Source code for galpy.potential.EllipsoidalPotential

# base class for potentials corresponding to 
#                            density profiles that are stratified on
#                            ellipsoids: 
#                            \rho(x,y,z) ~ \rho(m)
#                            with m^2 = x^2+y^2/b^2+z^2/c^2
import hashlib
import numpy
from scipy import integrate
from ..util import coords, conversion
from ..util import _rotate_to_arbitrary_vector
from .Potential import Potential, check_potential_inputs_not_arrays
[docs]class EllipsoidalPotential(Potential): """Base class for potentials corresponding to density profiles that are stratified on ellipsoids: .. math:: \\rho(x,y,z) \\equiv \\rho(m^2) where :math:`m^2 = x^2+y^2/b^2+z^2/c^2`. Note that :math:`b` and :math:`c` are defined to be the axis ratios (rather than using :math:`m^2 = x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2+z^2/c^2` as is common). Implement a specific density distribution with this form by inheriting from this class and defining functions ``_mdens(self,m)`` (the density as a function of ``m``), ``_mdens_deriv(self,m)`` (the derivative of the density as a function of ``m``), and ``_psi(self,m)``, which is: .. math:: \psi(m) = -\\int_{m^2}^\\infty d m^2 \\rho(m^2) See PerfectEllipsoidPotential for an example and `Merritt & Fridman (1996) <>`_ for the formalism. """
[docs] def __init__(self,amp=1., b=1.,c=1., zvec=None,pa=None,glorder=50, ro=None,vo=None,amp_units=None): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: initialize a ellipsoidal potential INPUT: amp - amplitude to be applied to the potential (default: 1); can be a Quantity with units that depend on the specific spheroidal potential b - y-to-x axis ratio of the density c - z-to-x axis ratio of the density zvec= (None) If set, a unit vector that corresponds to the z axis pa= (None) If set, the position angle of the x axis (rad or Quantity) glorder= (50) if set, compute the relevant force and potential integrals with Gaussian quadrature of this order amp_units - ('mass', 'velocity2', 'density') type of units that amp should have if it has units (passed to Potential.__init__) ro=, vo= distance and velocity scales for translation into internal units (default from configuration file) OUTPUT: (none) HISTORY: 2018-08-06 - Started - Bovy (UofT) """ Potential.__init__(self,amp=amp,ro=ro,vo=vo,amp_units=amp_units) # Setup axis ratios self._b= b self._c= c self._b2= self._b**2. self._c2= self._c**2. self._force_hash= None # Setup rotation self._setup_zvec_pa(zvec,pa) # Setup integration self._setup_gl(glorder) if not self._aligned or numpy.fabs(self._b-1.) > 10.**-10.: self.isNonAxi= True return None
def _setup_zvec_pa(self,zvec,pa): if not pa is None: pa= conversion.parse_angle(pa) if zvec is None and (pa is None or numpy.fabs(pa) < 10.**-10.): self._aligned= True else: self._aligned= False if not pa is None: pa_rot= numpy.array([[numpy.cos(pa),numpy.sin(pa),0.], [-numpy.sin(pa),numpy.cos(pa),0.], [0.,0.,1.]]) else: pa_rot= numpy.eye(3) if not zvec is None: if not isinstance(zvec,numpy.ndarray): zvec= numpy.array(zvec) zvec/= numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(zvec**2.)) zvec_rot= _rotate_to_arbitrary_vector(\ numpy.array([[0.,0.,1.]]),zvec,inv=True)[0] else: zvec_rot= numpy.eye(3) self._rot=,zvec_rot) return None def _setup_gl(self,glorder): self._glorder= glorder if self._glorder is None: self._glx, self._glw= None, None else: self._glx, self._glw=\ numpy.