Source code for galpy.orbit.Orbits

from six import raise_from
from past.builtins import basestring
import os
import sys
_PY3= sys.version > '3'
import json
import copy
import string
from functools import wraps
from random import choice
from string import ascii_lowercase
from pkg_resources import parse_version
import warnings
import numpy
from scipy import interpolate, optimize
import scipy
_SCIPY_VERSION= parse_version(scipy.__version__)
if _SCIPY_VERSION < parse_version('0.10'): #pragma: no cover
    from scipy.maxentropy import logsumexp
elif _SCIPY_VERSION < parse_version('0.19'): #pragma: no cover
    from scipy.misc import logsumexp
    from scipy.special import logsumexp
from ..util import galpyWarning, galpyWarningVerbose
from ..util.conversion import physical_conversion, physical_compatible
from ..util.coords import _K
from ..util import coords
from ..util import plot
from ..util import conversion
from ..util.conversion import _APY_LOADED
from ..potential import toPlanarPotential, PotentialError, evaluatePotentials,\
    evaluateplanarPotentials, evaluatelinearPotentials
from ..potential import flatten as flatten_potential
from ..potential.Potential import _check_c
from ..potential import rl, rE, LcE, _isNonAxi
from ..potential.DissipativeForce import _isDissipative
from .integrateLinearOrbit import integrateLinearOrbit_c, _ext_loaded, \
from .integratePlanarOrbit import integratePlanarOrbit_c, \
    integratePlanarOrbit, integratePlanarOrbit_dxdv
from .integrateFullOrbit import integrateFullOrbit_c, integrateFullOrbit
ext_loaded= _ext_loaded
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
except ImportError:
    SkyCoord = None
    from astropy import units
# Separate like this, because coordinates don't work in Pyodide astropy (2/25/22)
    from astropy import coordinates
    import astropy
    _APY3= parse_version(astropy.__version__) > parse_version('3')
    _APY_GE_31= parse_version(astropy.__version__) > parse_version('3.0.5')
    from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
except ImportError:
from ..util import config
_APY_UNITS= config.__config__.getboolean('astropy','astropy-units')
    vxvv_units= [units.kpc,,,
    _APY_UNITS= False
# Set default numcores for integrate w/ parallel map using OMP_NUM_THREADS
    _NUMCORES= int(os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'])
except KeyError:
    import multiprocessing
    _NUMCORES= multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# named_objects file
def _named_objects_key_formatting(name):
    # Remove punctuation, spaces, and make lowercase
    if _PY3:
        out_name= name.translate(\
            str.maketrans('', '',string.punctuation)).replace(' ', '').lower()
    else: #pragma: no cover
        out_name= str(name).translate(None,string.punctuation)\
            .replace(' ', '').lower()
    return out_name   
_known_objects= None
_known_objects_original_keys= None # these are use for auto-completion
_known_objects_collections_original_keys= None
_known_objects_synonyms_original_keys= None
_known_objects_keys_updated= False
def _load_named_objects():
    global _known_objects
    global _known_objects_original_keys
    global _known_objects_collections_original_keys
    global _known_objects_synonyms_original_keys
    if not _known_objects:
        with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
                               'named_objects.json'),'r') as jsonfile:
            _known_objects= json.load(jsonfile)
        # Save original keys for auto-completion
        _known_objects_original_keys= copy.copy(list(_known_objects.keys()))
        _known_objects_collections_original_keys= \
        _known_objects_synonyms_original_keys= \
        # Add synonyms as duplicates
        for name in _known_objects['_synonyms']:
            _known_objects[name]= \
    return None
def _update_keys_named_objects():
    global _known_objects_keys_updated
    if not _known_objects_keys_updated:
        # Format the keys of the known objects dictionary, first collections
        old_keys= list(_known_objects['_collections'].keys())
        for old_key in old_keys:
                [_named_objects_key_formatting(old_key)]= \
        # Then the objects themselves
        old_keys= list(_known_objects.keys())
        for old_key in old_keys:
            _known_objects[_named_objects_key_formatting(old_key)]= \
        _known_objects_keys_updated= True
# Auto-completion
try: # pragma: no cover
    from IPython import get_ipython
    def name_completer(ipython,event):
        try: # encapsulate in try/except to avoid *any* error
            out= copy.copy(_known_objects_original_keys)
        except: pass
        return out
except: pass

def shapeDecorator(func):
    """Decorator to return Orbits outputs with the correct shape"""
    def shape_wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
        dontreshape= kwargs.get('dontreshape',False)
        result= func(*args,**kwargs)
        if dontreshape:
            return result
        elif args[0].shape == ():
            return result[0]
            return numpy.reshape(result,args[0].shape+result.shape[1:])
    return shape_wrapper
class Orbit(object):
    Class representing single and multiple orbits.
[docs] def __init__(self,vxvv=None,ro=None,vo=None,zo=None,solarmotion=None, radec=False,uvw=False,lb=False): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: Initialize an Orbit instance INPUT: vxvv - initial conditions (must all have the same phase-space dimension); can be either a) astropy (>v3.0) SkyCoord with arbitrary shape, including velocities (note that this turns *on* physical output even if ro and vo are not given) b) array of arbitrary shape (shape,phasedim) (shape of the orbits, followed by the phase-space dimension of the orbit); shape information is retained and used in outputs; elements can be either 1) in Galactocentric cylindrical coordinates with phase-space coordinates arranged as [R,vR,vT(,z,vz,phi)]; needs to be in internal units (for Quantity input; see 'list' option below) 2) [ra,dec,d,mu_ra, mu_dec,vlos] in [deg,deg,kpc,mas/yr,mas/yr,km/s] (ICRS; mu_ra = mu_ra * cos dec); (for Quantity input, see 'list' option below); 4) [ra,dec,d,U,V,W] in [deg,deg,kpc,km/s,km/s,kms]; (for Quantity input; see 'list' option below); ICRS frame 5) (l,b,d,mu_l, mu_b, vlos) in [deg,deg,kpc,mas/yr,mas/yr,km/s) (mu_l = mu_l * cos b); (for Quantity input; see 'list' option below) 6) [l,b,d,U,V,W] in [deg,deg,kpc,km/s,km/s,kms]; (for Quantity input; see 'list' option below) 5) and 6) also work when leaving out b and mu_b/W c) lists of initial conditions, entries can be 1) individual Orbit instances (of single objects) 2) Quantity arrays arranged as in section 2) above (so things like [R,vR,vT,z,vz,phi], where R, vR, ... can be arbitrary shape Quantity arrays) 3) list of Quantities (so things like [R1,vR1,..,], where R1, vR1, ... are scalar Quantities 4) None: assumed to be the Sun; if None occurs in a list it is assumed to be the Sun *and all other items in the list are assumed to be [ra,dec,...]