Source code for galpy.potential.SpiralArmsPotential

# class that implements the spiral arms potential
#                           from Cox and Gomez (2002)
#  Phi(r, phi, z) = -4*pi*G*H*rho0*exp(-(r-r0)/Rs)*sum(Cn/(Kn*Dn)*cos(n*gamma)*sech(Kn*z/Bn)^Bn)
from __future__ import division
from .Potential import Potential, _APY_LOADED
from ..util import bovy_conversion
import numpy
    from astropy import units
[docs]class SpiralArmsPotential(Potential): """Class that implements the spiral arms potential from (`Cox and Gomez 2002 <>`__). Should be used to modulate an existing potential (density is positive in the arms, negative outside). .. math:: \\Phi(R, \\phi, z) = -4 \\pi GH \\,\\rho_0 exp \\left( -\\frac{R-r_{ref}}{R_s} \\right) \\sum{\\frac{C_n}{K_n D_n} \\,\cos(n \\gamma) \\,\\mathrm{sech}^{B_n} \\left( \\frac{K_n z}{B_n} \\right)} where .. math:: K_n &= \\frac{n N}{R \sin(\\alpha)} \\\\ B_n &= K_n H (1 + 0.4 K_n H) \\\\ D_n &= \\frac{1 + K_n H + 0.3 (K_n H)^2}{1 + 0.3 K_n H} \\\\ and .. math:: \\gamma = N \\left[\\phi - \\phi_{ref} - \\frac{\\ln(R/r_{ref})}{\\tan(\\alpha)} \\right] The default of :math:`C_n=[1]` gives a sinusoidal profile for the potential. An alternative from `Cox and Gomez (2002) <>`__ creates a density that behaves approximately as a cosine squared in the arms but is separated by a flat interarm region by setting .. math:: C_n = \\left[\\frac{8}{3 \\pi}\,,\\frac{1}{2} \\,, \\frac{8}{15 \\pi}\\right] """ normalize= property() # turn off normalize
[docs] def __init__(self, amp=1, ro=None, vo=None, amp_units='density', N=2, alpha=0.2, r_ref=1, phi_ref=0, Rs=0.3, H=0.125, omega=0, Cs=[1]): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: initialize a spiral arms potential INPUT: :amp: amplitude to be applied to the potential (default: 1); can be a Quantity with units of density. (:math:`amp = 4 \\pi G \\rho_0`) :ro: distance scales for translation into internal units (default from configuration file) :vo: velocity scales for translation into internal units (default from configuration file) :N: number of spiral arms :alpha: pitch angle of the logarithmic spiral arms in radians (can be Quantity) :r_ref: fiducial radius where :math:`\\rho = \\rho_0` (:math:`r_0` in the paper by Cox and Gomez) (can be Quantity) :phi_ref: reference angle (:math:`\\phi_p(r_0)` in the paper by Cox and Gomez) (can be Quantity) :Rs: radial scale length of the drop-off in density amplitude of the arms (can be Quantity) :H: scale height of the stellar arm perturbation (can be Quantity) :Cs: list of constants multiplying the :math:`\cos(n \\gamma)` terms :omega: rotational pattern speed of the spiral arms (can be Quantity) OUTPUT: (none) HISTORY: Started - 2017-05-12 Jack Hong (UBC) Completed - 2017-07-04 Jack Hong (UBC) """ Potential.__init__(self, amp=amp, ro=ro, vo=vo, amp_units=amp_units) if _APY_LOADED: if isinstance(alpha, units.Quantity): alpha = if isinstance(r_ref, units.Quantity): r_ref = / self._ro if isinstance(phi_ref, units.Quantity): phi_ref = if isinstance(Rs, units.Quantity): Rs = / self._ro if isinstance(H, units.Quantity): H = / self._ro if isinstance(omega, units.Quantity): omega = / units.s / units.kpc).value \ / bovy_conversion.freq_in_kmskpc(self._vo, self._ro) self._N = -N # trick to flip to left handed coordinate system; flips sign for phi and phi_ref, but also alpha. self._alpha = -alpha # we don't want sign for alpha to change, so flip alpha. (see eqn. 3 in