Source code for galpy.potential.DehnenSmoothWrapperPotential

# Wrapper to smoothly grow a potential
from .WrapperPotential import parentWrapperPotential
from ..util import conversion
[docs]class DehnenSmoothWrapperPotential(parentWrapperPotential): """Potential wrapper class that implements the growth of a gravitational potential following `Dehnen (2000) <>`__. The amplitude A applied to a potential wrapped by an instance of this class is changed as .. math:: A(t) = amp\\,\\left(\\frac{3}{16}\\xi^5-\\frac{5}{8}\\xi^3+\\frac{15}{16}\\xi+\\frac{1}{2}\\right) where .. math:: \\xi = \\begin{cases} -1 & t < t_\\mathrm{form}\\\\ 2\\left(\\frac{t-t_\\mathrm{form}}{t_\mathrm{steady}}\\right)-1\\,, & t_\\mathrm{form} \\leq t \\leq t_\\mathrm{form}+t_\\mathrm{steady}\\\\ 1 & t > t_\\mathrm{form}+t_\\mathrm{steady} \\end{cases} if ``decay=True``, the amplitude decays rather than grows as decay = 1 - grow. """
[docs] def __init__(self,amp=1.,pot=None,tform=-4.,tsteady=None,decay=False, ro=None,vo=None): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: initialize a DehnenSmoothWrapper Potential INPUT: amp - amplitude to be applied to the potential (default: 1.) pot - Potential instance or list thereof; the amplitude of this will be grown by this wrapper tform - start of growth (can be a Quantity) tsteady - time from tform at which the potential is fully grown (default: -tform/2, st the perturbation is fully grown at tform/2; can be a Quantity) decay= (False) if True, decay the amplitude instead of growing it (as 1-grow) OUTPUT: (none) HISTORY: 2017-06-26 - Started - Bovy (UofT) 2018-10-07 - Added 'decay' option - Bovy (UofT) """ tform= conversion.parse_time(tform,ro=self._ro,vo=self._vo) tsteady= conversion.parse_time(tsteady,ro=self._ro,vo=self._vo) self._tform= tform if tsteady is None: self._tsteady= self._tform/2. else: self._tsteady= self._tform+tsteady self._grow= not decay self.hasC= True self.hasC_dxdv= True
def _smooth(self,t): #Calculate relevant time if t < self._tform: smooth= 0. elif t < self._tsteady: deltat= t-self._tform xi= 2.*deltat/(self._tsteady-self._tform)-1. smooth= (3./16.*xi**5.-5./8*xi**3.+15./16.*xi+.5) else: #bar is fully on smooth= 1. return smooth if self._grow else 1.-smooth def _wrap(self,attribute,*args,**kwargs): return self._smooth(kwargs.get('t',0.))\ *self._wrap_pot_func(attribute)(self._pot,*args,**kwargs)