*; cannot be combined with Quantity lists (2 and 3 above) 5) lists of scalar phase-space coordinates arranged as in b) (so things like [R,vR,...] where R,vR are scalars in internal units OPTIONAL INPUTS: ro - distance from vantage point to GC (kpc; can be Quantity) vo - circular velocity at ro (km/s; can be Quantity) zo - offset toward the NGP of the Sun wrt the plane (kpc; can be Quantity; default = 20.8 pc from Bennett & Bovy 2019) solarmotion - 'hogg' or 'dehnen', or 'schoenrich', or value in [-U,V,W]; can be Quantity OUTPUT: instance HISTORY: 2018-10-13 - Written - Mathew Bub (UofT) 2019-01-01 - Better handling of unit/coordinate-conversion parameters and consistency checks - Bovy (UofT) 2019-02-01 - Handle array of SkyCoords in a faster way by making use of the fact that array of SkyCoords is processed correctly by Orbit 2019-02-18 - Don't support radec, lb, or uvw keywords to avoid slow coordinate transformations that would require ugly code to fix - Bovy (UofT) 2019-03-19 - Allow array vxvv and arbitrary shapes - Bovy (UofT) """ # First deal with None = Sun if vxvv is None: # Assume one wants the Sun vxvv= numpy.array([0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]) radec= True elif isinstance(vxvv,(list, tuple)): if None in vxvv: vxvv= [[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.] if tvxvv is None else tvxvv for tvxvv in vxvv] radec= True # Set ro, vo, zo, solarmotion based on input, SkyCoord vxvv, ... self._setup_parse_coordtransform(vxvv,ro,vo,zo,solarmotion, radec,lb) # Determine and record input shape and flatten for further processing if _APY_COORD_LOADED and isinstance(vxvv,SkyCoord): input_shape= vxvv.shape vxvv=vxvv.flatten() elif isinstance(vxvv,numpy.ndarray): input_shape= vxvv.shape[:-1] vxvv= numpy.atleast_2d(vxvv) vxvv= vxvv.reshape(([:-1]),vxvv.shape[-1])) elif isinstance(vxvv,(list, tuple)): if isinstance(vxvv[0],Orbit): vxvv= self._setup_parse_listofOrbits(vxvv,ro,vo,zo,solarmotion) input_shape= (len(vxvv),) vxvv= numpy.array(vxvv) elif _APY_LOADED and isinstance(vxvv[0],units.Quantity): # Case where vxvv= [R,vR,...] or [ra,dec,...] with Quantities input_shape= vxvv[0].shape vxvv= [s.flatten() for s in vxvv] # Keep as list, is fine later... elif _APY_LOADED and isinstance(vxvv[0],list) \ and isinstance(vxvv[0][0],units.Quantity): # Case where vxvv= [[R1,vR1,...],[R2,vR2,...]] # or [[ra1,dec1,...],[ra2,dec2,...]] with Quantities input_shape= (len(vxvv),) pdim= len(vxvv[0]) stack= [] for pp in range(pdim): stack.append(\ numpy.array([tvxvv[pp].to(vxvv[0][pp].unit).value for tvxvv in vxvv])\ *vxvv[0][pp].unit) vxvv= stack # Keep as list, is fine later... elif numpy.ndim(vxvv[0]) == 0: # Scalar, so assume single object vxvv= [vxvv] input_shape= () vxvv= numpy.array(vxvv) else: input_shape= (len(vxvv),) vxvv= numpy.array(vxvv) if isinstance(vxvv,numpy.ndarray) and vxvv.dtype == 'object': # if diff. phasedim, object array is created raise RuntimeError("All individual orbits in an Orbit class must have the same phase-space dimensionality") #: Tuple of Orbit dimensions self.shape= input_shape self._setup_parse_vxvv(vxvv,radec,lb,uvw) # Check that we have a valid phase-space dim (often messed up by not # transposing the input array to the correct shape) if self.phasedim() < 2 or self.phasedim() > 6: if len(self.vxvv) > 1 and len(self.vxvv) < 7: raise RuntimeError("Invalid phase-space dimension {:d} for {:d} objects; perhaps you meant to transpose the input?".format(self.phasedim(),len(self.vxvv))) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid phase-space dimension: phasedim = {:d}, but should be between 2 and 6".format(self.phasedim())) #: Total number of elements in the Orbit instance self.size= 1 if self.shape == () else len(self.vxvv) if self.dim() == 1: # For the 1D case, solar position/velocity is not used currently self._zo= None self._solarmotion= None
def _setup_parse_coordtransform(self,vxvv,ro,vo,zo,solarmotion, radec,lb): # Parse coordinate-transformation inputs with units ro= conversion.parse_length_kpc(ro) zo= conversion.parse_length_kpc(zo) vo= conversion.parse_velocity_kms(vo) # if vxvv is SkyCoord, preferentially use its ro and zo if _APY_COORD_LOADED and isinstance(vxvv,SkyCoord): if not _APY3: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError('Orbit initialization using an astropy SkyCoord requires astropy >3.0') if zo is None and not vxvv.z_sun is None: zo= elif not vxvv.z_sun is None: if numpy.fabs( > 1e-8: raise ValueError("Orbit initialization's zo different from SkyCoord's z_sun; these should be the same for consistency") elif zo is None and not vxvv.galcen_distance is None: zo= 0. if ro is None and not vxvv.galcen_distance is None: ro= numpy.sqrt(**2. -zo**2.) elif not vxvv.galcen_distance is None and \ numpy.fabs(ro**2.+zo****2.) > 1e-10: warnings.warn("Orbit's initialization normalization ro and zo are incompatible with SkyCoord's galcen_distance (should have galcen_distance^2 = ro^2 + zo^2)",galpyWarning) # If at this point ro/vo not set, use default from config if (_APY_COORD_LOADED and isinstance(vxvv,SkyCoord)) or radec or lb: if ro is None: ro= config.__config__.getfloat('normalization','ro') if vo is None: vo= config.