.. _interprz: Interpolated axisymmetric potential =================================== The ``interpRZPotential`` class provides a general interface to generate interpolated instances of general three-dimensional, axisymmetric potentials or lists of such potentials. This interpolated potential can be used in any function where other three-dimensional galpy potentials can be used. This includes functions that use ``C`` to speed up calculations, if the ``interpRZPotential`` instance was set up with ``enable_c=True``. Initialize as >>> from galpy import potential >>> ip= potential.interpRZPotential(potential.MWPotential,interpPot=True) which sets up an interpolation of the potential itself only. The potential and all different forces and functions (``dens``,``vcirc``, ``epifreq``, ``verticalfreq``, ``dvcircdR``) are interpolated separately and one needs to specify that these need to be interpolated separately (so, for example, one needs to set ``interpRforce=True`` to interpolate the radial force, or ``interpvcirc=True`` to interpolate the circular velocity). When points outside the grid are requested within the python code, the instance will fall back on the original (non-interpolated) potential. However, when the potential is used purely in ``C``, like during orbit integration in ``C`` or during action--angle evaluations in ``C``, there is no way for the potential to fall back onto the original potential and nonsense or NaNs will be returned. Therefore, when using ``interpRZPotential`` in ``C``, one must make sure that the whole relevant part of the ``(R,z)`` plane is covered. One more time: .. WARNING:: When an interpolated potential is used purely in ``C``, like during orbit integration in ``C`` or during action--angle evaluations in ``C``, there is no way for the potential to fall back onto the original potential and nonsense or NaNs will be returned. Therefore, when using ``interpRZPotential`` in ``C``, one must make sure that the whole relevant part of the ``(R,z)`` plane is covered. .. autoclass:: galpy.potential.interpRZPotential :members: __init__