Source code for galpy.actionAngle.actionAngleStaeckel

#   actionAngle: a Python module to calculate  actions, angles, and frequencies
#      class: actionAngleStaeckel
#             Use Binney (2012; MNRAS 426, 1324)'s Staeckel approximation for 
#             calculating the actions
#      methods:
#             __call__: returns (jr,lz,jz)
import copy
import warnings
import numpy
from scipy import optimize, integrate
from ..potential import evaluateR2derivs, evaluatez2derivs, \
    evaluateRzderivs, epifreq, omegac, verticalfreq, MWPotential
from ..potential.Potential import _evaluatePotentials, \
    _evaluateRforces, _evaluatezforces
from ..potential.Potential import flatten as flatten_potential
from ..util import coords #for prolate confocal transforms
from ..util import galpyWarning, conversion
from ..util.conversion import physical_conversion, \
from .actionAngle import actionAngle, UnboundError
from . import actionAngleStaeckel_c
from .actionAngleStaeckel_c import _ext_loaded as ext_loaded
from ..potential.Potential import _check_c
[docs]class actionAngleStaeckel(actionAngle): """Action-angle formalism for axisymmetric potentials using Binney (2012)'s Staeckel approximation"""
[docs] def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: initialize an actionAngleStaeckel object INPUT: pot= potential or list of potentials (3D) delta= focus (can be Quantity) useu0 - use u0 to calculate dV (NOT recommended) c= if True, always use C for calculations order= (10) number of points to use in the Gauss-Legendre numerical integration of the relevant action, frequency, and angle integrals ro= distance from vantage point to GC (kpc; can be Quantity) vo= circular velocity at ro (km/s; can be Quantity) OUTPUT: instance HISTORY: 2012-11-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ actionAngle.__init__(self, ro=kwargs.get('ro',None),vo=kwargs.get('vo',None)) if not 'pot' in kwargs: #pragma: no cover raise IOError("Must specify pot= for actionAngleStaeckel") self._pot= flatten_potential(kwargs['pot']) if self._pot == MWPotential: warnings.warn("Use of MWPotential as a Milky-Way-like potential is deprecated; galpy.potential.MWPotential2014, a potential fit to a large variety of dynamical constraints (see Bovy 2015), is the preferred Milky-Way-like potential in galpy", galpyWarning) if not 'delta' in kwargs: #pragma: no cover raise IOError("Must specify delta= for actionAngleStaeckel") if ext_loaded and (('c' in kwargs and kwargs['c']) or not 'c' in kwargs): self._c= _check_c(self._pot) if 'c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'] and not self._c: warnings.warn("C module not used because potential does not have a C implementation",galpyWarning) #pragma: no cover else: self._c= False self._useu0= kwargs.get('useu0',False) self._delta= kwargs['delta'] self._order= kwargs.get('order',10) self._delta= conversion.parse_length(self._delta,ro=self._ro) # Check the units self._check_consistent_units() return None
def _evaluate(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: __call__ (_evaluate) PURPOSE: evaluate the actions (jr,lz,jz) INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz[,phi]: 1) floats: phase-space value for single object (phi is optional) (each can be a Quantity) 2) numpy.ndarray: [N] phase-space values for N objects (each can be a Quantity) b) Orbit instance: initial condition used if that's it, orbit(t) if there is a time given as well as the second argument delta= (object-wide default) can be used to override the object-wide focal length; can also be an array with length N to allow different delta for different phase-space points u0= (None) if object-wide option useu0 is set, u0 to use (if useu0 and useu0 is None, a good value will be computed) c= (object-wide default, bool) True/False to override the object-wide setting for whether or not to use the C implementation order= (object-wide default, int) number of points to use in the Gauss-Legendre numerical integration of the relevant action integrals When not using C: fixed_quad= (False) if True, use Gaussian quadrature (scipy.integrate.fixed_quad instead of scipy.integrate.quad) scipy.integrate.fixed_quad