__config__.getfloat('normalization','vo') # If at this point zo not set, use default if zo is None: zo= 0.0208 # if vxvv is SkyCoord, preferentially use its solarmotion if _APY_COORD_LOADED and isinstance(vxvv,SkyCoord) \ and not vxvv.galcen_v_sun is None: sc_solarmotion= sc_solarmotion[0]= -sc_solarmotion[0] # right->left sc_solarmotion[1]-= vo if solarmotion is None: solarmotion= sc_solarmotion # If at this point solarmotion not set, use default if solarmotion is None: solarmotion= 'schoenrich' if isinstance(solarmotion,str) and solarmotion.lower() == 'hogg': vsolar= numpy.array([-10.1,4.0,6.7]) elif isinstance(solarmotion,str) and solarmotion.lower() == 'dehnen': vsolar= numpy.array([-10.,5.25,7.17]) elif isinstance(solarmotion,str) \ and solarmotion.lower() == 'schoenrich': vsolar= numpy.array([-11.1,12.24,7.25]) else: vsolar= numpy.array(conversion.parse_velocity_kms(solarmotion)) # If both vxvv SkyCoord with vsun and solarmotion set, check the same if _APY_COORD_LOADED and isinstance(vxvv,SkyCoord) \ and not vxvv.galcen_v_sun is None: if numpy.any(numpy.fabs(sc_solarmotion-vsolar) > 1e-8): raise ValueError("Orbit initialization's solarmotion parameter not compatible with SkyCoord's galcen_v_sun; these should be the same for consistency (this may be because you did not set vo; galcen_v_sun = solarmotion+vo for consistency)") # Now store all coordinate-transformation parameters and save whether # ro/vo are set (they are considered to be set if they have been # determined at this point, even if they were not explicitly set if vo is None: self._vo= config.__config__.getfloat('normalization','vo') self._voSet= False else: self._vo= vo self._voSet= True if ro is None: self._ro= config.__config__.getfloat('normalization','ro') self._roSet= False else: self._ro= ro self._roSet= True self._zo= zo self._solarmotion= vsolar return None def _setup_parse_listofOrbits(self,vxvv,ro,vo,zo,solarmotion): # Only implement lists of scalar Orbit for now if not numpy.all([o.shape == () for o in vxvv]): raise RuntimeError("Initializing an Orbit instance with a list of Orbit instances only supports lists of single Orbit instances") # Need to check that coordinate-transformation parameters are # consistent between given orbits and between this instance's # initialization and the given orbits; if not explicitly given # for this instance, fall back onto list's parameters ros= numpy.array([o._ro for o in vxvv]) vos= numpy.array([o._vo for o in vxvv]) zos= numpy.array([o._zo for o in vxvv]) solarmotions= numpy.array([o._solarmotion for o in vxvv]) if numpy.any(numpy.fabs(ros-ros[0]) > 1e-10): raise RuntimeError("All individual orbits given to an Orbit class must have the same ro unit-conversion parameter") if numpy.any(numpy.fabs(vos-vos[0]) > 1e-10): raise RuntimeError("All individual orbits given to an Orbit class must have the same vo unit-conversion parameter") if not zos[0] is None and numpy.any(numpy.fabs(zos-zos[0]) > 1e-10): raise RuntimeError("All individual orbits given to an Orbit class must have the same zo solar offset") if not solarmotions[0] is None and \ numpy.any(numpy.fabs(solarmotions-solarmotions[0]) > 1e-10): raise RuntimeError("All individual orbits given to an Orbit class must have the same solar motion") if self._roSet: if numpy.fabs(ros[0]-self._ro) > 1e-10: raise RuntimeError("All individual orbits given to an Orbit class must have the same ro unit-conversion parameter as used in the initialization call") else: self._ro= vxvv[0]._ro self._roSet= vxvv[0]._roSet if self._voSet: if numpy.fabs(vos[0]-self._vo) > 1e-10: raise RuntimeError("All individual orbits given to an Orbit class must have the same vo unit-conversion parameter as used in the initialization call") else: self._vo= vxvv[0]._vo self._voSet= vxvv[0]._voSet if not zo is None: if numpy.fabs(zos[0]-self._zo) > 1e-10: raise RuntimeError("All individual orbits given to an Orbit class must have the same zo solar offset parameter as used in the initialization call") else: self._zo= vxvv[0]._zo if not solarmotion is None: if numpy.any(numpy.fabs(solarmotions[0]-self._solarmotion) > 1e-10): raise RuntimeError("All individual orbits given to an Orbit class must have the same solar motion as used in the initialization call") else: self._solarmotion= vxvv[0]._solarmotion # shape of o.vxvv is (1,phasedim) due to internal storage return [list(o.vxvv[0]) for o in vxvv] def _setup_parse_vxvv(self,vxvv,radec,lb,uvw): if _APY_COORD_LOADED and isinstance(vxvv,SkyCoord): galcen_v_sun= coordinates.CartesianDifferential(\ numpy.array([-self._solarmotion[0], self._solarmotion[1]+self._vo, self._solarmotion[2]])* gc_frame= coordinates.Galactocentric(\ galcen_distance=numpy.sqrt(self._ro**2.+self._zo**2.)\ *units.kpc, z_sun=self._zo*units.kpc,galcen_v_sun=galcen_v_sun) vxvvg= vxvv.transform_to(gc_frame) if _APY_GE_31: vxvvg.representation_type= 'cylindrical' else: #pragma: no cover vxvvg.representation= 'cylindrical' R= phi= z= try: vR= except TypeError: raise TypeError("SkyCoord given to Orbit initialization does not have velocity data, which is required to setup an Orbit") vT= -(vxvvg.d_phi*vxvvg.rho)\ .to(, equivalencies=units.dimensionless_angles()).value/self._vo vz= vxvv= numpy.array([R,vR,vT,z,vz,phi]) # Make sure radec and lb are False (issue #402) radec= False lb= False elif not isinstance(vxvv,(list, tuple)): vxvv= vxvv.T # (norb,phasedim) --> (phasedim,norb) easier later if not (_APY_COORD_LOADED and isinstance(vxvv,SkyCoord)) and (radec or lb): if radec: if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(vxvv[0],units.Quantity): ra, dec= vxvv[0].to(units.deg).value, \ vxvv[1].to(units.deg).value else: ra, dec= vxvv[0], vxvv[1] l,b= coords.radec_to_lb(ra,dec,degree=True,epoch=None).T _extra_rot= True elif len(vxvv) == 4: l, b= vxvv[0], numpy.zeros_like(vxvv[0]) _extra_rot= False else: l,b= vxvv[0],vxvv[1] _extra_rot= True if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(l,units.Quantity): l= if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(b,units.Quantity): b= if uvw: if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(vxvv[2],units.Quantity): X,Y,Z= coords.lbd_to_XYZ(l,b,vxvv[2].to(units.kpc).value, degree=True).T else: X,Y,Z= coords.lbd_to_XYZ(l,b,vxvv[2],degree=True).T vx= conversion.parse_velocity_kms(vxvv[3]) vy= conversion.parse_velocity_kms(vxvv[4]) vz= conversion.parse_velocity_kms(vxvv[5]) else: if radec: if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(vxvv[3],units.Quantity): pmra, pmdec= vxvv[3].to(units.mas/units.yr).value, \ vxvv[4].to(units.mas/units.yr).value else: pmra, pmdec= vxvv[3], vxvv[4] pmll, pmbb= coords.pmrapmdec_to_pmllpmbb(pmra,pmdec,ra,dec, degree=True, epoch=None).T d, vlos= vxvv[2], vxvv[5] elif len(vxvv) == 4: pmll, pmbb= vxvv[2], numpy.zeros_like(vxvv[2]) d, vlos= vxvv[1], vxvv[3] else: pmll, pmbb= vxvv[3], vxvv[4] d, vlos= vxvv[2], vxvv[5] d= conversion.parse_length_kpc(d) vlos= conversion.parse_velocity_kms(vlos) if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(pmll,units.Quantity): pmll= if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(pmbb,units.Quantity): pmbb= X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz= coords.sphergal_to_rectgal(l,b,d, vlos,pmll, pmbb, degree=True).T