Source code for galpy.potential.ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce

#   ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce: Class that implements the 
#                                        Chandrasekhar dynamical friction
import copy
import hashlib
import numpy
from scipy import special, interpolate
from ..util import conversion
from .DissipativeForce import DissipativeForce
from .Potential import evaluateDensities, _check_c
from .Potential import flatten as flatten_pot
_INVSQRTTWO= 1./numpy.sqrt(2.)
_INVSQRTPI= 1./numpy.sqrt(numpy.pi)
[docs]class ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce(DissipativeForce): """Class that implements the Chandrasekhar dynamical friction force .. math:: \\mathbf{F}(\\mathbf{x},\\mathbf{v}) = -2\\pi\\,[G\\,M]\\,[G\\,\\rho(\\mathbf{x})]\\,\\ln[1+\\Lambda^2] \\,\\left[\\mathrm{erf}(X)-\\frac{2X}{\\sqrt{\\pi}}\\exp\\left(-X^2\\right)\\right]\\,\\frac{\\mathbf{v}}{|\\mathbf{v}|^3}\\, on a mass (e.g., a satellite galaxy or a black hole) :math:`M` at position :math:`\\mathbf{x}` moving at velocity :math:`\\mathbf{v}` through a background density :math:`\\rho`. The quantity :math:`X` is the usual :math:`X=|\\mathbf{v}|/[\\sqrt{2}\\sigma_r(r)`. The factor :math:`\\Lambda` that goes into the Coulomb logarithm is taken to be .. math:: \\Lambda = \\frac{r/\\gamma}{\\mathrm{max}\\left(r_{\\mathrm{hm}},GM/|\\mathbf{v}|^2\\right)}\\,, where :math:`\\gamma` is a constant. This :math:`\\gamma` should be the absolute value of the logarithmic slope of the density :math:`\\gamma = |\\mathrm{d} \\ln \\rho / \\mathrm{d} \\ln r|`, although for :math:`\\gamma<1` it is advisable to set :math:`\\gamma=1`. Implementation here roughly follows `2016MNRAS.463..858P <>`__ and earlier work. """
[docs] def __init__(self,amp=1.,GMs=.1,gamma=1.,rhm=0., dens=None,sigmar=None, const_lnLambda=False,minr=0.0001,maxr=25.,nr=501, ro=None,vo=None): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: initialize a Chandrasekhar Dynamical Friction force INPUT: amp - amplitude to be applied to the potential (default: 1) GMs - satellite mass; can be a Quantity with units of mass or Gxmass; can be adjusted after initialization by setting obj.GMs= where obj is your ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce instance (note that the mass of the satellite can *not* be changed simply by multiplying the instance by a number, because he mass is not only used as an amplitude) rhm - half-mass radius of the satellite (set to zero for a black hole; can be a Quantity); can be adjusted after initialization by setting obj.rhm= where obj is your ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce instance gamma - Free-parameter in :math:`\\Lambda` dens - Potential instance or list thereof that represents the density [default: LogarithmicHaloPotential(normalize=1.,q=1.)] sigmar= (None) function that gives the velocity dispersion as a function of r (has to be in natural units!); if None, computed from the dens potential using the spherical Jeans equation (in galpy.df.jeans) assuming zero anisotropy; if set to a lambda function, *the object cannot be pickled* (so set it to a real function) cont_lnLambda= (False) if set to a number, use a constant ln(Lambda) instead with this value minr= (0.0001) minimum r at which to apply dynamical friction: at r < minr, friction is set to zero (can be a Quantity) Interpolation: maxr= (25) maximum r for which sigmar gets interpolated; for best performance set this to the maximum r you will consider (can be a Quantity) nr= (501) number of radii to use in the interpolation of sigmar You can check that sigmar is interpolated correctly by comparing the methods sigmar [the interpolated version] and sigmar_orig [the original or directly computed version] OUTPUT: (none) HISTORY: 2011-12-26 - Started - Bovy (NYU) 2018-03-18 - Re-started: updated to r dependent Lambda form and integrated into galpy framework - Bovy (UofT) 2018-07-23 - Calculate sigmar from the Jeans equation and interpolate it; allow GMs and rhm to be set on the fly - Bovy (UofT) """ DissipativeForce.