or .quad keywords OUTPUT: (jr,lz,jz) HISTORY: 2012-11-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS) 2017-12-27 - Allowed individual delta for each point - Bovy (UofT) """ delta= kwargs.pop('delta',self._delta) order= kwargs.get('order',self._order) if len(args) == 5: #R,vR.vT, z, vz R,vR,vT, z, vz= args elif len(args) == 6: #R,vR.vT, z, vz, phi R,vR,vT, z, vz, phi= args else: self._parse_eval_args(*args) R= self._eval_R vR= self._eval_vR vT= self._eval_vT z= self._eval_z vz= self._eval_vz if isinstance(R,float): R= numpy.array([R]) vR= numpy.array([vR]) vT= numpy.array([vT]) z= numpy.array([z]) vz= numpy.array([vz]) if ((self._c and not ('c' in kwargs and not kwargs['c']))\ or (ext_loaded and (('c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'])))) \ and _check_c(self._pot): Lz= R*vT if self._useu0: #First calculate u0 if 'u0' in kwargs: u0= numpy.asarray(kwargs['u0']) else: E= numpy.array([_evaluatePotentials(self._pot,R[ii],z[ii]) +vR[ii]**2./2.+vz[ii]**2./2.+vT[ii]**2./2. for ii in range(len(R))]) u0= actionAngleStaeckel_c.actionAngleStaeckel_calcu0(\ E,Lz,self._pot,delta)[0] kwargs.pop('u0',None) else: u0= None jr, jz, err= actionAngleStaeckel_c.actionAngleStaeckel_c(\ self._pot,delta,R,vR,vT,z,vz,u0=u0,order=order) if err == 0: return (jr,Lz,jz) else: #pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("C-code for calculation actions failed; try with c=False") else: if 'c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'] and not self._c: #pragma: no cover warnings.warn("C module not used because potential does not have a C implementation",galpyWarning) kwargs.pop('c',None) if len(R) > 1: ojr= numpy.zeros((len(R))) olz= numpy.zeros((len(R))) ojz= numpy.zeros((len(R))) for ii in range(len(R)): targs= (R[ii],vR[ii],vT[ii],z[ii],vz[ii]) tkwargs= copy.copy(kwargs) try: tkwargs['delta']= delta[ii] except (TypeError,IndexError): tkwargs['delta']= delta tjr,tlz,tjz= self(*targs,**tkwargs) ojr[ii]= tjr ojz[ii]= tjz olz[ii]= tlz return (ojr,olz,ojz) else: #Set up the actionAngleStaeckelSingle object aASingle= actionAngleStaeckelSingle(R[0],vR[0],vT[0], z[0],vz[0],pot=self._pot, delta=delta) return (numpy.atleast_1d(aASingle.JR(**copy.copy(kwargs))), numpy.atleast_1d(aASingle._R*aASingle._vT), numpy.atleast_1d(aASingle.Jz(**copy.copy(kwargs)))) def _actionsFreqs(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: actionsFreqs (_actionsFreqs) PURPOSE: evaluate the actions and frequencies (jr,lz,jz,Omegar,Omegaphi,Omegaz) INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz[,phi]: 1) floats: phase-space value for single object (phi is optional) (each can be a Quantity) 2) numpy.ndarray: [N] phase-space values for N objects (each can be a Quantity) b) Orbit instance: initial condition used if that's it, orbit(t) if there is a time given as well as the second argument delta= (object-wide default) can be used to override the object-wide focal length; can also be an array with length N to allow different delta for different phase-space points u0= (None) if object-wide option useu0 is set, u0 to use (if useu0 and useu0 is None, a good value will be computed) c= (object-wide default, bool) True/False to override the object-wide setting for whether or not to use the C implementation order= (10) number of points to use in the Gauss-Legendre numerical integration of the relevant action and frequency integrals When not using C: fixed_quad= (False) if True, use Gaussian quadrature (scipy.integrate.fixed_quad instead of scipy.integrate.quad) scipy.integrate.fixed_quad or .quad keywords OUTPUT: (jr,lz,jz,Omegar,Omegaphi,Omegaz) HISTORY: 2013-08-28 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ delta= kwargs.pop('delta',self._delta) order= kwargs.get('order',self._order) if ((self._c and not ('c' in kwargs and not kwargs['c']))\ or (ext_loaded and (('c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'])))) \ and _check_c(self._pot): if len(args) == 5: #R,vR.vT, z, vz R,vR,vT, z, vz= args elif len(args) == 6: #R,vR.vT, z, vz, phi R,vR,vT, z, vz, phi= args else: self._parse_eval_args(*args) R= self._eval_R vR= self._eval_vR vT= self._eval_vT z= self._eval_z vz= self._eval_vz if isinstance(R,float): R= numpy.array([R]) vR= numpy.array([vR]) vT= numpy.array([vT]) z= numpy.array([z]) vz= numpy.array([vz]) Lz= R*vT if self._useu0: #First calculate u0 if 'u0' in kwargs: u0= numpy.asarray(kwargs['u0']) else: E= numpy.array([_evaluatePotentials(self._pot,R[ii],z[ii]) +vR[ii]**2./2.