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(self._glorder) # Interval change self._glx= 0.5*self._glx+0.5 self._glw*= 0.5 return None @check_potential_inputs_not_arrays def _evaluate(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _evaluate PURPOSE: evaluate the potential at R,z INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: Phi(R,z) HISTORY: 2016-05-30 - Started - Bovy (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= coords.cyl_to_rect(R,phi,z) if numpy.isinf(R): y= 0. if self._aligned: return self._evaluate_xyz(x,y,z) else: xyzp=,numpy.array([x,y,z])) return self._evaluate_xyz(xyzp[0],xyzp[1],xyzp[2]) def _evaluate_xyz(self,x,y,z): """Evaluation of the potential as a function of (x,y,z) in the aligned coordinate frame""" return 2.*numpy.pi*self._b*self._c\ *_potInt(x,y,z,self._psi, self._b2,self._c2,glx=self._glx,glw=self._glw) @check_potential_inputs_not_arrays def _Rforce(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _Rforce PURPOSE: evaluate the radial force for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the radial force HISTORY: 2016-06-09 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= coords.cyl_to_rect(R,phi,z) # Compute all rectangular forces new_hash= hashlib.md5(numpy.array([x,y,z])).hexdigest() if new_hash == self._force_hash: Fx= self._cached_Fx Fy= self._cached_Fy Fz= self._cached_Fz else: if self._aligned: xp, yp, zp= x, y, z else: xyzp=,numpy.array([x,y,z])) xp, yp, zp= xyzp[0], xyzp[1], xyzp[2] Fx= self._force_xyz(xp,yp,zp,0) Fy= self._force_xyz(xp,yp,zp,1) Fz= self._force_xyz(xp,yp,zp,2) self._force_hash= new_hash self._cached_Fx= Fx self._cached_Fy= Fy self._cached_Fz= Fz if not self._aligned: Fxyz=,numpy.array([Fx,Fy,Fz])) Fx, Fy= Fxyz[0], Fxyz[1] return numpy.cos(phi)*Fx+numpy.sin(phi)*Fy @check_potential_inputs_not_arrays def _phiforce(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _phiforce PURPOSE: evaluate the azimuthal force for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the azimuthal force HISTORY: 2016-06-09 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= coords.cyl_to_rect(R,phi,z) # Compute all rectangular forces new_hash= hashlib.md5(numpy.array([x,y,z])).hexdigest() if new_hash == self._force_hash: Fx= self._cached_Fx Fy= self._cached_Fy Fz= self._cached_Fz else: if self._aligned: xp, yp, zp= x, y, z else: xyzp=,numpy.array([x,y,z])) xp, yp, zp= xyzp[0], xyzp[1], xyzp[2] Fx= self._force_xyz(xp,yp,zp,0) Fy= self._force_xyz(xp,yp,zp,1) Fz= self._force_xyz(xp,yp,zp,2) self._force_hash= new_hash self._cached_Fx= Fx self._cached_Fy= Fy self._cached_Fz= Fz if not self._aligned: Fxyz=,numpy.array([Fx,Fy,Fz])) Fx, Fy= Fxyz[0], Fxyz[1] return R*(-numpy.sin(phi)*Fx+numpy.cos(phi)*Fy) @check_potential_inputs_not_arrays def _zforce(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _zforce PURPOSE: evaluate the vertical force for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the vertical force HISTORY: 2016-06-09 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= coords.cyl_to_rect(R,phi,z) # Compute all rectangular forces new_hash= hashlib.md5(numpy.array([x,y,z])).hexdigest() if new_hash == self._force_hash: Fx= self._cached_Fx Fy= self._cached_Fy Fz= self._cached_Fz else: if self._aligned: xp, yp, zp= x, y, z else: xyzp=,numpy.array([x,y,z])) xp, yp, zp= xyzp[0], xyzp[1], xyzp[2] Fx= self._force_xyz(xp,yp,zp,0) Fy= self._force_xyz(xp,yp,zp,1) Fz= self._force_xyz(xp,yp,zp,2) self._force_hash= new_hash self._cached_Fx= Fx self._cached_Fy= Fy self._cached_Fz= Fz if not self._aligned: Fxyz=,numpy.array([Fx,Fy,Fz])) Fz= Fxyz[2] return Fz def _force_xyz(self,x,y,z,i): """Evaluation of the i-th force component as a function of (x,y,z)""" return -4.