Source code for galpy.actionAngle.actionAngleAdiabatic

#   actionAngle: a Python module to calculate  actions, angles, and frequencies
#      class: actionAngleAdiabatic
#             wrapper around actionAngleAxi (adiabatic approximation) to do
#             this for any (x,v)
#      methods:
#             __call__: returns (jr,lz,jz)
import copy
import warnings
import numpy
from ..util import galpyWarning
from ..potential import MWPotential
from ..potential.Potential import flatten as flatten_potential
from ..potential import toPlanarPotential, toVerticalPotential
from .actionAngleAxi import actionAngleAxi
from .actionAngle import actionAngle
from . import actionAngleAdiabatic_c
from .actionAngleAdiabatic_c import _ext_loaded as ext_loaded
from ..potential.Potential import _check_c
[docs]class actionAngleAdiabatic(actionAngle): """Action-angle formalism for axisymmetric potentials using the adiabatic approximation"""
[docs] def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: initialize an actionAngleAdiabatic object INPUT: pot= potential or list of potentials (planarPotentials) gamma= (default=1.) replace Lz by Lz+gamma Jz in effective potential ro= distance from vantage point to GC (kpc; can be Quantity) vo= circular velocity at ro (km/s; can be Quantity) OUTPUT: instance HISTORY: 2012-07-26 - Written - Bovy (IAS@MPIA) """ actionAngle.__init__(self, ro=kwargs.get('ro',None),vo=kwargs.get('vo',None)) if not 'pot' in kwargs: #pragma: no cover raise IOError("Must specify pot= for actionAngleAxi") self._pot= flatten_potential(kwargs['pot']) if self._pot == MWPotential: warnings.warn("Use of MWPotential as a Milky-Way-like potential is deprecated; galpy.potential.MWPotential2014, a potential fit to a large variety of dynamical constraints (see Bovy 2015), is the preferred Milky-Way-like potential in galpy", galpyWarning) if ext_loaded and 'c' in kwargs and kwargs['c']: self._c= _check_c(self._pot) if 'c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'] and not self._c: warnings.warn("C module not used because potential does not have a C implementation",galpyWarning) #pragma: no cover else: self._c= False self._gamma= kwargs.get('gamma',1.) # Check the units self._check_consistent_units() return None
def _evaluate(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: __call__ (_evaluate) PURPOSE: evaluate the actions (jr,lz,jz) INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz[,phi]: 1) floats: phase-space value for single object (phi is optional) (each can be a Quantity) 2) numpy.ndarray: [N] phase-space values for N objects (each can be a Quantity) b) Orbit instance: initial condition used if that's it, orbit(t) if there is a time given as well as the second argument c= (object-wide default, bool) True/False to override the object-wide setting for whether or not to use the C implementation scipy.integrate.quadrature keywords _justjr, _justjz= if True, only calculate the radial or vertical action (internal use) OUTPUT: (jr,lz,jz) HISTORY: 2012-07-26 - Written - Bovy (IAS@MPIA) """ if len(args) == 5: #R,vR.vT, z, vz R,vR,vT, z, vz= args elif len(args) == 6: #R,vR.vT, z, vz, phi R,vR,vT, z, vz, phi= args else: self._parse_eval_args(*args) R= self._eval_R vR= self._eval_vR vT= self._eval_vT z= self._eval_z vz= self._eval_vz if isinstance(R,float): R= numpy.array([R]) vR= numpy.array([vR]) vT= numpy.array([vT]) z= numpy.array([z]) vz= numpy.array([vz]) if ((self._c and not ('c' in kwargs and not kwargs['c']))\ or (ext_loaded and (('c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'])))) \ and _check_c(self._pot): Lz= R*vT jr, jz, err= actionAngleAdiabatic_c.actionAngleAdiabatic_c(\ self._pot,self._gamma,R,vR,vT,z,vz) if err == 0: return (jr,Lz,jz) else: #pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("C-code for calculation actions failed; try with c=False") else: if 'c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'] and not self._c: warnings.warn("C module not used because potential does not have a C implementation",galpyWarning) #pragma: no cover kwargs.pop('c',None) if len(R) > 1: ojr= numpy.zeros((len(R))) olz= numpy.zeros((len(R))) ojz= numpy.zeros((len(R))) for ii in range(len(R)): targs= (R[ii],vR[ii],vT[ii],z[ii],vz[ii]) tjr,tlz,tjz= self(*targs,**copy.copy(kwargs)) ojr[ii]= tjr ojz[ii]= tjz olz[ii]= tlz return (ojr,olz,ojz) else: #Set up the actionAngleAxi object thispot= toPlanarPotential(self._pot) thisverticalpot= toVerticalPotential(self._pot,R[0]) aAAxi= actionAngleAxi(R[0],vR[0],vT[0],z[0],vz[0], pot=thispot, verticalPot=thisverticalpot, gamma=self._gamma) if