X/= self._ro Y/= self._ro Z/= self._ro vx/= self._vo vy/= self._vo vz/= self._vo vsun= numpy.array([0.,1.,0.,])+self._solarmotion/self._vo R, phi, z= coords.XYZ_to_galcencyl(X,Y,Z,Zsun=self._zo/self._ro, _extra_rot=_extra_rot).T vR, vT,vz= coords.vxvyvz_to_galcencyl(vx,vy,vz, R,phi,z, vsun=vsun, Xsun=1.,Zsun=self._zo/self._ro, galcen=True, _extra_rot=_extra_rot).T if lb and len(vxvv) == 4: vxvv= numpy.array([R,vR,vT,phi]) else: vxvv= numpy.array([R,vR,vT,z,vz,phi]) # Parse vxvv if it consists of Quantities if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(vxvv[0],units.Quantity): # Need to set ro and vo, default if not specified, so need to # turn them on self._roSet= True self._voSet= True new_vxvv= [vxvv[0].to(vxvv_units[0]).value/self._ro, vxvv[1].to(vxvv_units[1]).value/self._vo] if len(vxvv) > 2: new_vxvv.append(vxvv[2].to(vxvv_units[2]).value/self._vo) if len(vxvv) == 4: new_vxvv.append(vxvv[3].to(vxvv_units[5]).value) elif len(vxvv) > 4: new_vxvv.append(vxvv[3].to(vxvv_units[3]).value/self._ro) new_vxvv.append(vxvv[4].to(vxvv_units[4]).value/self._vo) if len(vxvv) == 6: new_vxvv.append(vxvv[5].to(vxvv_units[5]).value) vxvv= numpy.array(new_vxvv) # (phasedim,norb) --> (norb,phasedim) again and store self.vxvv= vxvv.T return None
[docs] @classmethod def from_name(cls,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: from_name PURPOSE: given the name of an object or a list of names, retrieve coordinate information for that object from SIMBAD and return a corresponding orbit INPUT: name - the name of the object or list of names; when loading a collection of objects (like 'mwglobularclusters'), lists are not allowed +standard Orbit initialization keywords: ro= distance from vantage point to GC (kpc; can be Quantity) vo= circular velocity at ro (km/s; can be Quantity) zo= offset toward the NGP of the Sun wrt the plane (kpc; can be Quantity; default = 20.8 pc from Bennett & Bovy 2019) solarmotion= 'hogg' or 'dehnen', or 'schoenrich', or value in [-U,V,W]; can be Quantity OUTPUT: orbit containing the phase space coordinates of the named object HISTORY: 2018-07-15 - Written - Mathew Bub (UofT) 2019-05-21 - Generalized to multiple objects and incorporated into Orbits - Bovy (UofT) """ if not _APY_LOADED: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError('astropy needs to be installed to use ' 'Orbit.from_name') if not _ASTROQUERY_LOADED: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError('astroquery needs to be installed to use ' 'Orbit.from_name') _load_named_objects() _update_keys_named_objects() # Stack coordinate-transform parameters, so they can be changed... obs= numpy.array([kwargs.get('ro',None), kwargs.get('vo',None), kwargs.get('zo',None), kwargs.get('solarmotion',None)], dtype='object') if len(args) > 1: name= [n for n in args] elif isinstance(args[0],list): name= args[0] else: this_name= _named_objects_key_formatting(args[0]) if this_name in _known_objects['_collections'].keys(): name= _known_objects['_collections'][this_name] else: name= args[0] if isinstance(name,(basestring)): out= cls(vxvv=_from_name_oneobject(name,obs),radec=True, ro=obs[0],vo=obs[1],zo=obs[2],solarmotion=obs[3]) else: # assume list all_vxvv= [] for tname in name: all_vxvv.append(_from_name_oneobject(tname,obs)) out= cls(vxvv=all_vxvv,radec=True, ro=obs[0],vo=obs[1],zo=obs[2],solarmotion=obs[3]) name return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_fit(cls,init_vxvv,vxvv,vxvv_err=None,pot=None, radec=False,lb=False, customsky=False,lb_to_customsky=None, pmllpmbb_to_customsky=None, tintJ=10,ntintJ=1000,integrate_method='dopr54_c', ro=None,vo=None,zo=None,solarmotion=None, disp=False): """ NAME: from_fit PURPOSE: Initialize an Orbit using a fit to data INPUT: init_vxvv - initial guess for the fit (same representation [e.g.,radec=True] as vxvv data, except when customsky, then init_vxvv is assumed to be ra,dec) vxvv - [:,6] array of positions and velocities along the orbit (if not lb=True or radec=True, these need to be in natural units [/ro,/vo], cannot be Quantities) vxvv_err= [:,6] array of errors on positions and velocities along the orbit (if None, these are set to 0.01) (if not lb=True or radec=True, these need to be in natural units [/ro,/vo], cannot be Quantities) pot= Potential to fit the orbit in Keywords related to the input data: radec= if True, input vxvv and vxvv are [ra,dec,d,mu_ra, mu_dec,vlos] in [deg,deg,kpc,mas/yr,mas/yr,km/s] (all J2000.0; mu_ra = mu_ra * cos dec); the attributes of the current Orbit are used to convert between these coordinates and Galactocentric coordinates lb= if True, input vxvv and vxvv are [long,lat,d,mu_ll, mu_bb,vlos] in [deg,deg,kpc,mas/yr,mas/yr,km/s] (mu_ll = mu_ll * cos lat); the attributes of the current Orbit are used to convert between these coordinates and Galactocentric coordinates customsky= if True, input vxvv and vxvv_err are [custom long,custom lat,d,mu_customll, mu_custombb,vlos] in [deg,deg,kpc,mas/yr,mas/yr,km/s] (mu_ll = mu_ll * cos lat) where custom longitude and custom latitude are a custom set of sky coordinates (e.g., ecliptic) and the proper motions are also expressed in these coordinats; you need to provide the functions lb_to_customsky and pmllpmbb_to_customsky to convert to the custom sky coordinates (these should have the same inputs and outputs as lb_to_radec and pmllpmbb_to_pmrapmdec); the attributes of the current Orbit are used to convert between these coordinates and Galactocentric coordinates obs=[X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz] - (optional) position and velocity of observer (in kpc and km/s; entries can be Quantity) (default=Object-wide default) Cannot be an Orbit instance with the orbit of the reference point, as w/ the ra etc. functions Y is ignored and always assumed to be zero lb_to_customsky= function that converts l,b,degree=False to the custom sky coordinates (like lb_to_radec); needs to be given when customsky=True pmllpmbb_to_customsky= function that converts pmll,pmbb,l,b,degree=False to proper motions in the custom sky coordinates (like pmllpmbb_to_pmrapmdec); needs to be given when customsky=True Keywords related to the orbit integrations: tintJ= (default: 10) time to integrate orbits for fitting the orbit (can be Quantity) ntintJ= (default: 1000) number of time-integration points integrate_method= (default: 'dopr54_c') integration method