+vz[ii]**2./2.+vT[ii]**2./2. for ii in range(len(R))]) u0= actionAngleStaeckel_c.actionAngleStaeckel_calcu0(\ E,Lz,self._pot,delta)[0] kwargs.pop('u0',None) else: u0= None jr, jz, Omegar, Omegaphi, Omegaz, err= actionAngleStaeckel_c.actionAngleFreqStaeckel_c(\ self._pot,delta,R,vR,vT,z,vz,u0=u0,order=order) # Adjustements for close-to-circular orbits indx= numpy.isnan(Omegar)*(jr < 10.**-3.)+numpy.isnan(Omegaz)*(jz < 10.**-3.) #Close-to-circular and close-to-the-plane orbits if numpy.sum(indx) > 0: Omegar[indx]= [epifreq(self._pot,r,use_physical=False) for r in R[indx]] Omegaphi[indx]= [omegac(self._pot,r,use_physical=False) for r in R[indx]] Omegaz[indx]= [verticalfreq(self._pot,r,use_physical=False) for r in R[indx]] if err == 0: return (jr,Lz,jz,Omegar,Omegaphi,Omegaz) else: #pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("C-code for calculation actions failed; try with c=False") else: if 'c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'] and not self._c: #pragma: no cover warnings.warn("C module not used because potential does not have a C implementation",galpyWarning) raise NotImplementedError("actionsFreqs with c=False not implemented") def _actionsFreqsAngles(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: actionsFreqsAngles (_actionsFreqsAngles) PURPOSE: evaluate the actions, frequencies, and angles (jr,lz,jz,Omegar,Omegaphi,Omegaz,angler,anglephi,anglez) INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz[,phi]: 1) floats: phase-space value for single object (phi is optional) (each can be a Quantity) 2) numpy.ndarray: [N] phase-space values for N objects (each can be a Quantity) b) Orbit instance: initial condition used if that's it, orbit(t) if there is a time given as well as the second argument delta= (object-wide default) can be used to override the object-wide focal length; can also be an array with length N to allow different delta for different phase-space points u0= (None) if object-wide option useu0 is set, u0 to use (if useu0 and useu0 is None, a good value will be computed) c= (object-wide default, bool) True/False to override the object-wide setting for whether or not to use the C implementation order= (10) number of points to use in the Gauss-Legendre numerical integration of the relevant action, frequency, and angle integrals When not using C: fixed_quad= (False) if True, use Gaussian quadrature (scipy.integrate.fixed_quad instead of scipy.integrate.quad) scipy.integrate.fixed_quad or .quad keywords OUTPUT: (jr,lz,jz,Omegar,Omegaphi,Omegaz,angler,anglephi,anglez) HISTORY: 2013-08-28 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ delta= kwargs.pop('delta',self._delta) order= kwargs.get('order',self._order) if ((self._c and not ('c' in kwargs and not kwargs['c']))\ or (ext_loaded and (('c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'])))) \ and _check_c(self._pot): if len(args) == 5: #R,vR.vT, z, vz pragma: no cover raise IOError("Must specify phi") elif len(args) == 6: #R,vR.vT, z, vz, phi R,vR,vT, z, vz, phi= args else: self._parse_eval_args(*args) R= self._eval_R vR= self._eval_vR vT= self._eval_vT z= self._eval_z vz= self._eval_vz phi= self._eval_phi if isinstance(R,float): R= numpy.array([R]) vR= numpy.array([vR]) vT= numpy.array([vT]) z= numpy.array([z]) vz= numpy.array([vz]) phi= numpy.array([phi]) Lz= R*vT if self._useu0: #First calculate u0 if 'u0' in kwargs: u0= numpy.asarray(kwargs['u0']) else: E= numpy.array([_evaluatePotentials(self._pot,R[ii],z[ii]) +vR[ii]**2./2.+vz[ii]**2./2.+vT[ii]**2./2. for ii in range(len(R))]) u0= actionAngleStaeckel_c.actionAngleStaeckel_calcu0(\ E,Lz,self._pot,delta)[0] kwargs.pop('u0',None) else: u0= None jr, jz, Omegar, Omegaphi, Omegaz, angler, anglephi,anglez, err= actionAngleStaeckel_c.actionAngleFreqAngleStaeckel_c(\ self._pot,delta,R,vR,vT,z,vz,phi,u0=u0,order=order) # Adjustements for close-to-circular orbits indx= numpy.isnan(Omegar)*(jr < 10.