kwargs.get('_justjr',False): kwargs.pop('_justjr') return (aAAxi.JR(**kwargs),numpy.nan,numpy.nan) elif kwargs.get('_justjz',False): kwargs.pop('_justjz') return (numpy.atleast_1d(numpy.nan), numpy.atleast_1d(numpy.nan), numpy.atleast_1d(aAAxi.Jz(**kwargs))) else: return (numpy.atleast_1d(aAAxi.JR(**kwargs)), numpy.atleast_1d(aAAxi._R*aAAxi._vT), numpy.atleast_1d(aAAxi.Jz(**kwargs))) def _EccZmaxRperiRap(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: EccZmaxRperiRap (_EccZmaxRperiRap) PURPOSE: evaluate the eccentricity, maximum height above the plane, peri- and apocenter in the adiabatic approximation INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz[,phi]: 1) floats: phase-space value for single object (phi is optional) (each can be a Quantity) 2) numpy.ndarray: [N] phase-space values for N objects (each can be a Quantity) b) Orbit instance: initial condition used if that's it, orbit(t) if there is a time given as well as the second argument c= (object-wide default, bool) True/False to override the object-wide setting for whether or not to use the C implementation OUTPUT: (e,zmax,rperi,rap) HISTORY: 2017-12-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if len(args) == 5: #R,vR.vT, z, vz R,vR,vT, z, vz= args elif len(args) == 6: #R,vR.vT, z, vz, phi R,vR,vT, z, vz, phi= args else: self._parse_eval_args(*args) R= self._eval_R vR= self._eval_vR vT= self._eval_vT z= self._eval_z vz= self._eval_vz if isinstance(R,float): R= numpy.array([R]) vR= numpy.array([vR]) vT= numpy.array([vT]) z= numpy.array([z]) vz= numpy.array([vz]) if ((self._c and not ('c' in kwargs and not kwargs['c']))\ or (ext_loaded and (('c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'])))) \ and _check_c(self._pot): rperi,Rap,zmax, err= actionAngleAdiabatic_c.actionAngleRperiRapZmaxAdiabatic_c(\ self._pot,self._gamma,R,vR,vT,z,vz) if err == 0: rap= numpy.sqrt(Rap**2.+zmax**2.) ecc= (rap-rperi)/(rap+rperi) return (ecc,zmax,rperi,rap) else: #pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("C-code for calculation actions failed; try with c=False") else: if 'c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'] and not self._c: warnings.warn("C module not used because potential does not have a C implementation",galpyWarning) #pragma: no cover kwargs.pop('c',None) if len(R) > 1: oecc= numpy.zeros((len(R))) orperi= numpy.zeros((len(R))) orap= numpy.zeros((len(R))) ozmax= numpy.zeros((len(R))) for ii in range(len(R)): targs= (R[ii],vR[ii],vT[ii],z[ii],vz[ii]) tecc, tzmax, trperi,trap= self._EccZmaxRperiRap(\ *targs,**copy.copy(kwargs)) oecc[ii]= tecc ozmax[ii]= tzmax orperi[ii]= trperi orap[ii]= trap return (oecc,ozmax,orperi,orap) else: #Set up the actionAngleAxi object thispot= toPlanarPotential(self._pot) thisverticalpot= toVerticalPotential(self._pot,R[0]) aAAxi= actionAngleAxi(R[0],vR[0],vT[0],z[0],vz[0], pot=thispot, verticalPot=thisverticalpot, gamma=self._gamma) rperi,Rap= aAAxi.calcRapRperi(**kwargs) zmax= aAAxi.calczmax(**kwargs) rap= numpy.sqrt(Rap**2.+zmax**2.) return (numpy.atleast_1d((rap-rperi)/(rap+rperi)), numpy.atleast_1d(zmax),numpy.atleast_1d(rperi), numpy.atleast_1d(rap)) def calcRapRperi(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: calcRapRperi PURPOSE: calculate the apocenter and pericenter radii INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz b) Orbit instance: initial condition used if that's it, orbit(t) if there is a time given as well OUTPUT: (rperi,rap) HISTORY: 2013-11-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ #Set up the actionAngleAxi object thispot= toPlanarPotential(self._pot) aAAxi= actionAngleAxi(*args,pot=thispot,amma=self._gamma) return aAAxi.calcRapRperi(**kwargs) def calczmax(self,*args,**kwargs): #pragma: no cover """ NAME: calczmax PURPOSE: calculate the maximum height INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz b) Orbit instance: initial condition used if that's it, orbit(t) if there is a time given as well OUTPUT: zmax HISTORY: 2012-06-01 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ warnings.warn("actionAngleAdiabatic.calczmax function will soon be deprecated; please contact galpy's maintainer if you require this function") #Set up the actionAngleAxi object self._parse_eval_args(*args) thispot= toPlanarPotential(self._pot) thisverticalpot= toVerticalPotential(self._pot,self._eval_R) aAAxi= actionAngleAxi(*args,pot=thispot, verticalPot=thisverticalpot, gamma=self._gamma) return aAAxi.calczmax(**kwargs)