Source code for galpy.potential.FerrersPotential

# General class for triaxial Ferrers Potential
#       rho(r) = amp/[a^3 b c pi^1.5] Gamma(n+5/2)/Gamma(n+1) (1 - (m/a)^2)^n
#       with
#       m^2 = x^2 + y^2/b^2 + z^2/c^2
import hashlib
import numpy
from scipy import integrate
from scipy.special import gamma
from ..util import bovy_conversion, bovy_coords
from .Potential import Potential, _APY_LOADED
    from astropy import units

[docs]class FerrersPotential(Potential): """Class that implements triaxial Ferrers potential for the ellipsoidal density profile with the short axis along the z-direction .. math:: \\rho(x,y,z) = \\frac{\\mathrm{amp}}{\\pi^{1.5} a^3 b c} \\frac{\\Gamma(n+\\frac{5}{2})}{\\Gamma(n+1)}\\,(1-(m/a)^2)^n with .. math:: m^2 = x'^2 + \\frac{y'^2}{b^2}+\\frac{z'^2}{c^2} and :math:`(x',y',z')` is a rotated frame wrt :math:`(x,y,z)` so that the major axis is aligned with :math:`x'`. Note that this potential has not yet been optimized for speed and has no C implementation, so orbit integration is currently slow. """
[docs] def __init__(self,amp=1.,a=1.,n=2,b=0.35,c=0.2375,omegab=0., pa=0.,normalize=False,ro=None,vo=None): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: initialize a Ferrers potential INPUT: amp - total mass of the ellipsoid determines the amplitude of the potential; can be a Quantity with units of mass or Gxmass a - scale radius (can be Quantity) n - power of Ferrers density (n > 0) b - y-to-x axis ratio of the density c - z-to-x axis ratio of the density omegab - rotation speed of the ellipsoid (can be Quantity) pa= (None) If set, the position angle of the x axis (rad or Quantity) normalize - if True, normalize such that vc(1.,0.)=1., or, if given as a number, such that the force is this fraction of the force necessary to make vc(1.,0.)=1. ro=, vo= distance and velocity scales for translation into internal units (default from configuration file) OUTPUT: (none) """ Potential.__init__(self,amp=amp,ro=ro,vo=vo,amp_units='mass') if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(a,units.Quantity): a= if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(omegab,units.Quantity): omegab=\ /bovy_conversion.freq_in_kmskpc(self._vo,self._ro) if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(pa,units.Quantity): pa= self.a= a self._scale= self.a if n <= 0: raise ValueError('FerrersPotential requires n > 0') self.n= n self._b= b self._c= c self._omegab= omegab self._a2= self.a**2 self._b2= self._b**2. self._c2= self._c**2. self._force_hash= None self._pa = pa self._rhoc_M = gamma(n+2.5)/gamma(n+1) / numpy.pi**1.5/a**3/b/c if normalize or \ (isinstance(normalize,(int,float)) \ and not isinstance(normalize,bool)): #pragma: no cover self.normalize(normalize) if numpy.fabs(self._b-1.) > 10.**-10.: self.isNonAxi= True return None
def _evaluate(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _evaluate PURPOSE: evaluate the potential at R,z INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: Phi(R,z) """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= bovy_coords.cyl_to_rect(R,phi,z) xy=,numpy.array([x,y])) x,y= xy[0],xy[1] return self._evaluate_xyz(x,y,z) def _evaluate_xyz(self,x,y,z=0.): """Evaluation of the potential as a function of (x,y,z) in the aligned coordinate frame""" return -numpy.pi * self._rhoc_M /(self.n+1.)*self.a**3*self._b*self._c * \ _potInt(x, y, z, self._a2, self._b2*self._a2, self._c2*self._a2, self.n) def _Rforce(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _Rforce PURPOSE:T evaluate the radial force for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the radial force """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. self._compute_xyzforces(R,z,phi,t) return numpy.cos(phi)*self._cached_Fx+numpy.sin(phi)*self._cached_Fy def _phiforce(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _phiforce PURPOSE: evaluate the azimuthal force for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the azimuthal force """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. self._compute_xyzforces(R,z,phi,t) return R*(-numpy.sin(phi)*self._cached_Fx\ +numpy.cos(phi)*self._cached_Fy) def _zforce(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _zforce PURPOSE: evaluate the vertical force for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the vertical force """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. self._compute_xyzforces(R,z,phi,t) return self._cached_Fz def _compute_xyz(self,R,phi,z,t): return bovy_coords.cyl_to_rect(R,phi-self._pa-self._omegab*t,z) def _compute_xyzforces(self,R,z,phi,t): # Compute all rectangular forces new_hash= hashlib.md5(numpy.array([R,phi,z,t])).hexdigest() if new_hash == self._force_hash: Fx= self._cached_Fx Fy= self._cached_Fy Fz= self._cached_Fz else: x,y,z= self._compute_xyz(R,phi,z,t) Fx= self._xforce_xyz(x,y,z) Fy= self._yforce_xyz(x,y,z) Fz= self._zforce_xyz(x,y,z) self._force_hash= new_hash tp= self._pa+self._omegab*t cp, sp= numpy.cos(tp), numpy.sin(tp) self._cached_Fx= cp*Fx-sp*Fy self._cached_Fy= sp*Fx+cp*Fy self._cached_Fz= Fz def _xforce_xyz(self,x,y,z): """Evaluation of the x force as a function of (x,y,z) in the aligned coordinate frame""" return -2.*numpy.pi*self._rhoc_M * self.a**3*self._b*self._c * \ _forceInt(x, y, z, self._a2, self._b2*self._a2, self._c2*self._a2, self.n, 0) def _yforce_xyz(self,x,y,z): """Evaluation of the y force as a function of (x,y,z) in the aligned coordinate frame""" return -2.*numpy.pi*self._rhoc_M * self.a**3*self._b*self._c * \ _forceInt(x, y, z, self._a2, self._b2*self._a2, self._c2*self._a2, self.n, 1) def _zforce_xyz(self,x,y,z): """Evaluation of the z force as a function of (x,y,z) in the aligned coordinate frame""" return -2.*numpy.pi*self._rhoc_M * self.a**3*self._b*self._c * \ _forceInt(x, y, z, self._a2, self._b2*self._a2, self._c2*self._a2, self.n, 2) def _R2deriv(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _R2deriv PURPOSE: evaluate the second radial derivative for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the second radial derivative """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= self._compute_xyz(R,phi,z,t) phixxa= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,0) phixya= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,1) phiyya= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,1,1) ang = self._omegab*t + self._pa c, s = numpy.cos(ang), numpy.sin(ang) phixx = c**2*phixxa + 2.*c*s*phixya + s**2*phiyya phixy = (c**2-s**2)*phixya + c*s*(phiyya - phixxa) phiyy = s**2*phixxa - 2.*c*s*phixya + c**2*phiyya return numpy.cos(phi)**2.*phixx + numpy.sin(phi)**2.*phiyy + \ 2.*numpy.cos(phi)*numpy.sin(phi)*phixy def _Rzderiv(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _Rzderiv PURPOSE: evaluate the mixed radial, vertical derivative for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the mixed radial, vertical derivative """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= self._compute_xyz(R,phi,z,t) phixza= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,2) phiyza= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,1,2) ang = self._omegab*t + self._pa c, s = numpy.cos(ang), numpy.sin(ang) phixz = c*phixza + s*phiyza phiyz = -s*phixza + c*phiyza return numpy.cos(phi)*phixz + numpy.sin(phi)*phiyz def _z2deriv(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _z2deriv PURPOSE: evaluate the second vertical derivative for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the second vertical derivative """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= self._compute_xyz(R,phi,z,t) return self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,2,2) def _phi2deriv(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _phi2deriv PURPOSE: evaluate the second azimuthal derivative for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the second azimuthal derivative """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= self._compute_xyz(R,phi,z,t) Fx= self._xforce_xyz(x,y,z) Fy= self._yforce_xyz(x,y,z) Fxy=, transposed = True),numpy.array([Fx,Fy])) Fx, Fy= Fxy[0], Fxy[1] phixxa= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,0) phixya= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,1) phiyya= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,1,1) ang = self._omegab*t + self._pa c, s = numpy.cos(ang), numpy.sin(ang) phixx = c**2*phixxa + 2.*c*s*phixya + s**2*phiyya phixy = (c**2-s**2)*phixya + c*s*(phiyya - phixxa) phiyy = s**2*phixxa - 2.*c*s*phixya + c**2*phiyya return R**2.*(numpy.sin(phi)**2.*phixx+numpy.cos(phi)**2.*phiyy\ -2.