*numpy.pi*self._b*self._c\ *_forceInt(x,y,z, lambda m: self._mdens(m), self._b2,self._c2,i,glx=self._glx,glw=self._glw) @check_potential_inputs_not_arrays def _R2deriv(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _R2deriv PURPOSE: evaluate the second radial derivative for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the second radial derivative HISTORY: 2016-06-15 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= coords.cyl_to_rect(R,phi,z) if not self._aligned: raise NotImplementedError("2nd potential derivatives of TwoPowerTriaxialPotential not implemented for rotated coordinated frames (non-trivial zvec and pa); use RotateAndTiltWrapperPotential for this functionality instead") phixx= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,0) phixy= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,1) phiyy= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,1,1) return numpy.cos(phi)**2.*phixx+numpy.sin(phi)**2.*phiyy\ +2.*numpy.cos(phi)*numpy.sin(phi)*phixy @check_potential_inputs_not_arrays def _Rzderiv(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _Rzderiv PURPOSE: evaluate the mixed radial, vertical derivative for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the mixed radial, vertical derivative HISTORY: 2016-06-15 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= coords.cyl_to_rect(R,phi,z) if not self._aligned: raise NotImplementedError("2nd potential derivatives of TwoPowerTriaxialPotential not implemented for rotated coordinated frames (non-trivial zvec and pa; use RotateAndTiltWrapperPotential for this functionality instead)") phixz= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,2) phiyz= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,1,2) return numpy.cos(phi)*phixz+numpy.sin(phi)*phiyz @check_potential_inputs_not_arrays def _z2deriv(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _z2deriv PURPOSE: evaluate the second vertical derivative for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the second vertical derivative HISTORY: 2016-06-15 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= coords.cyl_to_rect(R,phi,z) if not self._aligned: raise NotImplementedError("2nd potential derivatives of TwoPowerTriaxialPotential not implemented for rotated coordinated frames (non-trivial zvec and pa; use RotateAndTiltWrapperPotential for this functionality instead)") return self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,2,2) @check_potential_inputs_not_arrays def _phi2deriv(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _phi2deriv PURPOSE: evaluate the second azimuthal derivative for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the second azimuthal derivative HISTORY: 2016-06-15 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= coords.cyl_to_rect(R,phi,z) if not self._aligned: raise NotImplementedError("2nd potential derivatives of TwoPowerTriaxialPotential not implemented for rotated coordinated frames (non-trivial zvec and pa; use RotateAndTiltWrapperPotential for this functionality instead)") Fx= self._force_xyz(x,y,z,0) Fy= self._force_xyz(x,y,z,1) phixx= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,0) phixy= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,1) phiyy= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,1,1) return R**2.*(numpy.sin(phi)**2.*phixx+numpy.cos(phi)**2.*phiyy\ -2.*numpy.cos(phi)*numpy.sin(phi)*phixy)\ +R*(numpy.cos(phi)*Fx+numpy.sin(phi)*Fy) @check_potential_inputs_not_arrays def _Rphideriv(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _Rphideriv PURPOSE: evaluate the mixed radial, azimuthal derivative for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the mixed radial, azimuthal derivative HISTORY: 2016-06-15 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= coords.cyl_to_rect(R,phi,z) if not self._aligned: raise NotImplementedError("2nd potential derivatives of TwoPowerTriaxialPotential not implemented for rotated coordinated frames (non-trivial zvec and pa; use RotateAndTiltWrapperPotential for this functionality instead)") Fx= self._force_xyz(x,y,z,0) Fy= self._force_xyz(x,y,z,1) phixx= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,0) phixy= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,1) phiyy= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,1,1) return R*numpy.cos(phi)*numpy.sin(phi)*\ (phiyy-phixx)+R*numpy.cos(2.