to use Keywords related to the coordinate transformation: ro= distance from vantage point to GC (kpc; can be Quantity) vo= circular velocity at ro (km/s; can be Quantity) zo= offset toward the NGP of the Sun wrt the plane (kpc; can be Quantity; default = 20.8 pc from Bennett & Bovy 2019) solarmotion= 'hogg' or 'dehnen', or 'schoenrich', or value in [-U,V,W]; can be Quantity disp= (False) display the optimizer's convergence message OUTPUT: Orbit instance HISTORY: 2014-06-17 - Written - Bovy (IAS) 2019-05-22 - Incorporated into new Orbit class as from_fit - Bovy (UofT) """ pot= flatten_potential(pot) # Setup Orbit instance for initialization to, among other things, # parse the coordinate-transformation keywords init_orbit= cls(init_vxvv,radec=radec or customsky, lb=lb,ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion) _check_potential_dim(init_orbit,pot) _check_consistent_units(init_orbit,pot) if radec or lb or customsky: obs, ro, vo= _parse_radec_kwargs(init_orbit, {'ro':init_orbit._ro, 'vo':init_orbit._vo}, vel=True,dontpop=True) else: obs, ro, vo= None, None, None if customsky \ and (lb_to_customsky is None or pmllpmbb_to_customsky is None): raise IOError('if customsky=True, the functions lb_to_customsky and pmllpmbb_to_customsky need to be given') new_vxvv, maxLogL= _fit_orbit(init_orbit,vxvv,vxvv_err,pot, radec=radec,lb=lb, customsky=customsky, lb_to_customsky=lb_to_customsky, pmllpmbb_to_customsky=pmllpmbb_to_customsky, tintJ=tintJ,ntintJ=ntintJ, integrate_method=integrate_method, ro=ro,vo=vo,obs=obs,disp=disp) #Setup with these new initial conditions return cls(new_vxvv, ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion)
def __len__(self): return 1 if self.shape == () else self.shape[0]
[docs] def dim(self): """ NAME: dim PURPOSE: return the dimension of the Orbit INPUT: (none) OUTPUT: dimension HISTORY: 2011-02-03 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ pdim= self.phasedim() if pdim == 2: return 1 elif pdim == 3 or pdim == 4: return 2 elif pdim == 5 or pdim == 6: return 3
[docs] def phasedim(self): """ NAME: phasedim PURPOSE: return the phase-space dimension of the problem (2 for 1D, 3 for 2D-axi, 4 for 2D, 5 for 3D-axi, 6 for 3D) INPUT: (none) OUTPUT: phase-space dimension HISTORY: 2018-12-20 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ return self.vxvv.shape[-1]
def __getattr__(self,name): """ NAME: __getattr__ PURPOSE: get or evaluate an attribute for this Orbit instance INPUT: name - name of the attribute OUTPUT: if the attribute is callable, a function to evaluate the attribute for each Orbit; otherwise a list of attributes HISTORY: 2018-10-13 - Written - Mathew Bub (UofT) 2019-02-28 - Implement all plotting function - Bovy (UofT) """ # Catch all plotting functions if 'plot' in name: def _plot(*args,**kwargs): kwargs['d1']= kwargs.get('d1','t') kwargs['d2']= name.split('plot')[1] if ('E' in kwargs['d2'] or kwargs['d2'] == 'Jacobi') \ and kwargs.pop('normed',False): kwargs['d2']+= 'norm' return self.plot(*args,**kwargs) # Assign documentation if 'E' in name or 'Jacobi' in name: Estring= """pot= Potential instance or list of instances in which the orbit was integrated normed= if set, plot {quant}(t)/{quant}(0) rather than {quant}(t) """.format(quant=name.split('plot')[1]) else: Estring= '' _plot.__doc__= """ NAME: plot{quant} PURPOSE: plot {quant}(t) along the orbit INPUT: d1= first dimension to plot ('x', 'y', 'R', 'vR', 'vT', 'z', 'vz', ...); can also be an expression, like 'R*vR', or a user-defined function of time (e.g., lambda t: o.R(t) for R) {Estring}ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output matplotlib.plot inputs+galpy.util.plot.plot inputs OUTPUT: sends plot to output device HISTORY: 2019-04-13 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """.format(quant=name.split('plot')[1],Estring=Estring) return _plot else: raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'"\ .format(self.__class__.__name__, name))
[docs] def __getitem__(self,key): """ NAME: __getitem__ PURPOSE: get a subset of this instance's orbits INPUT: key - slice OUTPUT: For single item: Orbit instance, for multiple items: another Orbit instance HISTORY: 2018-12-31 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ indx_array= numpy.arange(self.size).reshape(self.shape) indx_array= indx_array[key] flat_indx_array= indx_array.flatten() orbits_list= self.vxvv[flat_indx_array] # Transfer new shape shape_kwargs= {} shape_kwargs['shape']= indx_array.shape # Transfer physical physical_kwargs= {} physical_kwargs['_roSet']= self._roSet physical_kwargs['_voSet']= self._voSet physical_kwargs['_ro']= self._ro physical_kwargs['_vo']= self._vo physical_kwargs['_zo']= self._zo physical_kwargs['_solarmotion']= self._solarmotion # Also transfer all attributes related to integration if hasattr(self,'orbit'): integrate_kwargs= {} integrate_kwargs['t']= self.t integrate_kwargs['_integrate_t_asQuantity']= \ self._integrate_t_asQuantity integrate_kwargs['orbit']= \ copy.deepcopy(self.orbit[flat_indx_array]) integrate_kwargs['_pot']= self._pot else: integrate_kwargs= None return self._from_slice(orbits_list,integrate_kwargs, shape_kwargs,physical_kwargs)
@classmethod def _from_slice(cls,orbits_list,integrate_kwargs,shape_kwargs, physical_kwargs): out= cls(vxvv=orbits_list) # Set shape out.shape= shape_kwargs['shape'] # Transfer attributes related to physical for kw in physical_kwargs: out.__dict__[kw]= physical_kwargs[kw] # Also transfer all attributes related to integration if not integrate_kwargs is None: for kw in integrate_kwargs: out.__dict__[kw]= integrate_kwargs[kw] return out
[docs] def reshape(self,newshape): """ NAME: reshape PURPOSE: Change the shape of the Orbit instance INPUT: newshape - new shape (int or tuple of ints; see numpy.reshape) OUTPUT: (none; re-shaping is done in-place) HISTORY: 2019-03-20 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ # We reshape a dummy numpy array to use numpy.reshape's parsing dummy= numpy.empty(self.shape) try: dummy= dummy.reshape(newshape) except ValueError: # Eventually should just be raise ValueError from None (Python 3) raise_from(ValueError('cannot reshape Orbit of shape %s into shape %s' % (self.shape,newshape)),None) self.shape= dummy.shape return None
############################ CUSTOM IMPLEMENTED ORBIT FUNCTIONS################
[docs] def turn_physical_off(self): """ NAME: turn_physical_off PURPOSE: turn off automatic returning of outputs in physical units INPUT: (none) OUTPUT: (none) HISTORY: 2019-02-28 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ self._roSet= False self._voSet= False return None