*numpy.cos(phi)*numpy.sin(phi)*phixy)\ +R*(numpy.cos(phi)*Fx+numpy.sin(phi)*Fy) def _Rphideriv(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _Rphideriv PURPOSE: evaluate the mixed radial, azimuthal derivative for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the mixed radial, azimuthal derivative """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= self._compute_xyz(R,phi,z,t) Fx= self._xforce_xyz(x,y,z) Fy= self._yforce_xyz(x,y,z) Fxy=, transposed = True),numpy.array([Fx,Fy])) Fx, Fy= Fxy[0], Fxy[1] phixxa= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,0) phixya= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,1) phiyya= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,1,1) ang = self._omegab*t + self._pa c, s = numpy.cos(ang), numpy.sin(ang) phixx = c**2*phixxa + 2.*c*s*phixya + s**2*phiyya phixy = (c**2-s**2)*phixya + c*s*(phiyya - phixxa) phiyy = s**2*phixxa - 2.*c*s*phixya + c**2*phiyya return R*numpy.cos(phi)*numpy.sin(phi)*\ (phiyy-phixx)+R*numpy.cos(2.*(phi))*phixy\ +numpy.sin(phi)*Fx-numpy.cos(phi)*Fy def _2ndderiv_xyz(self,x,y,z,i,j): """General 2nd derivative of the potential as a function of (x,y,z) in the aligned coordinate frame, d^2\Phi/dx_i/dx_j""" return -numpy.pi*self._rhoc_M*self.a**3*self._b*self._c *\ _2ndDerivInt(x,y,z,self._a2,self._b2*self._a2,self._c2*self._a2,self.n,i,j) def _dens(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _dens PURPOSE: evaluate the density for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the density """ x,y,z= self._compute_xyz(R,phi,z,t) m2 = x**2/self._a2+y**2/self._b2+z**2/self._c2 if m2 < 1: return self._rhoc_M*(1.-m2/self.a**2)**self.n else: return 0. def OmegaP(self): """ NAME: OmegaP PURPOSE: return the pattern speed INPUT: (none) OUTPUT: pattern speed """ return self._omegab def rot(self, t=0., transposed=False): """2D Rotation matrix for non-zero pa or pattern speed to goto the aligned coordinates """ rotmat = numpy.array( [[numpy.cos(self._pa+self._omegab*t),numpy.sin(self._pa+self._omegab*t)], [-numpy.sin(self._pa+self._omegab*t),numpy.cos(self._pa+self._omegab*t)]]) if transposed: return rotmat.T else: return rotmat
def _potInt(x,y,z,a2,b2,c2,n): """Integral involed in the potential at (x,y,z) integrates 1/A B^(n+1) where A = sqrt((tau+a)(tau+b)(tau+c)) and B = (1-x^2/(tau+a)-y^2/(tau+b)-z^2/(tau+c)) from lambda to infty with respect to tau. The lower limit lambda is given by lowerlim function. """ def integrand(tau): return _FracInt(x, y, z, a2, b2, c2, tau, n+1) return integrate.quad(integrand, lowerlim(x**2,y**2,z**2,a2,b2,c2), numpy.inf)[0] def _forceInt(x,y,z,a2,b2,c2,n,i): """Integral involved in the force at (x,y,z) integrates 1/A B^n (x_i/(tau+a_i)) where A = sqrt((tau+a)(tau+b)(tau+c)) and B = (1-x^2/(tau+a)-y^2/(tau+b)-z^2/(tau+c)) from lambda to infty with respect to tau. The lower limit lambda is given by lowerlim function. """ def integrand(tau): return (x*(i==0) + y*(i==1) + z*(i==2))/(a2*(i==0) + b2*(i==1) + c2*(i==2) + tau) * \ _FracInt(x, y, z, a2, b2, c2, tau, n) return integrate.quad(integrand, lowerlim(x**2, y**2, z**2, a2, b2, c2), numpy.inf, epsabs=1e-12)[0] def _2ndDerivInt(x,y,z,a2,b2,c2,n,i,j): """Integral involved in second derivatives d^\Phi/(dx_i dx_j) integrate 1/A B^(n-1) (-2 x_i/(tau+a_i)) (-2 x_j/(tau+a_j)) when i /= j or 1/A [ B^(n-1) 4n x_i^2 / (a_i+t)^2 + B^n -(-2/(a_i+t)) ] when i == j where A = sqrt((tau+a)(tau+b)(tau+c)) and B = (1-x^2/(tau+a)-y^2/(tau+b)-z^2/(tau+c)) from lambda to infty with respect to tau The lower limit lambda is given by lowerlim function. This is a second derivative of _potInt. """ def integrand(tau): if i!=j: return _FracInt(x,y,z,a2,b2,c2,tau,n-1)*n*\ (1.+(-1.-2.*x/(tau+a2))*(i==0 or j==0))*\ (1.+(-1.-2.*y/(tau+b2))*(i==1 or j==1))*\ (1.+(-1.-2.*z/(tau+c2))*(i==2 or j==2)) else: var2 = x**2*(i==0) + y**2*(i==1) + z**2*(i==2) coef2 = a2*(i==0) + b2*(i==1) + c2*(i==2) return _FracInt(x,y,z,a2,b2,c2,tau,n-1)*n*(4.*var2)/(tau+coef2)**2 +\ _FracInt(x,y,z,a2,b2,c2,tau,n)*(-2./(tau+coef2)) return integrate.quad(integrand, lowerlim(x**2,y**2,z**2,a2,b2,c2), numpy.inf)[0] def _FracInt(x,y,z,a,b,c,tau,n): """Returns 1 x^2 y^2 z^2 -------------------------- (1 - ------- - ------- - -------)^n sqrt(tau+a)(tau+b)(tau+c)) tau+a tau+b tau+c """ denom = numpy.sqrt((a + tau)*(b + tau)*(c + tau)) return (1. - x**2/(a + tau) - y**2/(b + tau) - z**2/(c + tau))**n / denom def lowerlim(x, y, z, a, b, c): """Returns the real positive root of x/(a+t) + y/(b+t) + z/(c+t) = 1 when x/a + y/b + z/c > 1 else zero """ if x/a + y/b + z/c > 1: B = a + b + c - x - y - z C = a*b + a*c + b*c - a*y - a*z - b*x - b*z - c*x - c*y D = a*b*c - a*b*z - a*c*y - b*c*x r = numpy.roots([1,B,C,D]) ll = r[~numpy.iscomplex(r) & (r>0.)] return ll[0].real else: return 0.