*phi)*phixy\ +numpy.sin(phi)*Fx-numpy.cos(phi)*Fy @check_potential_inputs_not_arrays def _phizderiv(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _phizderiv PURPOSE: evaluate the mixed azimuthal, vertical derivative for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the mixed radial, azimuthal derivative HISTORY: 2021-04-30 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi: phi= 0. x,y,z= coords.cyl_to_rect(R,phi,z) if not self._aligned: raise NotImplementedError("2nd potential derivatives of TwoPowerTriaxialPotential not implemented for rotated coordinated frames (non-trivial zvec and pa; use RotateAndTiltWrapperPotential for this functionality instead)") phixz= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,0,2) phiyz= self._2ndderiv_xyz(x,y,z,1,2) return R*(numpy.cos(phi)*phiyz-numpy.sin(phi)*phixz) def _2ndderiv_xyz(self,x,y,z,i,j): """General 2nd derivative of the potential as a function of (x,y,z) in the aligned coordinate frame""" return 4.*numpy.pi*self._b*self._c\ *_2ndDerivInt(x,y,z, lambda m: self._mdens(m), lambda m: self._mdens_deriv(m), self._b2,self._c2,i,j,glx=self._glx,glw=self._glw) @check_potential_inputs_not_arrays def _dens(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _dens PURPOSE: evaluate the density for this potential INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: the density HISTORY: 2018-08-06 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ x,y,z= coords.cyl_to_rect(R,phi,z) if self._aligned: xp, yp, zp= x, y, z else: xyzp=,numpy.array([x,y,z])) xp, yp, zp= xyzp[0], xyzp[1], xyzp[2] m= numpy.sqrt(xp**2.+yp**2./self._b2+zp**2./self._c2) return self._mdens(m) def _mass(self,R,z=None,t=0.): """ NAME: _mass PURPOSE: evaluate the mass within R (and z) for this potential; if z=None, integrate to z=inf INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height t - time OUTPUT: the mass enclosed HISTORY: 2021-03-08 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if not z is None: raise AttributeError # Hack to fall back to general return 4.*numpy.pi*self._b*self._c\ *integrate.quad(lambda m: m**2.*self._mdens(m),0,R)[0] def OmegaP(self): """ NAME: OmegaP PURPOSE: return the pattern speed INPUT: (none) OUTPUT: pattern speed HISTORY: 2016-05-31 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ return 0.
def _potInt(x,y,z,psi,b2,c2,glx=None,glw=None): """int_0^\infty [psi(m)-psi(\infy)]/sqrt([1+tau]x[b^2+tau]x[c^2+tau])dtau""" def integrand(s): t= 1/s**2.-1. return psi(numpy.sqrt(x**2./(1.+t)+y**2./(b2+t)+z**2./(c2+t)))\ /numpy.sqrt((1.+(b2-1.)*s**2.)*(1.+(c2-1.)*s**2.)) if glx is None: return integrate.quad(integrand,0.,1.)[0] else: return numpy.sum(glw*integrand(glx)) def _forceInt(x,y,z,dens,b2,c2,i,glx=None,glw=None): """Integral that gives the force in x,y,z""" def integrand(s): t= 1/s**2.-1. return dens(numpy.sqrt(x**2./(1.+t)+y**2./(b2+t)+z**2./(c2+t)))\ *(x/(1.+t)*(i==0)+y/(b2+t)*(i==1)+z/(c2+t)*(i==2))\ /numpy.sqrt((1.+(b2-1.)*s**2.)*(1.+(c2-1.)*s**2.)) if glx is None: return integrate.quad(integrand,0.,1.)[0] else: return numpy.sum(glw*integrand(glx)) def _2ndDerivInt(x,y,z,dens,densDeriv,b2,c2,i,j,glx=None,glw=None): """Integral that gives the 2nd derivative of the potential in x,y,z""" def integrand(s): t= 1/s**2.-1. m= numpy.sqrt(x**2./(1.+t)+y**2./(b2+t)+z**2./(c2+t)) return (densDeriv(m) *(x/(1.+t)*(i==0)+y/(b2+t)*(i==1)+z/(c2+t)*(i==2)) *(x/(1.+t)*(j==0)+y/(b2+t)*(j==1)+z/(c2+t)*(j==2))/m\ +dens(m)*(i==j)*((1./(1.+t)*(i==0)+1./(b2+t)*(i==1)+1./(c2+t)*(i==2))))\ /numpy.sqrt((1.+(b2-1.)*s**2.)*(1.+(c2-1.)*s**2.)) if glx is None: return integrate.quad(integrand,0.,1.)[0] else: return numpy.sum(glw*integrand(glx))