Source code for galpy.df.constantbetadf

# Class that implements DFs of the form f(E,L) = L^{-2\beta} f(E) with constant
# beta anisotropy parameter
import numpy
from scipy import interpolate, integrate, special
from ..util import conversion
from ..potential.Potential import _evaluatePotentials
from .sphericaldf import anisotropicsphericaldf, sphericaldf

# This is the general constantbeta superclass, implementation of general
# formula can be found following this class
class _constantbetadf(anisotropicsphericaldf):
    """Class that implements DFs of the form f(E,L) = L^{-2\beta} f(E) with constant beta anisotropy parameter"""
    def __init__(self,pot=None,denspot=None,beta=None,rmax=None,



            Initialize a spherical DF with constant anisotropy parameter


            pot - Spherical potential which determines the DF

           denspot= (None) Potential instance or list thereof that represent the density of the tracers (assumed to be spherical; if None, set equal to pot)

           rmax= (None) maximum radius to consider (can be Quantity); DF is cut off at E = Phi(rmax)

            scale - Characteristic scale radius to aid sampling calculations. 
                Not necessary, and will also be overridden by value from pot if 

        self._beta= beta

    def _call_internal(self,*args):



            Evaluate the DF for a constant anisotropy Hernquist


            E - The energy

            L - The angular momentum


            fH - The value of the DF


            2020-07-22 - Written - Lane (UofT)
        E, L, _= args
        return L**(-2*self._beta)*self.fE(E)

    def _sample_eta(self,r,n=1):
        """Sample the angle eta which defines radial vs tangential velocities"""
        if not hasattr(self,'_coseta_icmf_interp'):
            # Cumulative dist for cos(eta) =
            # 0.5 + x 2F1(0.5,beta,1.5,x^2)/sqrt(pi)/Gamma(1-beta)*Gamma(1.5-beta)
            cosetas= numpy.linspace(-1.,1.,20001)
            coseta_cmf= cosetas*special.hyp2f1(0.5,self._beta,1.5,cosetas**2.)\
            self._coseta_icmf_interp= interpolate.interp1d(\
        return numpy.arccos(self._coseta_icmf_interp(\

    def _p_v_at_r(self,v,r):
        if hasattr(self,'_fE_interp'):
            return self._fE_interp(_evaluatePotentials(self._pot,r,0)\
            return self.fE(_evaluatePotentials(self._pot,r,0)\
    def _vmomentdensity(self,r,n,m):
         if m%2 == 1 or n%2 == 1:
             return 0.
         return 2.*numpy.pi*r**(-2.*self._beta)\
             *integrate.quad(lambda v: v**(2.-2.*self._beta+m+n)