**-3.)+numpy.isnan(Omegaz)*(jz < 10.**-3.) #Close-to-circular and close-to-the-plane orbits if numpy.sum(indx) > 0: Omegar[indx]= [epifreq(self._pot,r,use_physical=False) for r in R[indx]] Omegaphi[indx]= [omegac(self._pot,r,use_physical=False) for r in R[indx]] Omegaz[indx]= [verticalfreq(self._pot,r,use_physical=False) for r in R[indx]] if err == 0: return (jr,Lz,jz,Omegar,Omegaphi,Omegaz,angler,anglephi,anglez) else: raise RuntimeError("C-code for calculation actions failed; try with c=False") #pragma: no cover else: #pragma: no cover if 'c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'] and not self._c: #pragma: no cover warnings.warn("C module not used because potential does not have a C implementation",galpyWarning) raise NotImplementedError("actionsFreqs with c=False not implemented") def _EccZmaxRperiRap(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: EccZmaxRperiRap (_EccZmaxRperiRap) PURPOSE: evaluate the eccentricity, maximum height above the plane, peri- and apocenter in the Staeckel approximation INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz[,phi]: 1) floats: phase-space value for single object (phi is optional) (each can be a Quantity) 2) numpy.ndarray: [N] phase-space values for N objects (each can be a Quantity) b) Orbit instance: initial condition used if that's it, orbit(t) if there is a time given as well as the second argument delta= (object-wide default) can be used to override the object-wide focal length; can also be an array with length N to allow different delta for different phase-space points u0= (None) if object-wide option useu0 is set, u0 to use (if useu0 and useu0 is None, a good value will be computed) c= (object-wide default, bool) True/False to override the object-wide setting for whether or not to use the C implementation OUTPUT: (e,zmax,rperi,rap) HISTORY: 2017-12-12 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ delta= kwargs.get('delta',self._delta) umin, umax, vmin= self._uminumaxvmin(*args,**kwargs) rperi= coords.uv_to_Rz(umin,numpy.pi/2.,delta=delta)[0] rap_tmp, zmax= coords.uv_to_Rz(umax,vmin,delta=delta) rap= numpy.sqrt(rap_tmp**2.+zmax**2.) e= (rap-rperi)/(rap+rperi) return (e,zmax,rperi,rap) def _uminumaxvmin(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: _uminumaxvmin PURPOSE: evaluate u_min, u_max, and v_min INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz b) Orbit instance: initial condition used if that's it, orbit(t) if there is a time given as well c= True/False; overrides the object's c= keyword to use C or not OUTPUT: (umin,umax,vmin) HISTORY: 2017-12-12 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ delta= kwargs.pop('delta',self._delta) if len(args) == 5: #R,vR.vT, z, vz R,vR,vT, z, vz= args elif len(args) == 6: #R,vR.vT, z, vz, phi R,vR,vT, z, vz, phi= args else: self._parse_eval_args(*args) R= self._eval_R vR= self._eval_vR vT= self._eval_vT z= self._eval_z vz= self._eval_vz if isinstance(R,float): R= numpy.array([R]) vR= numpy.array([vR]) vT= numpy.array([vT]) z= numpy.array([z]) vz= numpy.array([vz]) if ((self._c and not ('c' in kwargs and not kwargs['c']))\ or (ext_loaded and (('c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'])))) \ and _check_c(self._pot): Lz= R*vT if self._useu0: #First calculate u0 if 'u0' in kwargs: u0= numpy.asarray(kwargs['u0']) else: E= numpy.array([_evaluatePotentials(self._pot,R[ii],z[ii]) +vR[ii]**2./2.+vz[ii]**2./2.+vT[ii]**2./2. for ii in range(len(R))]) u0= actionAngleStaeckel_c.actionAngleStaeckel_calcu0(\ E,Lz,self._pot,delta)[0] kwargs.pop('u0',None) else: u0= None umin, umax, vmin, err= \ actionAngleStaeckel_c.actionAngleUminUmaxVminStaeckel_c(\ self._pot,delta,R,vR,vT,z,vz,u0=u0) if err == 0: return (umin,umax,vmin) else: #pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("C-code for calculation actions failed; try with c=False") else: if 'c' in kwargs and kwargs['c'] and not self._c: #pragma: no cover warnings.warn("C module not used because potential does not have a C implementation",galpyWarning) kwargs.pop('c',None) if len(R) > 1: oumin= numpy.zeros((len(R))) oumax= numpy.zeros((len(R))) ovmin= numpy.zeros((len(R))) for