args) #Use self._aAI to calculate the actions and angles in the isochrone potential acfs= self._aAI._actionsFreqsAngles(R.flatten(), vR.flatten(), vT.flatten(), z.flatten(), vz.flatten(), phi.flatten()) if type == 'jr' or type == 'lz' or type == 'jz': jrI= numpy.reshape(acfs[0],R.shape)[:,:-1] jzI= numpy.reshape(acfs[2],R.shape)[:,:-1] anglerI= numpy.reshape(acfs[6],R.shape) anglezI= numpy.reshape(acfs[8],R.shape) danglerI= ((numpy.roll(anglerI,-1,axis=1)-anglerI) % _TWOPI)[:,:-1] danglezI= ((numpy.roll(anglezI,-1,axis=1)-anglezI) % _TWOPI)[:,:-1] if True: sumFunc= numpy.cumsum jr= sumFunc(jrI*danglerI,axis=1)/sumFunc(danglerI,axis=1) jz= sumFunc(jzI*danglezI,axis=1)/sumFunc(danglezI,axis=1) lzI= numpy.reshape(acfs[1],R.shape)[:,:-1] anglephiI= numpy.reshape(acfs[7],R.shape) danglephiI= ((numpy.roll(anglephiI,-1,axis=1)-anglephiI) % _TWOPI)[:,:-1] lz= sumFunc(lzI*danglephiI,axis=1)/sumFunc(danglephiI,axis=1) from ..orbit import Orbit if isinstance(args[0],Orbit) and hasattr(args[0],'t'): ts= args[0].t[:-1] else: ts= self._tsJ[:-1] if type == 'jr': if downsample: plotx= ts[::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] ploty= jr[0,::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))]/jr[0,-1] plotz= anglerI[0,:-1:int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] else: plotx= ts ploty= jr[0,:]/jr[0,-1] plotz= anglerI[0,:-1] bovy_plot.bovy_plot(plotx,ploty, c=plotz, s=20., scatter=True, edgecolor='none', xlabel=r'$t$', ylabel=r'$J^A_R / \langle J^A_R \rangle$', clabel=r'$\theta^A_R$', vmin=0.,vmax=2.*numpy.pi, crange=[0.,2.*numpy.pi], colorbar=True, **kwargs) elif type == 'lz': if downsample: plotx= ts[::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] ploty= lz[0,::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))]/lz[0,-1] plotz= anglephiI[0,:-1:int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] else: plotx= ts ploty= lz[0,:]/lz[0,-1] plotz= anglephiI[0,:-1] bovy_plot.bovy_plot(plotx,ploty,c=plotz,s=20., scatter=True, edgecolor='none', xlabel=r'$t$', ylabel=r'$L^A_Z / \langle L^A_Z \rangle$', clabel=r'$\theta^A_\phi$', vmin=0.,vmax=2.*numpy.pi, crange=[0.,2.*numpy.pi], colorbar=True, **kwargs) elif type == 'jz': if downsample: plotx= ts[::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] ploty= jz[0,::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))]/jz[0,-1] plotz= anglezI[0,:-1:int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] else: plotx= ts ploty= jz[0,:]/jz[0,-1] plotz= anglezI[0,:-1] bovy_plot.bovy_plot(plotx,ploty,c=plotz,s=20., scatter=True, edgecolor='none', xlabel=r'$t$', ylabel=r'$J^A_Z / \langle J^A_Z \rangle$', clabel=r'$\theta^A_Z$', vmin=0.,vmax=2.*numpy.pi, crange=[0.,2.*numpy.pi], colorbar=True, **kwargs) else: if deperiod: if 'ar' in type: angleRT= dePeriod(numpy.reshape(acfs[6],R.shape)) else: angleRT= numpy.reshape(acfs[6],R.shape) if 'aphi' in type: acfs7= numpy.reshape(acfs[7],R.shape) negFreqIndx= numpy.median(acfs7-numpy.roll(acfs7,1,axis=1),axis=1) < 0. #anglephi is decreasing anglephiT= numpy.empty(acfs7.shape) anglephiT[negFreqIndx,:]= dePeriod(_TWOPI-acfs7[negFreqIndx,:]) negFreqPhi= numpy.zeros(R.shape[0],dtype='bool') negFreqPhi[negFreqIndx]= True anglephiT[True^negFreqIndx,:]= dePeriod(acfs7[True^negFreqIndx,:]) else: anglephiT= numpy.reshape(acfs[7],R.shape) if 'az' in type: angleZT= dePeriod(numpy.reshape(acfs[8],R.shape)) else: angleZT= numpy.reshape(acfs[8],R.shape) xrange= None yrange= None else: angleRT= numpy.reshape(acfs[6],R.shape) anglephiT= numpy.reshape(acfs[7],R.shape) angleZT= numpy.reshape(acfs[8],R.shape) xrange= [-0.5,2.*numpy.pi+0.5] yrange= [-0.5,2.*numpy.pi+0.5] vmin, vmax= 0.,2.