Source code for galpy.potential.plotEscapecurve

from __future__ import division, print_function

import os
import pickle
import numpy
from ..util import bovy_plot as plot
from ..util.bovy_conversion import physical_conversion,\
    from astropy import units
except ImportError:
    _APY_LOADED= False
_INF= 10**12.
[docs]def plotEscapecurve(Pot,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: plotEscapecurve PURPOSE: plot the escape velocity curve for this potential (in the z=0 plane for non-spherical potentials) INPUT: Pot - Potential or list of Potential instances Rrange= Range in R to consider (can be Quantity) grid= grid in R savefilename= save to or restore from this savefile (pickle) +bovy_plot.bovy_plot args and kwargs OUTPUT: plot to output device HISTORY: 2010-08-08 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ # Using physical units or not? if isinstance(Pot,list): potro= Pot[0]._ro roSet= Pot[0]._roSet potvo= Pot[0]._vo voSet= Pot[0]._voSet else: potro= Pot._ro roSet= Pot._roSet potvo= Pot._vo voSet= Pot._voSet if (kwargs.get('use_physical',False) \ and kwargs.get('ro',roSet) and kwargs.get('vo',voSet)) or \ (not 'use_physical' in kwargs \ and kwargs.get('ro',roSet) and kwargs.get('vo',voSet)): use_physical= True potro= kwargs.get('ro',potro) potvo= kwargs.get('vo',potvo) xlabel= r'$R\,(\mathrm{kpc})$' ylabel= r"$v_e(R)\,(\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$" Rrange= kwargs.pop('Rrange',[0.01*potro,5.*potro]) else: use_physical= False xlabel= r"$R/R_0$" ylabel= r"$v_e(R)/v_c(R_0)$" Rrange= kwargs.pop('Rrange',[0.01,5.]) # Parse ro if _APY_LOADED: if isinstance(potro,units.Quantity): potro= if isinstance(potvo,units.Quantity): potvo= if isinstance(Rrange[0],units.Quantity): Rrange[0]= Rrange[0].to(units.kpc).value if isinstance(Rrange[1],units.Quantity): Rrange[1]= Rrange[1].to(units.kpc).value if use_physical: Rrange[0]/= potro Rrange[1]/= potro grid= kwargs.pop('grid',1001) savefilename= kwargs.pop('savefilename',None) if not savefilename == None and os.path.exists(savefilename): print("Restoring savefile "+savefilename+" ...") savefile= open(savefilename,'rb') esccurve= pickle.load(savefile) Rs= pickle.load(savefile) savefile.close() else: Rs= numpy.linspace(Rrange[0],Rrange[1],grid) esccurve= calcEscapecurve(Pot,Rs) if not savefilename == None: print("Writing savefile "+savefilename+" ...") savefile= open(savefilename,'wb') pickle.dump(esccurve,savefile) pickle.dump(Rs,savefile) savefile.close() if use_physical: Rs*= potro esccurve*= potvo Rrange[0]*= potro Rrange[1]*= potro if not 'xlabel' in kwargs: kwargs['xlabel']= xlabel if not 'ylabel' in kwargs: kwargs['ylabel']= ylabel if not 'xrange' in kwargs: kwargs['xrange']= Rrange if not 'yrange' in kwargs: kwargs['yrange']=\ [0.,1.2*numpy.amax(esccurve[True^numpy.isnan(esccurve)])] kwargs.pop('ro',None) kwargs.pop('vo',None) kwargs.pop('use_physical',None) return plot.bovy_plot(Rs,esccurve,*args, **kwargs)
def calcEscapecurve(Pot,Rs,t=0.): """ NAME: calcEscapecurve PURPOSE: calculate the escape velocity curve for this potential (in the z=0 plane for non-spherical potentials) INPUT: Pot - Potential or list of Potential instances Rs - (array of) radius(i) t - instantaneous time (optional) OUTPUT: array of v_esc HISTORY: 2011-04-16 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ isList= isinstance(Pot,list) isNonAxi= ((isList and Pot[0].isNonAxi) or (not isList and Pot.isNonAxi)) if isNonAxi: raise AttributeError("Escape velocity curve plotting for non-axisymmetric potentials is not currently supported") try: grid= len(Rs) except TypeError: grid=1 Rs= numpy.array([Rs]) esccurve= numpy.zeros(grid) for ii in range(grid): esccurve[ii]= vesc(Pot,Rs[ii],t=t,use_physical=False) return esccurve
[docs]@potential_physical_input @physical_conversion('velocity',pop=True) def vesc(Pot,R,t=0.): """ NAME: vesc PURPOSE: calculate the escape velocity at R for potential Pot INPUT: Pot - Potential instances or list thereof R - Galactocentric radius (can be Quantity) t - time (optional; can be Quantity) OUTPUT: escape velocity HISTORY: 2011-10-09 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ from ..potential import evaluateplanarPotentials from ..potential import PotentialError try: return numpy.sqrt(2.*(evaluateplanarPotentials(Pot,_INF,t=t,use_physical=False)-evaluateplanarPotentials(Pot,R,t=t,use_physical=False))) except PotentialError: from ..potential import RZToplanarPotential Pot= RZToplanarPotential(Pot) return numpy.sqrt(2.*(evaluateplanarPotentials(Pot,_INF,t=t,use_physical=False)-evaluateplanarPotentials(Pot,R,t=t,use_physical=False)))