[docs]class constantbetadf(_constantbetadf): """Class that implements DFs of the form f(E,L) = L^{-2\beta} f(E) with constant beta anisotropy parameter for a given density profile"""
[docs] def __init__(self,pot=None,denspot=None,beta=0.,twobeta=None, rmax=None,scale=None,ro=None,vo=None): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: Initialize a spherical DF with constant anisotropy parameter INPUT: pot= (None) Potential instance or list thereof denspot= (None) Potential instance or list thereof that represent the density of the tracers (assumed to be spherical; if None, set equal to pot) beta= (0.) anisotropy parameter twobeta= (None) twice the anisotropy parameter (useful for \beta = half-integer, which is a special case); has priority over beta rmax= (None) maximum radius to consider (can be Quantity); DF is cut off at E = Phi(rmax) scale - Characteristic scale radius to aid sampling calculations. Optionaland will also be overridden by value from pot if available. ro=, vo= galpy unit parameters OUTPUT: None HISTORY: 2021-02-14 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ try: from jax import grad, vmap except ImportError: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError("galpy.df.constantbetadf requires the google/jax library") # Parse twobeta if not twobeta is None: beta= twobeta/2. else: twobeta= 2.*beta _constantbetadf.__init__(self,pot=pot,denspot=denspot,beta=beta, rmax=rmax,scale=scale,ro=ro,vo=vo) self._twobeta= twobeta self._halfint= False if isinstance(self._twobeta,int) and self._twobeta % 2 == 1: self._halfint= True self._m= (3-self._twobeta)//2 ii= self._m-1 # Compute d^m (dens x r^2beta) / d Psi^m as successive # d / dr ( ...) / F_r func= lambda r: self._denspot._ddenstwobetadr(r,beta=self._beta)\ /self._pot._rforce_jax(r) while ii > 0: func= lambda r,func=func: grad(func)(r)\ /self._pot._rforce_jax(r) ii-= 1 else: self._m= int(numpy.floor(1.5-self._beta)) self._alpha= 1.5-self._beta-self._m self._fE_prefactor= 2.**self._beta/(2.*numpy.pi)**1.5\ /special.gamma(1.-self._alpha)/special.gamma(1.-self._beta) ii= self._m # Similar d^m (dens x r^2beta) / d Psi^m as above, # but because integral necessary now is over psi, we can omit # the final 1/Fr to do the integral over r if ii == 0: func= lambda r: self._denspot._ddenstwobetadr(r, beta=self._beta) else: func= lambda r: self._denspot._ddenstwobetadr(r, beta=self._beta)\ /self._pot._rforce_jax(r) while ii > 0: if ii == 1: func= lambda r,func=func: grad(func)(r) else: func= lambda r,func=func: grad(func)(r)\ /self._pot._rforce_jax(r) ii-= 1 self._gradfunc= vmap(func) # Min and max energy self._potInf= _evaluatePotentials(self._pot,self._rmax,0) self._Emin= _evaluatePotentials(self._pot,0.,0) # Build interpolator r(pot) r_a_values= numpy.concatenate(\ (numpy.array([0.]), numpy.geomspace(1e-6,1e6,10001))) self._rphi= interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(\ [_evaluatePotentials(self._pot,r*self._scale,0) for r in r_a_values],r_a_values*self._scale,k=3) # Build interpolator for the lower limit of the integration (near the # 1/(Phi-E)^alpha divergence; at the end, we slightly adjust it up # to be sure to be above the point where things go haywire... if not self._halfint: Es= numpy.linspace(self._Emin, self._potInf+1e-3*(self._Emin-self._potInf),51) guesspow= -17 guesst= 10.**(guesspow*(1.-self._alpha)) startt= numpy.ones_like(Es)*guesst startval= numpy.zeros_like(Es) while numpy.any(startval == 0.): guesspow+= 1 guesst= 10.**(guesspow*(1.-self._alpha)) indx= startval == 0. startt[indx]= guesst startval[indx]= _fEintegrand_smallr(startt[indx], self._pot,Es[indx], self._gradfunc, self._alpha, self._rphi(Es[indx])) self._logstartt= interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(\ Es,numpy.log10(startt)+10./3.*(1.-self._alpha),k=3)
def sample(self,R=None,z=None,phi=None,n=1,return_orbit=True,rmin=0.): # Slight over-write of superclass method to first build f(E) interp # No docstring so superclass' is used if not hasattr(self,'_fE_interp'): Es4interp= numpy.hstack((numpy.geomspace(1e-8,0.5,101, endpoint=False), sorted(1.-numpy.geomspace(1e-4,0.5,101)))) Es4interp= (Es4interp*(self._Emin-self._potInf)+self._potInf)[::-1] fE4interp= self.fE(Es4interp) iindx= numpy.isfinite(fE4interp) self._fE_interp= interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(\ Es4interp[iindx],fE4interp[iindx], k=3,ext=3) return sphericaldf.sample(self,R=R,z=z,phi=phi,n=n, return_orbit=return_orbit,rmin=rmin) def fE(self,E): """ NAME: fE PURPOSE Calculate the energy portion of a constant-beta distribution function INPUT: E - The energy (can be Quantity) OUTPUT: fE - The value of the energy portion of the DF HISTORY: 2021-02-14 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ Eint= numpy.atleast_1d(conversion.parse_energy(E,vo=self._vo)) out= numpy.zeros_like(Eint) indx= (Eint < self._potInf)*(Eint >= self._Emin) if self._halfint: # fE is simply given by the relevant derivative out[indx]= self._gradfunc(self._rphi(Eint[indx])) return out\ /(2.*numpy.pi**1.5*2**(0.5-self._beta)*special.gamma(1.-self._beta)) else: # Now need to integrate to get fE # Split integral at twice the lower limit to deal with divergence # at the lower end and infinity at the upper end out[indx]= numpy.array([integrate.quadrature( lambda t: _fEintegrand_smallr(t,self._pot,tE,self._gradfunc, self._alpha,self._rphi(tE)), 10.**self._logstartt(tE),self._rphi(tE)**(1.-self._alpha))[0] for tE in Eint[indx]]) # Add constant part at the beginning out[indx]+= 10.**self._logstartt(Eint[indx])\ *_fEintegrand_smallr(10.**self._logstartt(Eint[indx]), self._pot,Eint[indx], self._gradfunc, self._alpha, self._rphi(Eint[indx])) # 2nd half of the integral out[indx]+= numpy.array([integrate.quadrature( lambda t: _fEintegrand_larger(t,self._pot,tE,self._gradfunc, self._alpha), 0.,0.5/self._rphi(tE))[0] for tE in Eint[indx]]) return -out*self._fE_prefactor
def _fEintegrand_raw(r,pot,E,dmp1nudrmp1,alpha): # The 'raw', i.e., direct integrand in the constant-beta inversion out= numpy.zeros_like(r) # Avoid JAX item assignment issues #print("r",r,dmp1nudrmp1(r),(_evaluatePotentials(pot,r,0)-E)) out[:]= dmp1nudrmp1(r)/(_evaluatePotentials(pot,r,0)-E)**alpha out[True^numpy.isfinite(out)]= 0. # assume these are where denom is slightly neg. return out def _fEintegrand_smallr(t,pot,E,dmp1nudrmp1,alpha,rmin): # The integrand at small r, using transformation to deal with divergence #print("t",t,rmin,t**(1./(1.-alpha))+rmin) return 1./(1.-alpha)*t**(alpha/(1.-alpha))\ *_fEintegrand_raw(t**(1./(1.-alpha))+rmin,pot,E,dmp1nudrmp1,alpha) def _fEintegrand_larger(t,pot,E,dmp1nudrmp1,alpha): # The integrand at large r, using transformation to deal with infinity return 1./t**2*_fEintegrand_raw(1./t,pot,E,dmp1nudrmp1,alpha)