the paper) self._sin_alpha = numpy.sin(-alpha) self._tan_alpha = numpy.tan(-alpha) self._r_ref = r_ref self._phi_ref = phi_ref self._Rs = Rs self._H = H self._Cs = self._Cs0 = numpy.array(Cs) self._ns = self._ns0 = numpy.arange(1, len(Cs) + 1) self._omega = omega self._rho0 = 1 / (4 * numpy.pi) self._HNn = self._HNn0 = self._H * self._N * self._ns0 self.isNonAxi = True # Potential is not axisymmetric self.hasC = True # Potential has C implementation to speed up orbit integrations self.hasC_dxdv = True # Potential has C implementation of second derivatives
def _evaluate(self, R, z, phi=0, t=0): """ NAME: _evaluate PURPOSE: Evaluate the potential at the given coordinates. (without the amp factor; handled by super class) INPUT: :param R: galactocentric cylindrical radius :param z: vertical height :param phi: azimuth :param t: time OUTPUT: :return: Phi(R, z, phi, t) HISTORY: 2017-05-12 Jack Hong (UBC) """ if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(z,numpy.ndarray): nR= len(R) if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) else len(z) self._Cs=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._Cs0,]*nR)) self._ns=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._ns0,]*nR)) self._HNn=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._HNn0,]*nR)) else: self._Cs=self._Cs0 self._ns=self._ns0 self._HNn=self._HNn0 Ks = self._K(R) Bs = self._B(R) Ds = self._D(R) return -self._H * numpy.exp(-(R-self._r_ref) / self._Rs) \ * numpy.sum(self._Cs / Ks / Ds * numpy.cos(self._ns * self._gamma(R, phi - self._omega * t)) / numpy.cosh(Ks * z / Bs) ** Bs,axis=0) def _Rforce(self, R, z, phi=0, t=0): """ NAME: _Rforce PURPOSE: Evaluate the radial force for this potential at the given coordinates. (-dPhi/dR) INPUT: :param R: galactocentric cylindrical radius :param z: vertical height :param phi: azimuth :param t: time OUTPUT: :return: the radial force HISTORY: 2017-05-12 Jack Hong (UBC) """ if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(z,numpy.ndarray): nR= len(R) if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) else len(z) self._Cs=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._Cs0,]*nR)) self._ns=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._ns0,]*nR)) self._HNn=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._HNn0,]*nR)) else: self._Cs=self._Cs0 self._ns=self._ns0 self._HNn=self._HNn0 He = self._H * numpy.exp(-(R-self._r_ref)/self._Rs) Ks = self._K(R) Bs = self._B(R) Ds = self._D(R) dKs_dR = self._dK_dR(R) dBs_dR = self._dB_dR(R) dDs_dR = self._dD_dR(R) g = self._gamma(R, phi - self._omega * t) dg_dR = self._dgamma_dR(R) cos_ng = numpy.cos(self._ns * g) sin_ng = numpy.sin(self._ns * g) zKB = z * Ks / Bs sechzKB = 1 / numpy.cosh(zKB) return -He * numpy.sum(self._Cs * sechzKB**Bs / Ds * ((self._ns * dg_dR / Ks * sin_ng + cos_ng * (z * numpy.tanh(zKB) * (dKs_dR/Ks - dBs_dR/Bs) - dBs_dR / Ks * numpy.log(sechzKB) + dKs_dR / Ks**2 + dDs_dR / Ds / Ks)) + cos_ng / Ks / self._Rs),axis=0) def _zforce(self, R, z, phi=0, t=0): """ NAME: _zforce PURPOSE: Evaluate the vertical force for this potential at the given coordinates. (-dPhi/dz) INPUT: :param R: galactocentric cylindrical radius :param z: vertical height :param phi: azimuth :param t: time OUTPUT: :return: the vertical force HISTORY: 2017-05-25 Jack Hong (UBC) """ if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(z,numpy.ndarray): nR= len(R) if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) else