__init__(self,amp=amp*GMs,ro=ro,vo=vo, amp_units='mass') rhm= conversion.parse_length(rhm,ro=self._ro) minr= conversion.parse_length(minr,ro=self._ro) maxr= conversion.parse_length(maxr,ro=self._ro) self._gamma= gamma self._ms= self._amp/amp # from handling in __init__ above, should be ms in galpy units self._rhm= rhm self._minr= minr self._maxr= maxr self._dens_kwarg= dens # for pickling self._sigmar_kwarg= sigmar # for pickling # Parse density if dens is None: from .LogarithmicHaloPotential import LogarithmicHaloPotential dens= LogarithmicHaloPotential(normalize=1.,q=1.) if sigmar is None: # we know this solution! sigmar= lambda x: _INVSQRTTWO dens= flatten_pot(dens) self._dens_pot= dens self._dens=\ lambda R,z,phi=0.,t=0.: evaluateDensities(self._dens_pot, R,z,phi=phi,t=t, use_physical=False) if sigmar is None: from ..df import jeans sigmar= lambda x: jeans.sigmar(self._dens_pot,x,beta=0., use_physical=False) self._sigmar_rs_4interp= numpy.linspace(self._minr,self._maxr,nr) self._sigmars_4interp= numpy.array([sigmar(x) for x in self._sigmar_rs_4interp]) if numpy.any(numpy.isnan(self._sigmars_4interp)): # Check for case where density is zero, in that case, just # paint in the nearest neighbor for the interpolation # (doesn't matter in the end, because force = 0 when dens = 0) nanrs_indx= numpy.isnan(self._sigmars_4interp) if numpy.all(numpy.array([self._dens(r*_INVSQRTTWO,r*_INVSQRTTWO) for r in self._sigmar_rs_4interp[nanrs_indx]]) == 0.): self._sigmars_4interp[nanrs_indx]= interpolate.interp1d(\ self._sigmar_rs_4interp[True^nanrs_indx], self._sigmars_4interp[True^nanrs_indx], kind="nearest",fill_value="extrapolate")\ (self._sigmar_rs_4interp[nanrs_indx]) self.sigmar_orig= sigmar self.sigmar= interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(\ self._sigmar_rs_4interp,self._sigmars_4interp,k=3) if const_lnLambda: self._lnLambda= const_lnLambda else: self._lnLambda= False self._amp*= 4.*numpy.pi self._force_hash= None self.hasC= _check_c(self._dens_pot,dens=True) return None
def GMs(self,gms): gms= conversion.parse_mass(gms,ro=self._ro,vo=self._vo) self._amp*= gms/self._ms self._ms= gms # Reset the hash self._force_hash= None return None GMs= property(None,GMs) def rhm(self,new_rhm): self._rhm= conversion.parse_length(new_rhm,ro=self._ro) # Reset the hash self._force_hash= None return None rhm= property(None,rhm) def lnLambda(self,r,v): """ NAME: lnLambda PURPOSE: evaluate the Coulomb logarithm :math:`\\ln \\Lambda` INPUT: r - spherical radius (natural units) v - current velocity in cylindrical coordinates (natural units) OUTPUT: Coulomb logarithm HISTORY: 2018-03-18 - Started - Bovy (UofT) """ if self._lnLambda: lnLambda= self._lnLambda else: GMvs= self._ms/v**2. if GMvs < self._rhm: Lambda= r/self._gamma/self._rhm else: Lambda= r/self._gamma/GMvs lnLambda= 0.5*numpy.log(1.+Lambda**2.) return lnLambda def _calc_force(self,R,phi,z,v,t): r= numpy.sqrt(R**2.+z**2.) if r < self._minr: self._cached_force= 0. else: vs= numpy.sqrt(v[0]**2.+v[1]**2.+v[2]**2.) if r > self._maxr: sr= self.sigmar_orig(r) else: sr= self.sigmar(r) X= vs*_INVSQRTTWO/sr Xfactor= special.erf(X)-2.*X*_INVSQRTPI*numpy.exp(-X**2.) lnLambda= self.lnLambda(r,vs) self._cached_force=\ -self._dens(R,z,phi=phi,t=t)/vs**3.\ *Xfactor*lnLambda def _Rforce(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.,v=None): """ NAME: _Rforce PURPOSE: evaluate the radial force for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time v= current velocity in cylindrical coordinates OUTPUT: the radial force HISTORY: 2018-03-18 - Started - Bovy (UofT) """ new_hash= hashlib.md5(numpy.array([R,phi,z,v[0],v[1],v[2],t]))\ .hexdigest() if new_hash != self._force_hash: self._calc_force(R,phi,z,v,t) return self._cached_force*v[0] def _phiforce(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.,v=None): """ NAME: _phiforce PURPOSE: evaluate the azimuthal force for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time v= current velocity in cylindrical coordinates OUTPUT: the azimuthal force HISTORY: 2018-03-18 - Started - Bovy (UofT) """ new_hash= hashlib.md5(numpy.array([R,phi,z,v[0],v[1],v[2],t]))\ .hexdigest() if new_hash != self._force_hash: self._calc_force(R,phi,z,v,t) return self._cached_force*v[1]*R def _zforce(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.,v=None): """ NAME: _zforce PURPOSE: evaluate the vertical force for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time v= current velocity in cylindrical coordinates OUTPUT: the vertical force HISTORY: 2018-03-18 - Started - Bovy (UofT) """ new_hash= hashlib.md5(numpy.array([R,phi,z,v[0],v[1],v[2],t]))\ .hexdigest() if new_hash != self._force_hash: self._calc_force(R,phi,z,v,t) return self._cached_force*v[2] # Pickling functions def __getstate__(self): pdict= copy.copy(self.__dict__) # rm lambda function del pdict['_dens'] if self._sigmar_kwarg is None: # because an object set up with sigmar = user-provided function # cannot typically be picked, disallow this explicitly # (so if it can, everything should be fine; if not, pickling error) del pdict['sigmar_orig'] return pdict def __setstate__(self,pdict): self.__dict__= pdict # Re-setup _dens self._dens=\ lambda R,z,phi=0.,t=0.: evaluateDensities(self._dens_pot, R,z,phi=phi,t=t, use_physical=False) # Re-setup sigmar_orig if self._dens_kwarg is None and self._sigmar_kwarg is None: self.sigmar_orig= lambda x: _INVSQRTTWO else: from ..df import jeans self.sigmar_orig= lambda x: jeans.sigmar(self._dens_pot,x,beta=0., use_physical=False) return None