Source code for galpy.potential.AnySphericalPotential

#   AnySphericalPotential: Potential of an arbitrary spherical density
import numpy
from scipy import integrate
from .SphericalPotential import SphericalPotential
from .Force import _APY_LOADED
from ..util import conversion
    from astropy import units
[docs]class AnySphericalPotential(SphericalPotential): """Class that implements the potential of an arbitrary spherical density distribution :math:`\\rho(r)`"""
[docs] def __init__(self,dens=lambda r: 0.64/r/(1+r)**3,amp=1.,normalize=False, ro=None,vo=None): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: Initialize the potential of an arbitrary spherical density distribution INPUT: dens= (0.64/r/(1+r)**3) function of a single variable that gives the density as a function of radius (can return a Quantity) amp= (1.) amplitude to be applied to the potential normalize - if True, normalize such that vc(1.,0.)=1., or, if given as a number, such that the force is this fraction of the force necessary to make vc(1.,0.)=1. ro=, vo= distance and velocity scales for translation into internal units (default from configuration file) OUTPUT: (none) HISTORY: 2021-01-05 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ SphericalPotential.__init__(self,amp=amp,ro=ro,vo=vo) # Parse density: does it have units? does it expect them? if _APY_LOADED: _dens_unit_input= False try: dens(1) except (units.UnitConversionError,units.UnitTypeError): _dens_unit_input= True _dens_unit_output= False if _dens_unit_input: try: dens(1.*units.kpc).to(units.Msun/units.pc**3) except (AttributeError,units.UnitConversionError): pass else: _dens_unit_output= True else: try: dens(1.).to(units.Msun/units.pc**3) except (AttributeError,units.UnitConversionError): pass else: _dens_unit_output= True if _dens_unit_input and _dens_unit_output: self._rawdens= lambda R: conversion.parse_dens(\ dens(R*self._ro*units.kpc), ro=self._ro,vo=self._vo) elif _dens_unit_input: self._rawdens= lambda R: dens(R*self._ro*units.kpc) elif _dens_unit_output: self._rawdens= lambda R: conversion.parse_dens(dens(R), ro=self._ro, vo=self._vo) if not hasattr(self,'_rawdens'): # unitless self._rawdens= dens self._rawmass= lambda r: 4.*numpy.pi\ *integrate.quad(lambda a: a**2*self._rawdens(a),0,r)[0] # The potential at zero, try to figure out whether it's finite _zero_msg= integrate.quad(lambda a: a*self._rawdens(a), 0,numpy.inf,full_output=True)[-1] _infpotzero= 'divergent' in _zero_msg or 'maximum number' in _zero_msg self._pot_zero= -numpy.inf if _infpotzero \ else -4.*numpy.pi\ *integrate.quad(lambda a: a*self._rawdens(a),0,numpy.inf)[0] # The potential at infinity _infmass= 'divergent' \ in integrate.quad(lambda a: a**2.*self._rawdens(a), 0,numpy.inf,full_output=True)[-1] self._pot_inf= 0. if not _infmass else numpy.inf # Normalize? if normalize or \ (isinstance(normalize,(int,float)) \ and not isinstance(normalize,bool)): #pragma: no cover self.normalize(normalize) return None
def _revaluate(self,r,t=0.): """Potential as a function of r and time""" if r == 0: return self._pot_zero elif numpy.isinf(r): return self._pot_inf else: return -self._rawmass(r)/r\ -4.*numpy.pi*integrate.quad(lambda a: self._rawdens(a)*a, r,numpy.inf)[0] def _rforce(self,r,t=0.): return -self._rawmass(r)/r**2 def _r2deriv(self,r,t=0.): return -2*self._rawmass(r)/r**3.+4.*numpy.pi*self._rawdens(r) def _rdens(self,r,t=0.): return self._rawdens(r)