[docs] def turn_physical_on(self,ro=None,vo=None): """ NAME: turn_physical_on PURPOSE: turn on automatic returning of outputs in physical units INPUT: ro= reference distance (kpc; can be Quantity) vo= reference velocity (km/s; can be Quantity) OUTPUT: (none) HISTORY: 2019-02-28 - Written - Bovy (UofT) 2020-04-22 - Don't turn on a parameter when it is False - Bovy (UofT) """ if not ro is False: self._roSet= True if not vo is False: self._voSet= True if not ro is None and ro: self._ro= conversion.parse_length_kpc(ro) if not vo is None and vo: self._vo= conversion.parse_velocity_kms(vo) return None
[docs] def integrate(self,t,pot,method='symplec4_c',progressbar=True, dt=None,numcores=_NUMCORES, force_map=False): """ NAME: integrate PURPOSE: integrate this Orbit instance with multiprocessing INPUT: t - list of times at which to output (0 has to be in this!) (can be Quantity) pot - potential instance or list of instances method = 'odeint' for scipy's odeint 'leapfrog' for a simple leapfrog implementation 'leapfrog_c' for a simple leapfrog implementation in C 'symplec4_c' for a 4th order symplectic integrator in C 'symplec6_c' for a 6th order symplectic integrator in C 'rk4_c' for a 4th-order Runge-Kutta integrator in C 'rk6_c' for a 6-th order Runge-Kutta integrator in C 'dopr54_c' for a 5-4 Dormand-Prince integrator in C 'dop853' for a 8-5-3 Dormand-Prince integrator in Python 'dop853_c' for a 8-5-3 Dormand-Prince integrator in C progressbar= (True) if True, display a tqdm progress bar when integrating multiple orbits (requires tqdm to be installed!) dt - if set, force the integrator to use this basic stepsize; must be an integer divisor of output stepsize (only works for the C integrators that use a fixed stepsize) (can be Quantity) numcores - number of cores to use for Python-based multiprocessing (pure Python or using force_map=True); default = OMP_NUM_THREADS force_map= (False) if True, force use of Python-based multiprocessing (not recommended) OUTPUT: None (get the actual orbit using getOrbit()) HISTORY: 2018-10-13 - Written as parallel_map applied to regular Orbit integration - Mathew Bub (UofT) 2018-12-26 - Written to use OpenMP C implementation - Bovy (UofT) """ if method.lower() not in ['odeint', 'leapfrog', 'dop853', 'leapfrog_c', 'symplec4_c', 'symplec6_c', 'rk4_c', 'rk6_c', 'dopr54_c', 'dop853_c']: raise ValueError('{:s} is not a valid `method`'.format(method)) pot= flatten_potential(pot) _check_potential_dim(self,pot) _check_consistent_units(self,pot) # Parse t if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(t,units.Quantity): self._integrate_t_asQuantity= True t= conversion.parse_time(t,ro=self._ro,vo=self._vo) else: self._integrate_t_asQuantity= False if _APY_LOADED and not dt is None and isinstance(dt,units.Quantity): dt= conversion.parse_time(dt,ro=self._ro,vo=self._vo) from ..potential import MWPotential if pot == MWPotential: warnings.warn("Use of MWPotential as a Milky-Way-like potential is deprecated; galpy.potential.MWPotential2014, a potential fit to a large variety of dynamical constraints (see Bovy 2015), is the preferred Milky-Way-like potential in galpy", galpyWarning) if not _check_integrate_dt(t,dt): raise ValueError('dt input (integrator stepsize) for Orbit.integrate must be an integer divisor of the output stepsize') # Delete attributes for interpolation and rperi etc. determination if hasattr(self,'_orbInterp'): delattr(self,'_orbInterp') if hasattr(self,'rs'): delattr(self,'rs') if self.dim() == 2: thispot= toPlanarPotential(pot) else: thispot= pot self.t= numpy.array(t) self._pot= thispot #First check that the potential has C if '_c' in method: if not ext_loaded or not _check_c(self._pot): if ('leapfrog' in method or 'symplec' in method): method= 'leapfrog' else: method= 'odeint' if not ext_loaded: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn("Cannot use C integration because C extension not loaded (using %s instead)" % (method), galpyWarning) else: warnings.warn("Cannot use C integration because some of the potentials are not implemented in C (using %s instead)" % (method), galpyWarning) # Now check that we aren't trying to integrate a dissipative force # with a symplectic integrator if _isDissipative(self._pot) and ('leapfrog' in method or 'symplec' in method): if '_c' in method: method= 'dopr54_c' else: method= 'odeint' warnings.warn("Cannot use symplectic integration because some of the included forces are dissipative (using non-symplectic integrator %s instead)" % (method), galpyWarning) # Implementation with parallel_map in Python if not '_c' in method or not ext_loaded or force_map: if self.dim() == 1: out, msg= integrateLinearOrbit(self._pot,self.vxvv,t,method, progressbar=progressbar, numcores=numcores,dt=dt) elif self.dim() == 2: out, msg= integratePlanarOrbit(self._pot,self.vxvv,t,method, progressbar=progressbar, numcores=numcores,dt=dt) else: out, msg= integrateFullOrbit(self._pot,self.vxvv,t,method, progressbar=progressbar, numcores=numcores,dt=dt) else: warnings.warn("Using C implementation to integrate orbits", galpyWarningVerbose) if self.dim() == 1: out, msg= integrateLinearOrbit_c(self._pot, numpy.copy(self.vxvv), t,method, progressbar=progressbar, dt=dt) else: if self.phasedim() == 3 \ or self.phasedim() == 5: #We hack this by putting in a dummy phi=0 vxvvs= numpy.pad(self.vxvv,((0,0),(0,1)), 'constant',constant_values=0) else: vxvvs= numpy.copy(self.vxvv) if self.dim() == 2: out, msg= integratePlanarOrbit_c(self._pot,vxvvs, t,method, progressbar=progressbar, dt=dt) else: out, msg= integrateFullOrbit_c(self._pot,vxvvs, t,method, progressbar=progressbar, dt=dt) if self.phasedim() == 3 \ or self.phasedim() == 5: out= out[:,:,:-1] # Store orbit internally self.orbit= out # Check whether r ever < minr if dynamical friction is included # and warn if so # or if using interpSphericalPotential and r < rmin or r > rmax from ..potential import ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce, \ interpSphericalPotential if numpy.any([isinstance(p,ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce) for p in flatten_potential([pot])]): # make sure pot=list lpot= flatten_potential([pot]) cdf_indx= numpy.arange(len(lpot))[\ numpy.array([isinstance(p,ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce) for p in lpot],dtype='bool')][0] if