ii in range(len(R)): targs= (R[ii],vR[ii],vT[ii],z[ii],vz[ii]) tkwargs= copy.copy(kwargs) try: tkwargs['delta']= delta[ii] except TypeError: tkwargs['delta']= delta tumin,tumax,tvmin= self._uminumaxvmin(*targs,**tkwargs) oumin[ii]= tumin oumax[ii]= tumax ovmin[ii]= tvmin return (oumin,oumax,ovmin) else: #Set up the actionAngleStaeckelSingle object aASingle= actionAngleStaeckelSingle(R[0],vR[0],vT[0], z[0],vz[0],pot=self._pot, delta=delta) umin, umax= aASingle.calcUminUmax() vmin= aASingle.calcVmin() return (numpy.atleast_1d(umin), numpy.atleast_1d(umax), numpy.atleast_1d(vmin))
class actionAngleStaeckelSingle(actionAngle): """Action-angle formalism for axisymmetric potentials using Binney (2012)'s Staeckel approximation""" def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: initialize an actionAngleStaeckelSingle object INPUT: Either: a) R,vR,vT,z,vz b) Orbit instance: initial condition used if that's it, orbit(t) if there is a time given as well pot= potential or list of potentials OUTPUT: HISTORY: 2012-11-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ self._parse_eval_args(*args,_noOrbUnitsCheck=True,**kwargs) self._R= self._eval_R self._vR= self._eval_vR self._vT= self._eval_vT self._z= self._eval_z self._vz= self._eval_vz if not 'pot' in kwargs: #pragma: no cover raise IOError("Must specify pot= for actionAngleStaeckelSingle") self._pot= kwargs['pot'] if not 'delta' in kwargs: #pragma: no cover raise IOError("Must specify delta= for actionAngleStaeckel") self._delta= kwargs['delta'] #Pre-calculate everything self._ux, self._vx= coords.Rz_to_uv(self._R,self._z, delta=self._delta) self._sinvx= numpy.sin(self._vx) self._cosvx= numpy.cos(self._vx) self._coshux= numpy.cosh(self._ux) self._sinhux= numpy.sinh(self._ux) self._pux= self._delta*(self._vR*self._coshux*self._sinvx +self._vz*self._sinhux*self._cosvx) self._pvx= self._delta*(self._vR*self._sinhux*self._cosvx -self._vz*self._coshux*self._sinvx) EL= self.calcEL() self._E= EL[0] self._Lz= EL[1] #Determine umin and umax self._u0= kwargs.pop('u0',self._ux) #u0 as defined by Binney does not matter for a #single action evaluation, so we don't determine it here self._sinhu0= numpy.sinh(self._u0) self._potu0v0= potentialStaeckel(self._u0,self._vx, self._pot,self._delta) self._I3U= self._E*self._sinhux**2.-self._pux**2./2./self._delta**2.\ -self._Lz**2./2./self._delta**2./self._sinhux**2. self._potupi2= potentialStaeckel(self._ux,numpy.pi/2., self._pot,self._delta) dV= (self._coshux**2.*self._potupi2 -(self._sinhux**2.+self._sinvx**2.) *potentialStaeckel(self._ux,self._vx, self._pot,self._delta)) self._I3V= -self._E*self._sinvx**2.+self._pvx**2./2./self._delta**2.\ +self._Lz**2./2./self._delta**2./self._sinvx**2.\ -dV self.calcUminUmax() self.calcVmin() return None def angleR(self,**kwargs): """ NAME: AngleR PURPOSE: Calculate the radial angle INPUT: scipy.integrate.quadrature keywords OUTPUT: w_R(R,vT,vT) in radians + estimate of the error (does not include TR error) HISTORY: 2012-11-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ raise NotImplementedError("'angleR' not yet implemented for Staeckel approximation") def TR(self,**kwargs): """ NAME: TR PURPOSE: Calculate the radial period for a power-law rotation curve INPUT: scipy.integrate.quadrature keywords OUTPUT: T_R(R,vT,vT)*vc/ro + estimate of the error HISTORY: 2012-11-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ raise NotImplementedError("'TR' not implemented yet for Staeckel approximation") def Tphi(self,**kwargs): """ NAME: Tphi PURPOSE: Calculate the azimuthal period INPUT: +scipy.integrate.quadrature keywords OUTPUT: T_phi(R,vT,vT)/ro/vc + estimate of the error HISTORY: 2012-11-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ raise NotImplementedError("'Tphi' not implemented yet for Staeckel approxximation") def I(self,**kwargs): """ NAME: I PURPOSE: Calculate I, the 'ratio' between the radial and azimutha period INPUT: +scipy.integrate.quadrature keywords OUTPUT: I(R,vT,vT) + estimate of the error HISTORY: 2012-11-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ raise NotImplementedError("'I' not implemented