len(z) self._Cs=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._Cs0,]*nR)) self._ns=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._ns0,]*nR)) self._HNn=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._HNn0,]*nR)) else: self._Cs=self._Cs0 self._ns=self._ns0 self._HNn=self._HNn0 Ks = self._K(R) Bs = self._B(R) Ds = self._D(R) zK_B = z * Ks / Bs return -self._H * numpy.exp(-(R-self._r_ref) / self._Rs) \ * numpy.sum(self._Cs / Ds * numpy.cos(self._ns * self._gamma(R, phi - self._omega * t)) * numpy.tanh(zK_B) / numpy.cosh(zK_B)**Bs,axis=0) def _phiforce(self, R, z, phi=0, t=0): """ NAME: _phiforce PURPOSE: Evaluate the azimuthal force in cylindrical coordinates. (-dPhi/dphi) INPUT: :param R: galactocentric cylindrical radius :param z: vertical height :param phi: azimuth :param t: time OUTPUT: :return: the azimuthal force HISTORY: 2017-05-25 Jack Hong (UBC) """ if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(z,numpy.ndarray): nR= len(R) if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) else len(z) self._Cs=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._Cs0,]*nR)) self._ns=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._ns0,]*nR)) self._HNn=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._HNn0,]*nR)) else: self._Cs=self._Cs0 self._ns=self._ns0 self._HNn=self._HNn0 g = self._gamma(R, phi - self._omega * t) Ks = self._K(R) Bs = self._B(R) Ds = self._D(R) return -self._H * numpy.exp(-(R-self._r_ref) / self._Rs) \ * numpy.sum(self._N * self._ns * self._Cs / Ds / Ks / numpy.cosh(z * Ks / Bs)**Bs * numpy.sin(self._ns * g),axis=0) def _R2deriv(self, R, z, phi=0, t=0): """ NAME: _R2deriv PURPOSE: Evaluate the second (cylindrical) radial derivative of the potential. (d^2 potential / d R^2) INPUT: :param R: galactocentric cylindrical radius :param z: vertical height :param phi: azimuth :param t: time OUTPUT: :return: the second radial derivative HISTORY: 2017-05-31 Jack Hong (UBC) """ if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(z,numpy.ndarray): nR= len(R) if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) else len(z) self._Cs=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._Cs0,]*nR)) self._ns=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._ns0,]*nR)) self._HNn=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._HNn0,]*nR)) else: self._Cs=self._Cs0 self._ns=self._ns0 self._HNn=self._HNn0 Rs = self._Rs He = self._H * numpy.exp(-(R-self._r_ref)/self._Rs) Ks = self._K(R) Bs = self._B(R) Ds = self._D(R) dKs_dR = self._dK_dR(R) dBs_dR = self._dB_dR(R) dDs_dR = self._dD_dR(R) R_sina = R * self._sin_alpha HNn_R_sina = self._HNn / R_sina HNn_R_sina_2 = HNn_R_sina**2 x = R * (0.3 * HNn_R_sina + 1) * self._sin_alpha d2Ks_dR2 = 2 * self._N * self._ns / R**3 / self._sin_alpha d2Bs_dR2 = HNn_R_sina / R**2 * (2.4 * HNn_R_sina + 2) d2Ds_dR2 = self._sin_alpha / R / x * (self._HNn* (0.18 * self._HNn * (HNn_R_sina + 0.3 * HNn_R_sina_2 + 1) / x**2 + 2 / R_sina - 0.6 * HNn_R_sina * (1 + 0.6 * HNn_R_sina) / x - 0.6 * (HNn_R_sina + 0.3 * HNn_R_sina_2 + 1) / x + 1.8 * self._HNn / R_sina**2)) g = self._gamma(R, phi - self._omega * t) dg_dR = self._dgamma_dR(R) d2g_dR2 = self._N / R**2 / self._tan_alpha sin_ng = numpy.sin(self._ns * g) cos_ng = numpy.cos(self._ns * g) zKB = z * Ks / Bs sechzKB = 1 / numpy.cosh(zKB) sechzKB_Bs = sechzKB**Bs log_sechzKB = numpy.log(sechzKB) tanhzKB = numpy.tanh(zKB) ztanhzKB = z * tanhzKB return -He / Rs * (numpy.sum(self._Cs * sechzKB_Bs / Ds * ((self._ns * dg_dR / Ks * sin_ng + cos_ng * (ztanhzKB * (dKs_dR/Ks - dBs_dR/Bs) - dBs_dR / Ks * log_sechzKB + dKs_dR / Ks**2 + dDs_dR / Ds / Ks)) - (Rs * (1 / Ks * ((ztanhzKB * (dBs_dR / Bs * Ks - dKs_dR) + log_sechzKB * dBs_dR) - dDs_dR / Ds) * (self._ns * dg_dR * sin_ng + cos_ng * (ztanhzKB * Ks * (dKs_dR/Ks - dBs_dR/Bs) - dBs_dR * log_sechzKB + dKs_dR / Ks + dDs_dR / Ds)) + (self._ns * (sin_ng * (d2g_dR2 / Ks - dg_dR / Ks**2 * dKs_dR) + dg_dR**2 / Ks * cos_ng * self._ns) + z * (-sin_ng * self._ns * dg_dR * tanhzKB * (dKs_dR/Ks - dBs_dR/Bs) + cos_ng * (z * (dKs_dR/Bs - dBs_dR/Bs**2 * Ks) * (1-tanhzKB**2) * (dKs_dR/Ks - dBs_dR/Bs) + tanhzKB * (d2Ks_dR2/Ks-(dKs_dR/Ks)**2 - d2Bs_dR2/Bs + (dBs_dR/Bs)**2))) + (cos_ng * (dBs_dR/Ks * ztanhzKB * (dKs_dR/Bs - dBs_dR/Bs**2*Ks) -(d2Bs_dR2/Ks-dBs_dR*dKs_dR/Ks**2) * log_sechzKB) + dBs_dR/Ks * log_sechzKB * sin_ng * self._ns * dg_dR) + ((cos_ng * (d2Ks_dR2 / Ks**2 - 2 * dKs_dR**2 / Ks**3) - dKs_dR / Ks**2 * sin_ng * self._ns * dg_dR) + (cos_ng * (d2Ds_dR2 / Ds / Ks - (dDs_dR/Ds)**2 / Ks - dDs_dR / Ds / Ks**2 * dKs_dR) - sin_ng * self._ns * dg_dR * dDs_dR / Ds / Ks)))) - 1 / Ks * (cos_ng / Rs + (cos_ng * ((dDs_dR * Ks + Ds * dKs_dR) / (Ds * Ks) - (ztanhzKB * (dBs_dR / Bs * Ks - dKs_dR) + log_sechzKB * dBs_dR)) + sin_ng * self._ns * dg_dR)))),axis=0)) def _z2deriv(self, R, z, phi=0, t=0): """ NAME: _z2deriv PURPOSE: Evaluate the second (cylindrical) vertical derivative of the potential. (d^2 potential / d z^2) INPUT: :param R: galactocentric cylindrical radius :param z: vertical height :param phi: azimuth :param t: time OUTPUT: :return: the second vertical derivative HISTORY: 2017-05-26 Jack Hong (UBC) """ if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(z,numpy.ndarray): nR= len(R) if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) else len(z) self._Cs=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._Cs0,]*nR)) self._ns=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._ns0,]*nR)) self._HNn=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._HNn0,]*nR)) else: self._Cs=self._Cs0 self._ns=self._ns0 self._HNn=self._HNn0 g = self._gamma(R, phi - self._omega * t) Ks = self._K(R) Bs = self._B(R) Ds = self._D(R) zKB = z * Ks / Bs tanh2_zKB = numpy.tanh(zKB)**2 return -self._H * numpy.exp(-(R-self._r_ref)/self._Rs) \ * numpy.sum(self._Cs * Ks / Ds * ((tanh2_zKB - 1) / Bs + tanh2_zKB) * numpy.cos(self._ns * g) / numpy.cosh(zKB)**Bs,axis=0) def _phi2deriv(self, R, z, phi=0, t=0): """ NAME: _phi2deriv PURPOSE: Evaluate the second azimuthal derivative of the potential in cylindrical coordinates. (d^2 potential / d phi^2) INPUT: :param R: galactocentric cylindrical radius :param z: vertical height :param phi: azimuth :param t: time OUTPUT: :return: d^2 potential / d phi^2 HISTORY: 2017-05-29 Jack Hong (UBC) """ if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(z,numpy.ndarray): nR= len(R) if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) else len(z) self._Cs=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._Cs0,]*nR)) self._ns=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._ns0,]*nR)) self._HNn=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._HNn0,]*nR)) else: self._Cs=self._Cs0 self._ns=self._ns0 self._HNn=self._HNn0 g = self._gamma(R, phi - self._omega * t) Ks = self._K(R) Bs = self._B(R) Ds = self._D(R) return self._H * numpy.exp(-(R-self._r_ref) / self._Rs) \ * numpy.sum(self._Cs * self._N**2. * self._ns**2. / Ds / Ks / numpy.cosh(z*Ks/Bs)**Bs * numpy.cos(self._ns*g),axis=0) def _Rzderiv(self, R, z, phi=0., t=0.): """ NAME: _Rzderiv PURPOSE: Evaluate the mixed (cylindrical) radial and vertical derivative of the potential (d^2 potential / dR dz). INPUT: :param R: galactocentric cylindrical radius :param z: vertical height :param phi: azimuth :param t: time OUTPUT: :return: d^2 potential / dR dz HISTORY: 2017-05-12 Jack Hong (UBC) """ if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(z,numpy.ndarray): nR= len(R) if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) else len(z) self._Cs=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._Cs0,]*nR)) self._ns=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._ns0,]*nR)) self._HNn=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._HNn0,]*nR)) else: self._Cs=self._Cs0 self._ns=self._ns0 self._HNn=self._HNn0 Rs = self._Rs He = self._H * numpy.exp(-(R-self._r_ref)/self._Rs) Ks = self._K(R) Bs = self._B(R) Ds = self._D(R) dKs_dR = self._dK_dR(R) dBs_dR = self._dB_dR(R) dDs_dR = self._dD_dR(R) g = self._gamma(R, phi - self._omega * t) dg_dR = self._dgamma_dR(R) cos_ng = numpy.cos(self._ns * g) sin_ng = numpy.sin(self._ns * g) zKB = z * Ks / Bs sechzKB = 1 / numpy.cosh(zKB) sechzKB_Bs = sechzKB**Bs log_sechzKB = numpy.log(sechzKB) tanhzKB = numpy.tanh(zKB) return - He * numpy.sum(sechzKB_Bs * self._Cs / Ds * (Ks * tanhzKB * (self._ns * dg_dR / Ks * sin_ng + cos_ng * (z * tanhzKB * (dKs_dR/Ks - dBs_dR/Bs) - dBs_dR / Ks * log_sechzKB + dKs_dR / Ks**2 + dDs_dR / Ds / Ks)) - cos_ng * ((zKB * (dKs_dR/Ks - dBs_dR/Bs) * (1 - tanhzKB**2) + tanhzKB * (dKs_dR/Ks - dBs_dR/Bs) + dBs_dR / Bs * tanhzKB) - tanhzKB / Rs)),axis=0) def _Rphideriv(self, R, z, phi=0,t=0): """ NAME: _Rphideriv PURPOSE: Return the mixed radial and azimuthal derivative of the potential in cylindrical coordinates (d^2 potential / dR dphi) INPUT: :param R: galactocentric cylindrical radius :param z: vertical height :param phi: azimuth :param t: time OUTPUT: :return: the mixed radial and azimuthal derivative HISTORY: 2017-06-09 Jack Hong (UBC) """ if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(z,numpy.ndarray): nR= len(R) if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) else len(z) self._Cs=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._Cs0,]*nR)) self._ns=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._ns0,]*nR)) self._HNn=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._HNn0,]*nR)) else: self._Cs=self._Cs0 self._ns=self._ns0 self._HNn=self._HNn0 He = self._H * numpy.exp(-(R - self._r_ref) / self._Rs) Ks = self._K(R) Bs = self._B(R) Ds = self._D(R) dKs_dR = self._dK_dR(R) dBs_dR = self._dB_dR(R) dDs_dR = self._dD_dR(R) g = self._gamma(R, phi - self._omega * t) dg_dR = self._dgamma_dR(R) cos_ng = numpy.cos(self._ns * g) sin_ng = numpy.sin(self._ns * g) zKB = z * Ks / Bs sechzKB = 1 / numpy.cosh(zKB) sechzKB_Bs = sechzKB ** Bs return - He * numpy.sum(self._Cs * sechzKB_Bs / Ds * self._ns * self._N * (- self._ns * dg_dR / Ks * cos_ng + sin_ng * (z * numpy.tanh(zKB) * (dKs_dR / Ks - dBs_dR / Bs) + 1/Ks * (-dBs_dR * numpy.log(sechzKB) + dKs_dR / Ks + dDs_dR / Ds + 1 / self._Rs))),axis=0) def _dens(self, R, z, phi=0, t=0): """ NAME: _dens PURPOSE: Evaluate the density. If not given, the density is computed using the Poisson equation from the first