*numpy.pi crange= [vmin,vmax] if type == 'araz': if downsample: plotx= angleRT[0,::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] ploty= angleZT[0,::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] plotz= anglephiT[0,::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] else: plotx= angleRT[0,:] ploty= angleZT[0,:] plotz= anglephiT[0,:] bovy_plot.bovy_plot(plotx,ploty,c=plotz,s=20., scatter=True, edgecolor='none', xlabel=r'$\theta^A_R$', ylabel=r'$\theta^A_Z$', clabel=r'$\theta^A_\phi$', xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange, vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax, crange=crange, colorbar=True, **kwargs) elif type == 'araphi': if downsample: plotx= angleRT[0,::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] ploty= anglephiT[0,::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] plotz= angleZT[0,::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] else: plotx= angleRT[0,:] ploty= anglephiT[0,:] plotz= angleZT[0,:] bovy_plot.bovy_plot(plotx,ploty,c=plotz,s=20., scatter=True, edgecolor='none', xlabel=r'$\theta^A_R$', clabel=r'$\theta^A_Z$', ylabel=r'$\theta^A_\phi$', xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange, vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax, crange=crange, colorbar=True, **kwargs) elif type == 'azaphi': if downsample: plotx= angleZT[0,::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] ploty= anglephiT[0,::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] plotz= angleRT[0,::int(round(self._ntintJ//400))] else: plotx= angleZT[0,:] ploty= anglephiT[0,:] plotz= angleRT[0,:] bovy_plot.bovy_plot(plotx,ploty,c=plotz,s=20., scatter=True, edgecolor='none', clabel=r'$\theta^A_R$', xlabel=r'$\theta^A_Z$', ylabel=r'$\theta^A_\phi$', xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange, vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax, crange=crange, colorbar=True, **kwargs) return None def _parse_args(self,freqsAngles=True,_firstFlip=False,*args): """Helper function to parse the arguments to the __call__ and actionsFreqsAngles functions""" from ..orbit import Orbit RasOrbit= False integrated= True #whether the orbit was already integrated when given if len(args) == 5 or len(args) == 3: #pragma: no cover raise IOError("Must specify phi for actionAngleIsochroneApprox") if len(args) == 6 or len(args) == 4: if len(args) == 6: R,vR,vT, z, vz, phi= args else: R,vR,vT, phi= args z, vz= 0., 0. if isinstance(R,float): os= [Orbit([R,vR,vT,z,vz,phi])] RasOrbit= True integrated= False elif len(R.shape) == 1: #not integrated yet os= [Orbit([R[ii],vR[ii],vT[ii],z[ii],vz[ii],phi[ii]]) for ii in range(R.shape[0])] RasOrbit= True integrated= False if isinstance(args[0],Orbit) \ or (isinstance(args[0],list) and isinstance(args[0][0],Orbit)) \ or RasOrbit: if RasOrbit: pass elif not isinstance(args[0],list): os= [args[0]] if os[0].phasedim() == 3 or os[0].phasedim() == 5: #pragma: no cover raise IOError("Must specify phi for actionAngleIsochroneApprox") else: os= args[0] if os[0].phasedim() == 3 or os[0].phasedim() == 5: #pragma: no cover raise IOError("Must specify phi for actionAngleIsochroneApprox") self._check_consistent_units_orbitInput(os[0]) if not hasattr(os[0],'orbit'): #not integrated yet if _firstFlip: for o in os: o.vxvv[...,1]= -o.vxvv[...,1] o.vxvv[...,2]= -o.vxvv[...,2] o.vxvv[...,4]= -o.vxvv[...,4] [o.integrate(self._tsJ,pot=self._pot, method=self._integrate_method, dt=self._integrate_dt) for o in os] if _firstFlip: for o in os: o.vxvv[...,1]= -o.vxvv[...,1] o.vxvv[...,2]= -o.vxvv[...,2] o.vxvv[...,4]= -o.vxvv[...,4] o.orbit[...,1]= -o.orbit[...,1] o.orbit[...,2]= -o.orbit[...,2] o.orbit[...,4]= -o.orbit[...,4] integrated= False ntJ= os[0].getOrbit().shape[0] no= len(os) R= numpy.empty((no,ntJ)) vR= numpy.empty((no,ntJ)) vT= numpy.empty((no,ntJ)) z= numpy.zeros((no,ntJ))+10.**-7. #To avoid numpy warnings for vz= numpy.zeros((no,ntJ))+10.