yet for Staeckel approxximation") def Jphi(self): #pragma: no cover """ NAME: Jphi PURPOSE: Calculate the azimuthal action INPUT: OUTPUT: J_R(R,vT,vT)/ro/vc HISTORY: 2012-11-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ return self._R*self._vT def JR(self,**kwargs): """ NAME: JR PURPOSE: Calculate the radial action INPUT: fixed_quad= (False) if True, use n=10 fixed_quad +scipy.integrate.quad keywords OUTPUT: J_R(R,vT,vT)/ro/vc + estimate of the error (nan for fixed_quad) HISTORY: 2012-11-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ if hasattr(self,'_JR'): #pragma: no cover return self._JR umin, umax= self.calcUminUmax() #print self._ux, self._pux, (umax-umin)/umax if (umax-umin)/umax < 10.**-6: return numpy.array([0.]) order= kwargs.pop('order',10) if kwargs.pop('fixed_quad',False): # factor in next line bc integrand=/2delta^2 self._JR= 1./numpy.pi*numpy.sqrt(2.)*self._delta\ *integrate.fixed_quad(_JRStaeckelIntegrand, umin,umax, args=(self._E,self._Lz,self._I3U, self._delta, self._u0,self._sinhu0**2., self._vx,self._sinvx**2., self._potu0v0,self._pot), n=order, **kwargs)[0] else: self._JR= 1./numpy.pi*numpy.sqrt(2.)*self._delta\ *integrate.quad(_JRStaeckelIntegrand, umin,umax, args=(self._E,self._Lz,self._I3U, self._delta, self._u0,self._sinhu0**2., self._vx,self._sinvx**2., self._potu0v0,self._pot), **kwargs)[0] return self._JR def Jz(self,**kwargs): """ NAME: Jz PURPOSE: Calculate the vertical action INPUT: fixed_quad= (False) if True, use n=10 fixed_quad +scipy.integrate.quad keywords OUTPUT: J_z(R,vT,vT)/ro/vc + estimate of the error HISTORY: 2012-11-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ if hasattr(self,'_JZ'): #pragma: no cover return self._JZ vmin= self.calcVmin() if (numpy.pi/2.-vmin) < 10.**-7: return numpy.array([0.]) order= kwargs.pop('order',10) if kwargs.pop('fixed_quad',False): # factor in next line bc integrand=/2delta^2 self._JZ= 2./numpy.pi*numpy.sqrt(2.)*self._delta \ *integrate.fixed_quad(_JzStaeckelIntegrand, vmin,numpy.pi/2, args=(self._E,self._Lz,self._I3V, self._delta, self._ux,self._coshux**2., self._sinhux**2., self._potupi2,self._pot), n=order, **kwargs)[0] else: # factor in next line bc integrand=/2delta^2 self._JZ= 2./numpy.pi*numpy.sqrt(2.)*self._delta \ *integrate.quad(_JzStaeckelIntegrand, vmin,numpy.pi/2, args=(self._E,self._Lz,self._I3V, self._delta, self._ux,self._coshux**2., self._sinhux**2., self._potupi2,self._pot), **kwargs)[0] return self._JZ def calcEL(self,**kwargs): """ NAME: calcEL PURPOSE: calculate the energy and angular momentum INPUT: scipy.integrate.quadrature keywords OUTPUT: (E,L) HISTORY: 2012-11-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ E,L= calcELStaeckel(self._R,self._vR,self._vT,self._z,self._vz, self._pot) return (E,L) def calcUminUmax(self,**kwargs): """ NAME: calcUminUmax PURPOSE: calculate the u 'apocenter' and 'pericenter' INPUT: OUTPUT: (umin,umax) HISTORY: 2012-11-27 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ if hasattr(self,'_uminumax'): #pragma: no cover return self._uminumax E, L= self._E, self._Lz # Calculate value of the integrand at current point, to check whether # we are at a turning point current_val= _JRStaeckelIntegrandSquared(self._ux, E,L,self._I3U,self._delta, self._u0,self._sinhu0**2., self._vx,self._sinvx**2., self._potu0v0,self._pot) if numpy.fabs(self._pux) < 1e-7 \ or numpy.fabs(current_val) < 1e-10: #We are at umin or umax eps= 10.**-8. peps= _JRStaeckelIntegrandSquared(self._ux+eps, E,L,self._I3U,self._delta, self._u0,self._sinhu0**2., self._vx,self._sinvx**2., self._potu0v0,self._pot) meps= _JRStaeckelIntegrandSquared(self._ux-eps, E,L,self._I3U,self._delta, self._u0,self._sinhu0**2., self._vx,self._sinvx**2., self._potu0v0,self._pot) if peps < 0. and meps > 0.: #we are at umax umax= self._ux rstart,prevr= _uminUmaxFindStart(self._ux, E,L,self._I3U,self._delta, self._u0,self._sinhu0**2., self._vx,self._sinvx**2., self._potu0v0,self._pot) if rstart == 0.: umin= 0. else: try: umin= optimize.brentq(_JRStaeckelIntegrandSquared, rstart,self._ux-eps, (E,L,self._I3U,self._delta, self._u0,self._sinhu0**2., self._vx,self._sinvx**2., self._potu0v0,self._pot), maxiter=200) except