and second derivatives of the potential (if all are implemented). INPUT: :param R: galactocentric cylindrical radius :param z: vertical height :param phi: azimuth :param t: time OUTPUT: :return: the density HISTORY: 2017-05-12 Jack Hong (UBC) """ if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) or isinstance(z,numpy.ndarray): nR= len(R) if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray) else len(z) self._Cs=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._Cs0,]*nR)) self._ns=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._ns0,]*nR)) self._HNn=numpy.transpose(numpy.array([self._HNn0,]*nR)) else: self._Cs=self._Cs0 self._ns=self._ns0 self._HNn=self._HNn0 g = self._gamma(R, phi - self._omega * t) Ks = self._K(R) Bs = self._B(R) Ds = self._D(R) ng = self._ns * g zKB = z * Ks / Bs sech_zKB = 1 / numpy.cosh(zKB) tanh_zKB = numpy.tanh(zKB) log_sech_zKB = numpy.log(sech_zKB) # numpy of E as defined in the appendix of the paper. E = 1 + Ks * self._H / Ds * (1 - 0.3 / (1 + 0.3 * Ks * self._H) ** 2) - R / self._Rs \ - (Ks * self._H) * (1 + 0.8 * Ks * self._H) * log_sech_zKB \ - 0.4 * (Ks * self._H) ** 2 * zKB * tanh_zKB # numpy array of rE' as define in the appendix of the paper. rE = -Ks * self._H / Ds * (1 - 0.3 * (1 - 0.3 * Ks * self._H) / (1 + 0.3 * Ks * self._H) ** 3) \ + (Ks * self._H / Ds * (1 - 0.3 / (1 + 0.3 * Ks * self._H) ** 2)) - R / self._Rs \ + Ks * self._H * (1 + 1.6 * Ks * self._H) * log_sech_zKB \ - (0.4 * (Ks * self._H) ** 2 * zKB * sech_zKB) ** 2 / Bs \ + 1.2 * (Ks * self._H) ** 2 * zKB * tanh_zKB return numpy.sum(self._Cs * self._rho0 * (self._H / (Ds * R)) * numpy.exp(-(R - self._r_ref) / self._Rs) * sech_zKB**Bs * (numpy.cos(ng) * (Ks * R * (Bs + 1) / Bs * sech_zKB**2 - 1 / Ks / R * (E**2 + rE)) - 2 * numpy.sin(ng)* E * numpy.cos(self._alpha)),axis=0) def OmegaP(self): """ NAME: OmegaP PURPOSE: Return the pattern speed. (used to compute the Jacobi integral for orbits). INPUT: :param self OUTPUT: :return: the pattern speed HISTORY: 2017-06-09 Jack Hong (UBC) """ return self._omega def _gamma(self, R, phi): """Return gamma. (eqn 3 in the paper)""" return self._N * (phi - self._phi_ref - numpy.log(R / self._r_ref) / self._tan_alpha) def _dgamma_dR(self, R): """Return the first derivative of gamma wrt R.""" return -self._N / R / self._tan_alpha def _K(self, R): """Return numpy array from K1 up to and including Kn. (eqn. 5)""" return self._ns * self._N / R / self._sin_alpha def _dK_dR(self, R): """Return numpy array of dK/dR from K1 up to and including Kn.""" return -self._ns * self._N / R**2 / self._sin_alpha def _B(self, R): """Return numpy array from B1 up to and including Bn. (eqn. 6)""" HNn_R = self._HNn / R return HNn_R / self._sin_alpha * (0.4 * HNn_R / self._sin_alpha + 1) def _dB_dR(self, R): """Return numpy array of dB/dR from B1 up to and including Bn.""" return -self._HNn / R**3 / self._sin_alpha**2 * (0.8 * self._HNn + R * self._sin_alpha) def _D(self, R): """Return numpy array from D1 up to and including Dn. (eqn. 7)""" return (0.3 * self._HNn**2 / self._sin_alpha / R + self._HNn + R * self._sin_alpha) / (0.3 * self._HNn + R * self._sin_alpha) def _dD_dR(self, R): """Return numpy array of dD/dR from D1 up to and including Dn.""" HNn_R_sina = self._HNn / R / self._sin_alpha return HNn_R_sina * (0.3 * (HNn_R_sina + 0.3 * HNn_R_sina**2. + 1) / R / (0.3 * HNn_R_sina + 1)**2 - (1/R * (1 + 0.6 * HNn_R_sina) / (0.3 * HNn_R_sina + 1)))