**-7. #planarOrbits phi= numpy.empty((no,ntJ)) for ii in range(len(os)): this_orbit= os[ii].getOrbit() R[ii,:]= this_orbit[:,0] vR[ii,:]= this_orbit[:,1] vT[ii,:]= this_orbit[:,2] if this_orbit.shape[1] == 6: z[ii,:]= this_orbit[:,3] vz[ii,:]= this_orbit[:,4] phi[ii,:]= this_orbit[:,5] else: phi[ii,:]= this_orbit[:,3] if freqsAngles and not integrated: #also integrate backwards in time, such that the requested point is not at the edge no= R.shape[0] nt= R.shape[1] oR= numpy.empty((no,2*nt-1)) ovR= numpy.empty((no,2*nt-1)) ovT= numpy.empty((no,2*nt-1)) oz= numpy.zeros((no,2*nt-1))+10.**-7. #To avoid numpy warnings for ovz= numpy.zeros((no,2*nt-1))+10.**-7. #planarOrbits ophi= numpy.empty((no,2*nt-1)) if _firstFlip: oR[:,:nt]= R[:,::-1] ovR[:,:nt]= vR[:,::-1] ovT[:,:nt]= vT[:,::-1] oz[:,:nt]= z[:,::-1] ovz[:,:nt]= vz[:,::-1] ophi[:,:nt]= phi[:,::-1] else: oR[:,nt-1:]= R ovR[:,nt-1:]= vR ovT[:,nt-1:]= vT oz[:,nt-1:]= z ovz[:,nt-1:]= vz ophi[:,nt-1:]= phi #load orbits if _firstFlip: os= [Orbit([R[ii,0],vR[ii,0],vT[ii,0],z[ii,0],vz[ii,0],phi[ii,0]]) for ii in range(R.shape[0])] else: os= [Orbit([R[ii,0],-vR[ii,0],-vT[ii,0],z[ii,0],-vz[ii,0],phi[ii,0]]) for ii in range(R.shape[0])] #integrate orbits [o.integrate(self._tsJ,pot=self._pot, method=self._integrate_method, dt=self._integrate_dt) for o in os] #extract phase-space points along the orbit ts= self._tsJ if _firstFlip: for ii in range(no): oR[ii,nt:]= os[ii].R(ts[1:]) #drop t=0, which we have ovR[ii,nt:]= os[ii].vR(ts[1:]) #already ovT[ii,nt:]= os[ii].vT(ts[1:]) # reverse, such that if os[ii].getOrbit().shape[1] == 6: oz[ii,nt:]= os[ii].z(ts[1:]) #everything is in the ovz[ii,nt:]= os[ii].vz(ts[1:]) #right order ophi[ii,nt:]= os[ii].phi(ts[1:]) #! else: for ii in range(no): oR[ii,:nt-1]= os[ii].R(ts[1:])[::-1] #drop t=0, which we have ovR[ii,:nt-1]= -os[ii].vR(ts[1:])[::-1] #already ovT[ii,:nt-1]= -os[ii].vT(ts[1:])[::-1] # reverse, such that if os[ii].getOrbit().shape[1] == 6: oz[ii,:nt-1]= os[ii].z(ts[1:])[::-1] #everything is in the ovz[ii,:nt-1]= -os[ii].vz(ts[1:])[::-1] #right order ophi[ii,:nt-1]= os[ii].phi(ts[1:])[::-1] #! return (oR,ovR,ovT,oz,ovz,ophi) else: return (R,vR,vT,z,vz,phi)
@potential_physical_input @physical_conversion('position',pop=True) def estimateBIsochrone(pot,R,z,phi=None): """ NAME: estimateBIsochrone PURPOSE: Estimate a good value for the scale of the isochrone potential by matching the slope of the rotation curve INPUT: pot- Potential instance or list thereof R,z - coordinates (if these are arrays, the median estimated delta is returned, i.e., if this is an orbit) phi= (None) azimuth to use for non-axisymmetric potentials (array if R and z are arrays) OUTPUT: b if 1 R,Z given bmin,bmedian,bmax if multiple R given HISTORY: 2013-09-12 - Written - Bovy (IAS) 2016-02-20 - Changed input order to allow physical conversions - Bovy (UofT) 2016-06-28 - Added phi= keyword for non-axisymmetric potential - Bovy (UofT) """ if pot is None: #pragma: no cover raise IOError("pot= needs to be set to a Potential instance or list thereof") if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray): if phi is None: phi= [None for r in R] bs= numpy.array([estimateBIsochrone(pot,R[ii],z[ii],phi=phi[ii], use_physical=False) for ii in range(len(R))]) return numpy.array([numpy.amin(bs[True^numpy.isnan(bs)]), numpy.median(bs[True^numpy.isnan(bs)]), numpy.amax(bs[True^numpy.isnan(bs)])]) else: r2= R**2.+z**2 r= numpy.sqrt(r2) dlvcdlr= dvcircdR(pot,r,phi=phi,use_physical=False)/vcirc(pot,r,phi=phi,use_physical=False)*r try: b= optimize.brentq(lambda x: dlvcdlr-(x/numpy.sqrt(r2+x**2.)-0.5*r2/(r2+x**2.)), 0.01,100.) except: #pragma: no cover b= numpy.nan return b def dePeriod(arr): """make an array of periodic angles increase linearly""" diff= arr-numpy.roll(arr,1,axis=1) w= diff < -6. addto= numpy.cumsum(w.astype(int),axis=1) return arr+_TWOPI*addto