RuntimeError: #pragma: no cover raise UnboundError("Orbit seems to be unbound") elif peps > 0. and meps < 0.: #we are at umin umin= self._ux rend,prevr= _uminUmaxFindStart(self._ux, E,L,self._I3U,self._delta, self._u0,self._sinhu0**2., self._vx,self._sinvx**2., self._potu0v0,self._pot, umax=True) umax= optimize.brentq(_JRStaeckelIntegrandSquared, self._ux+eps,rend, (E,L,self._I3U,self._delta, self._u0,self._sinhu0**2., self._vx,self._sinvx**2., self._potu0v0,self._pot), maxiter=200) else: #circular orbit umin= self._ux umax= self._ux else: rstart,prevr= _uminUmaxFindStart(self._ux, E,L,self._I3U,self._delta, self._u0,self._sinhu0**2., self._vx,self._sinvx**2., self._potu0v0,self._pot) if rstart == 0.: umin= 0. else: if numpy.fabs(prevr-self._ux) < 10.**-2.: rup= self._ux else: rup= prevr try: umin= optimize.brentq(_JRStaeckelIntegrandSquared, rstart,rup, (E,L,self._I3U,self._delta, self._u0,self._sinhu0**2., self._vx,self._sinvx**2., self._potu0v0,self._pot), maxiter=200) except RuntimeError: #pragma: no cover raise UnboundError("Orbit seems to be unbound") rend,prevr= _uminUmaxFindStart(self._ux, E,L,self._I3U,self._delta, self._u0,self._sinhu0**2., self._vx,self._sinvx**2., self._potu0v0,self._pot, umax=True) umax= optimize.brentq(_JRStaeckelIntegrandSquared, prevr,rend, (E,L,self._I3U,self._delta, self._u0,self._sinhu0**2., self._vx,self._sinvx**2., self._potu0v0,self._pot), maxiter=200) self._uminumax= (umin,umax) return self._uminumax def calcVmin(self,**kwargs): """ NAME: calcVmin PURPOSE: calculate the v 'pericenter' INPUT: OUTPUT: vmin HISTORY: 2012-11-28 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ if hasattr(self,'_vmin'): #pragma: no cover return self._vmin E, L= self._E, self._Lz if numpy.fabs(self._pvx) < 10.**-7.: #We are at vmin or vmax eps= 10.**-8. peps= _JzStaeckelIntegrandSquared(self._vx+eps, E,L,self._I3V,self._delta, self._ux,self._coshux**2., self._sinhux**2., self._potupi2,self._pot) meps= _JzStaeckelIntegrandSquared(self._vx-eps, E,L,self._I3V,self._delta, self._ux,self._coshux**2., self._sinhux**2., self._potupi2,self._pot) if peps < 0. and meps > 0.: #we are at vmax, which cannot happen rstart= _vminFindStart(self._vx, E,L,self._I3V,self._delta, self._ux,self._coshux**2., self._sinhux**2., self._potupi2,self._pot) if rstart == 0.: vmin= 0. else: try: vmin= optimize.brentq(_JzStaeckelIntegrandSquared, rstart,self._vx-eps, (E,L,self._I3V,self._delta, self._ux,self._coshux**2., self._sinhux**2., self._potupi2,self._pot), maxiter=200) except RuntimeError: #pragma: no cover raise UnboundError("Orbit seems to be unbound") elif peps > 0. and meps < 0.: #we are at vmin vmin= self._vx else: #planar orbit vmin= self._vx else: rstart= _vminFindStart(self._vx, E,L,self._I3V,self._delta, self._ux,self._coshux**2., self._sinhux**2., self._potupi2,self._pot) if rstart == 0.: vmin= 0. else: try: vmin= optimize.brentq(_JzStaeckelIntegrandSquared, rstart,rstart/0.9, (E,L,self._I3V,self._delta, self._ux,self._coshux**2., self._sinhux**2., self._potupi2,self._pot), maxiter=200) except RuntimeError: #pragma: no cover raise UnboundError("Orbit seems to be unbound") self._vmin= vmin return self._vmin def calcELStaeckel(R,vR,vT,z,vz,pot,vc=1.,ro=1.): """ NAME: calcELStaeckel PURPOSE: calculate the energy and angular momentum INPUT: R - Galactocentric radius (/ro) vR - radial part of the velocity (/vc) vT - azimuthal part of the velocity (/vc) vc - circular velocity ro - reference radius OUTPUT: (E,L) HISTORY: 2012-11-30 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ return (_evaluatePotentials(pot,R,z)+vR**2./2.+vT**2./2.