Source code for galpy.potential.KGPotential

import numpy
from ..util import conversion
from ..util.conversion import _APY_LOADED
from .linearPotential import linearPotential
    from astropy import units
[docs]class KGPotential(linearPotential): """Class representing the Kuijken & Gilmore (1989) potential .. math:: \Phi(x) = \\mathrm{amp}\\,\\left(K\\,\\left(\\sqrt{x^2+D^2}-D\\right)+F\\,x^2\\right) """
[docs] def __init__(self,K=1.15,F=0.03,D=1.8,amp=1.,ro=None,vo=None): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: Initialize a KGPotential INPUT: K= K parameter (= :math:`2\\pi \\Sigma_{\\mathrm{disk}}`; specify either as surface density or directly as force [i.e., including :math:`2\\pi G`]; can be Quantity) F= F parameter (= :math:`4\\pi\\rho_{\\mathrm{halo}}`; specify either as density or directly as second potential derivative [i.e., including :math:`4\\pi G`]; can be Quantity) D= D parameter (natural units or Quantity length units) amp - an overall amplitude OUTPUT: instance HISTORY: 2010-07-12 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ linearPotential.__init__(self,amp=amp,ro=ro,vo=vo) D= conversion.parse_length(D,ro=self._ro) K= conversion.parse_force(K,ro=self._ro,vo=self._vo) if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(F,units.Quantity): try: F=**3).value\ /conversion.dens_in_msolpc3(self._vo,self._ro)*4.*numpy.pi except units.UnitConversionError: pass if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(F,units.Quantity): try: F=**2/units.s**2/units.kpc**2).value\ *ro**2/vo**2 except units.UnitConversionError: raise units.UnitConversionError("Units for F not understood; should be density") self._K= K self._F= F self._D= D self._D2= self._D**2. self.hasC= True
def _evaluate(self,x,t=0.): return self._K*(numpy.sqrt(x**2.+self._D2)-self._D)+self._F*x**2. def _force(self,x,t=0.): return -x*(self._K/numpy.sqrt(x**2+self._D2)+2.*self._F)