numpy.any(self.r(self.t,use_physical=False) \ < lpot[cdf_indx]._minr): warnings.warn("""Orbit integration with """ """ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce """ """entered domain where r < minr and """ """ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce is """ """turned off; initialize """ """ChandrasekharDynamicalFrictionForce with a """ """smaller minr to avoid this if you wish """ """(but note that you want to turn it off """ """close to the center for an object that """ """sinks all the way to r=0, to avoid """ """numerical instabilities)""", galpyWarning) elif numpy.any([isinstance(p,interpSphericalPotential) for p in flatten_potential([pot])]): # make sure pot=list lpot= flatten_potential([pot]) isp_indx= numpy.arange(len(lpot))[\ numpy.array([isinstance(p,interpSphericalPotential) for p in lpot],dtype='bool')][0] if numpy.any(self.r(self.t,use_physical=False) \ < lpot[isp_indx]._rmin) \ or numpy.any(self.r(self.t,use_physical=False) \ > lpot[isp_indx]._rmax): warnings.warn("""Orbit integration with """ """interpSphericalPotential visited radii """ """outside of the interpolation range; """ """initialize interpSphericalPotential """ """with a wider radial range to avoid this """ """if you wish (min/max r = {:.3f},{:.3f}"""\ .format(self.rperi(),self.rap()), galpyWarning) return None
[docs] def integrate_dxdv(self,dxdv,t,pot,method='dopr54_c', progressbar=True,dt=None, numcores=_NUMCORES,force_map=False, rectIn=False,rectOut=False): """ NAME: integrate_dxdv PURPOSE: integrate the orbit and a small area of phase space INPUT: dxdv - [dR,dvR,dvT,dphi], shape=(*input_shape,4) t - list of times at which to output (0 has to be in this!) (can be Quantity) pot - potential instance or list of instances progressbar= (True) if True, display a tqdm progress bar when integrating multiple orbits (requires tqdm to be installed!) dt - if set, force the integrator to use this basic stepsize; must be an integer divisor of output stepsize (only works for the C integrators that use a fixed stepsize) (can be Quantity) method = 'odeint' for scipy's odeint 'rk4_c' for a 4th-order Runge-Kutta integrator in C 'rk6_c' for a 6-th order Runge-Kutta integrator in C 'dopr54_c' for a 5-4 Dormand-Prince integrator in C 'dopr853_c' for a 8-5-3 Dormand-Prince integrator in C rectIn= (False) if True, input dxdv is in rectangular coordinates rectOut= (False) if True, output dxdv (that in orbit_dxdv) is in rectangular coordinates numcores - number of cores to use for Python-based multiprocessing (pure Python or using force_map=True); default = OMP_NUM_THREADS force_map= (False) if True, force use of Python-based multiprocessing (not recommended) OUTPUT: (none) (get the actual orbit using getOrbit_dxdv(), the orbit that is integrated alongside with dxdv is stored as usual, any previous regular orbit integration will be erased!) HISTORY: 2011-10-17 - Written - Bovy (IAS) 2014-06-29 - Added rectIn and rectOut - Bovy (IAS) 2019-05-21 - Parallelized and incorporated into new Orbits class - Bovy (UofT) """ if not self.phasedim() == 4: raise AttributeError('integrate_dxdv is only implemented for 4D (planar) orbits') if method.lower() not in ['odeint', 'dop853', 'rk4_c', 'rk6_c', 'dopr54_c', 'dop853_c']: if 'leapfrog' in method.lower() or 'symplec' in method.lower(): raise ValueError('{:s} is not a valid `method for integrate_dxdv, because symplectic integrators cannot be used`'.format(method)) else: raise ValueError('{:s} is not a valid `method for integrate_dxdv`'.format(method)) pot= flatten_potential(pot) _check_potential_dim(self,pot) _check_consistent_units(self,pot) # Parse t if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(t,units.Quantity): self._integrate_t_asQuantity= True t= conversion.parse_time(t,ro=self._ro,vo=self._vo) else: self._integrate_t_asQuantity= False if not dt is None: dt= conversion.parse_time(dt,ro=self._ro,vo=self._vo) # Parse dxdv dxdv= numpy.array(dxdv) if dxdv.ndim > 1: dxdv= dxdv.reshape(([:-1]),dxdv.shape[-1])) else: dxdv= numpy.atleast_2d(dxdv) # Delete attributes for interpolation and rperi etc. determination if hasattr(self,'_orbInterp'): delattr(self,'_orbInterp') if hasattr(self,'rs'): delattr(self,'rs') if self.dim() == 2: thispot= toPlanarPotential(pot) self.t= numpy.array(t) self._pot_dxdv= thispot self._pot= thispot #First check that the potential has C if '_c' in method: allHasC= _check_c(pot) and _check_c(pot,dxdv=True) if not ext_loaded or \ (not allHasC and not 'leapfrog' in method and not 'symplec' in method): method= 'odeint' if not ext_loaded: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn("Cannot use C integration because C extension not loaded (using %s instead)" % (method), galpyWarning) else: warnings.warn("Using odeint because not all used potential have adequate C implementations to integrate phase-space volumes",galpyWarning) # Implementation with parallel_map in Python if True or not '_c' in method or not ext_loaded or force_map: if self.dim() == 2: out, msg= integratePlanarOrbit_dxdv(self._pot,self.vxvv,dxdv, t,method,rectIn,rectOut, progressbar=progressbar, numcores=numcores,dt=dt) # Store orbit internally self.orbit_dxdv= out self.orbit= self.orbit_dxdv[...,:4] return None
[docs] def flip(self,inplace=False): """ NAME: flip PURPOSE: 'flip' an orbit's initial conditions such that the velocities are minus the original velocities; useful for quick backward integration; returns a new Orbit instance INPUT: inplace= (False) if True, flip the orbit in-place, that is, without returning a new instance and also flip the velocities of the integrated orbit (if it exists) OUTPUT: Orbit instance that has the velocities of the current orbit flipped (inplace=False) or just flips all velocities of current instance (inplace=True) HISTORY: 2019-03-02 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if inplace: self.vxvv[...,1]= -self.vxvv[...,1] if self.phasedim() > 2: self.vxvv[...,2]= -self.vxvv[...,2] if self.phasedim() > 4: self.vxvv[...,4]= -self.vxvv[...,4] if hasattr(self,'orbit'): self.orbit[...,1]= -self.orbit[...,1] if self.phasedim() > 2: self.orbit[...,2]= -self.orbit[...,2] if self.phasedim() > 4: self.orbit[...,4]= -self.orbit[...,4] if hasattr(self,"_orbInterp"): delattr(self,"_orbInterp") return None orbSetupKwargs= {'ro':self._ro, 'vo':self._vo, 'zo':self._zo, 'solarmotion':self._solarmotion} if self.phasedim() == 2: orbSetupKwargs.pop('zo',None) orbSetupKwargs.pop('solarmotion',None) out= Orbit(numpy.array([self.vxvv[...,0],-self.vxvv[...,1]]).T, **orbSetupKwargs) elif self.phasedim() == 3: out= Orbit(numpy.array([self.vxvv[...,0],-self.vxvv[...,1], -self.vxvv[...,2]]).T,**orbSetupKwargs) elif self.phasedim() == 4: out= Orbit(numpy.array([self.vxvv[...,0],-self.vxvv[...,1], -self.vxvv[...,2],self.vxvv[...,3]]).T, **orbSetupKwargs) elif self.phasedim() == 5: out= Orbit(numpy.array([self.vxvv[...,0],-self.vxvv[...,1], -self.vxvv[...,2],self.vxvv[...,3], -self.vxvv[...,4]]).T,**orbSetupKwargs) elif self.phasedim() == 6: out= Orbit(numpy.array([self.vxvv[...,0],-self.vxvv[...,1], -self.vxvv[...,2],self.vxvv[...,3], -self.vxvv[...,4],self.vxvv[...,5]]).T, **orbSetupKwargs) out._roSet= self._roSet out._voSet= self._voSet # Make sure the output has the same shape as the original Orbit out.reshape(self.shape) return out