+vz**2./2.,R*vT) def potentialStaeckel(u,v,pot,delta): """ NAME: potentialStaeckel PURPOSE: return the potential INPUT: u - confocal u v - confocal v pot - potential delta - focus OUTPUT: Phi(u,v) HISTORY: 2012-11-29 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ R,z= coords.uv_to_Rz(u,v,delta=delta) return _evaluatePotentials(pot,R,z) def FRStaeckel(u,v,pot,delta): #pragma: no cover because unused """ NAME: FRStaeckel PURPOSE: return the radial force INPUT: u - confocal u v - confocal v pot - potential delta - focus OUTPUT: FR(u,v) HISTORY: 2012-11-30 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ R,z= coords.uv_to_Rz(u,v,delta=delta) return _evaluateRforces(pot,R,z) def FZStaeckel(u,v,pot,delta): #pragma: no cover because unused """ NAME: FZStaeckel PURPOSE: return the vertical force INPUT: u - confocal u v - confocal v pot - potential delta - focus OUTPUT: FZ(u,v) HISTORY: 2012-11-30 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ R,z= coords.uv_to_Rz(u,v,delta=delta) return _evaluatezforces(pot,R,z) def _JRStaeckelIntegrand(u,E,Lz,I3U,delta,u0,sinh2u0,v0,sin2v0, potu0v0,pot): return numpy.sqrt(_JRStaeckelIntegrandSquared(u,E,Lz,I3U,delta,u0,sinh2u0, v0,sin2v0, potu0v0,pot)) def _JRStaeckelIntegrandSquared(u,E,Lz,I3U,delta,u0,sinh2u0,v0,sin2v0, potu0v0,pot): #potu0v0= potentialStaeckel(u0,v0,pot,delta) """The J_R integrand: p^2_u(u)/2/delta^2""" sinh2u= numpy.sinh(u)**2. dU= (sinh2u+sin2v0)*potentialStaeckel(u,v0, pot,delta)\ -(sinh2u0+sin2v0)*potu0v0 return E*sinh2u-I3U-dU-Lz**2./2./delta**2./sinh2u def _JzStaeckelIntegrand(v,E,Lz,I3V,delta,u0,cosh2u0,sinh2u0, potu0pi2,pot): return numpy.sqrt(_JzStaeckelIntegrandSquared(v,E,Lz,I3V,delta,u0,cosh2u0, sinh2u0, potu0pi2,pot)) def _JzStaeckelIntegrandSquared(v,E,Lz,I3V,delta,u0,cosh2u0,sinh2u0, potu0pi2,pot): #potu0pi2= potentialStaeckel(u0,numpy.pi/2.,pot,delta) """The J_z integrand: p_v(v)/2/delta^2""" sin2v= numpy.sin(v)**2. dV= cosh2u0*potu0pi2\ -(sinh2u0+sin2v)*potentialStaeckel(u0,v,pot,delta) return E*sin2v+I3V+dV-Lz**2./2./delta**2./sin2v def _uminUmaxFindStart(u, E,Lz,I3U,delta,u0,sinh2u0,v0,sin2v0, potu0v0,pot,umax=False): """ NAME: _uminUmaxFindStart PURPOSE: Find adequate start or end points to solve for umin and umax INPUT: same as JRStaeckelIntegrandSquared OUTPUT: rstart or rend HISTORY: 2012-11-30 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ if umax: utry= u*1.1 else: utry= u*0.9 prevu= u while _JRStaeckelIntegrandSquared(utry, E,Lz,I3U,delta,u0,sinh2u0,v0,sin2v0, potu0v0,pot) >= 0. \ and utry > 0.000000001: prevu= utry if umax: if utry > 100.: raise UnboundError("Orbit seems to be unbound") utry*= 1.1 else: utry*= 0.9 if utry < 0.000000001: return (0.,prevu) return (utry,prevu) def _vminFindStart(v,E,Lz,I3V,delta,u0,cosh2u0,sinh2u0, potu0pi2,pot): """ NAME: _vminFindStart PURPOSE: Find adequate start point to solve for vmin INPUT: same as JzStaeckelIntegrandSquared OUTPUT: rstart HISTORY: 2012-11-28 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ vtry= 0.9*v while _JzStaeckelIntegrandSquared(vtry, E,Lz,I3V,delta,u0,cosh2u0,sinh2u0, potu0pi2,pot) >= 0. \ and vtry > 0.000000001: vtry*= 0.9 if vtry < 0.000000001: return 0. return vtry @potential_physical_input @physical_conversion('position',pop=True) def estimateDeltaStaeckel(pot,R,z, no_median=False): """ NAME: estimateDeltaStaeckel PURPOSE: Estimate a good value for delta using eqn. (9) in Sanders (2012) INPUT: pot - Potential instance or list thereof R,z- coordinates (if these are arrays, the median estimated delta is returned, i.e., if this is an orbit) no_median - (False) if True, and input is array, return all calculated values of delta (useful for quickly estimating delta for many phase space points) OUTPUT: delta HISTORY: 2013-08-28 - Written - Bovy (IAS) 2016-02-20 - Changed input order to allow physical conversions - Bovy (UofT) """ if isinstance(R,numpy.ndarray): delta2= numpy.array([(z[ii]**2.-R[ii]**2. #eqn. (9) has a sign error +(3.*R[ii]*_evaluatezforces(pot,R[ii],z[ii]) -3.*z[ii]*_evaluateRforces(pot,R[ii],z[ii]) +R[ii]*z[ii]*(evaluateR2derivs(pot,R[ii],z[ii], use_physical=False) -evaluatez2derivs(pot,R[ii],z[ii], use_physical=False)))/evaluateRzderivs(pot,R[ii],z[ii],use_physical=False)) for ii in range(len(R))]) indx= (delta2 < 0.)*(delta2 > -10.**-10.) delta2[indx]= 0. if not no_median: delta2= numpy.median(delta2[True^numpy.isnan(delta2)]) else: delta2= (z**2.-R**2. #eqn. (9) has a sign error +(3.*R*_evaluatezforces(pot,R,z) -3.*z*_evaluateRforces(pot,R,z) +R*z*(evaluateR2derivs(pot,R,z,use_physical=False) -evaluatez2derivs(pot,R,z,use_physical=False)))/evaluateRzderivs(pot,R,z,use_physical=False)) if delta2 < 0. and delta2 > -10.**-10.: delta2= 0. return numpy.sqrt(delta2)