[docs] @shapeDecorator def getOrbit(self): """ NAME: getOrbit PURPOSE: return previously calculated orbits INPUT: (none) OUTPUT: array orbit[*input_shape,nt,nphasedim] HISTORY: 2019-03-02 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ return self.orbit.copy()
[docs] @shapeDecorator def getOrbit_dxdv(self): """ NAME: getOrbit_dxdv PURPOSE: return a previously calculated integration of a small phase-space volume (with integrate_dxdv) INPUT: (none) OUTPUT: array orbit[*input_shape,nt,nphasedim] HISTORY: 2019-05-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ return self.orbit_dxdv[...,4:].copy()
[docs] @physical_conversion('energy') @shapeDecorator def E(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: E PURPOSE: calculate the energy INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the energy (can be Quantity) pot= Potential instance or list of such instances vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: energy [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-03-01 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if not kwargs.get('pot',None) is None: kwargs['pot']= flatten_potential(kwargs.get('pot')) _check_consistent_units(self,kwargs.get('pot',None)) if not 'pot' in kwargs or kwargs['pot'] is None: try: pot= self._pot except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Integrate orbits or specify pot=") if 'pot' in kwargs and kwargs['pot'] is None: kwargs.pop('pot') else: pot= kwargs.pop('pot') if self.dim() == 2: pot= toPlanarPotential(pot) if len(args) > 0: t= args[0] else: t= 0. #Get orbit thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) onet= (len(thiso.shape) == 2) if onet: thiso= thiso[:,numpy.newaxis,:] t= numpy.atleast_1d(t) if self.phasedim() == 2: try: out= (evaluatelinearPotentials(\ pot,thiso[0], t=numpy.tile(t,thiso[0].T.shape[:-1]+(1,)).T, use_physical=False)\ +thiso[1]**2./2.).T except (ValueError,TypeError,IndexError): out= (numpy.array([[evaluatelinearPotentials(\ pot,thiso[0][ii][jj],t=t[ii], use_physical=False) for ii in range(len(thiso[0]))] for jj in range(self.size)])\ +(thiso[1]**2./2.).T) elif self.phasedim() == 3: try: out= (evaluateplanarPotentials(\ pot,thiso[0], t=numpy.tile(t,thiso[0].T.shape[:-1]+(1,)).T, use_physical=False)\ +thiso[1]**2./2.+thiso[2]**2./2.).T except (ValueError,TypeError,IndexError): out= (numpy.array([[evaluateplanarPotentials(\ pot,thiso[0][ii][jj],t=t[ii], use_physical=False) for ii in range(len(thiso[0]))] for jj in range(self.size)]) +(thiso[1]**2./2.+thiso[2]**2./2.).T) elif self.phasedim() == 4: try: out= (evaluateplanarPotentials(\ pot,thiso[0],phi=thiso[-1], t=numpy.tile(t,thiso[0].T.shape[:-1]+(1,)).T, use_physical=False)\ +thiso[1]**2./2.+thiso[2]**2./2.).T except (ValueError,TypeError,IndexError): out= (numpy.array([[evaluateplanarPotentials(\ pot,thiso[0][ii][jj],t=t[ii], phi=thiso[-1][ii][jj], use_physical=False) for ii in range(len(thiso[0]))] for jj in range(self.size)]) +(thiso[1]**2./2.+thiso[2]**2./2.).T) elif self.phasedim() == 5: z= kwargs.get('_z',1.)*thiso[3] # For ER and Ez vz= kwargs.get('_vz',1.)*thiso[4] # For ER and Ez try: out= (evaluatePotentials(\ pot,thiso[0],z, t=numpy.tile(t,thiso[0].T.shape[:-1]+(1,)).T, use_physical=False)\ +thiso[1]**2./2.+thiso[2]**2./2.+vz**2./2.).T except (ValueError,TypeError,IndexError): out= (numpy.array([[evaluatePotentials(\ pot,thiso[0][ii][jj], z[ii][jj], t=t[ii], use_physical=False) for ii in range(len(thiso[0]))] for jj in range(self.size)]) +(thiso[1]**2./2.+thiso[2]**2./2.+vz**2./2.).T) elif self.phasedim() == 6: z= kwargs.get('_z',1.)*thiso[3] # For ER and Ez vz= kwargs.get('_vz',1.)*thiso[4] # For ER and Ez try: out= (evaluatePotentials(\ pot,thiso[0],z,phi=thiso[-1], t=numpy.tile(t,thiso[0].T.shape[:-1]+(1,)).T, use_physical=False)\ +thiso[1]**2./2.+thiso[2]**2./2.+vz**2./2.).T except (ValueError,TypeError,IndexError): out= (numpy.array([[evaluatePotentials(\ pot,thiso[0][ii][jj], z[ii][jj], t=t[ii], phi=thiso[-1][ii][jj], use_physical=False) for ii in range(len(thiso[0]))] for jj in range(self.size)]) +(thiso[1]**2./2.+thiso[2]**2./2.+vz**2./2.).T) if onet: return out[:,0] else: return out
[docs] @physical_conversion('action') @shapeDecorator def L(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: L PURPOSE: calculate the angular momentum at time t INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the angular momentum (can be Quantity) ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: angular momentum [*input_shape,nt,3] HISTORY: 2019-03-01 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if self.dim() == 1: raise AttributeError("'linear Orbit has no angular momentum") #Get orbit if self.dim() == 2: thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) return (thiso[0]*thiso[2]).T elif self.phasedim() == 5: raise AttributeError("You must track the azimuth to get the angular momentum of a 3D Orbit") else: # phasedim == 6 old_physical= kwargs.get('use_physical',None) kwargs['use_physical']= False kwargs['dontreshape']= True vx= self.vx(*args,**kwargs) vy= self.vy(*args,**kwargs) vz= self.vz(*args,**kwargs) x= self.x(*args,**kwargs) y= self.y(*args,**kwargs) z= self.z(*args,**kwargs) out= numpy.zeros(x.shape+(3,)) out[...,0]= y*vz-z*vy out[...,1]= z*vx-x*vz out[...,2]= x*vy-y*vx if not old_physical is None: kwargs['use_physical']= old_physical else: kwargs.pop('use_physical') kwargs.pop('dontreshape') return out
[docs] @physical_conversion('action') @shapeDecorator def Lz(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: Lz PURPOSE: calculate the z-component of the angular momentum at time t INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the angular momentum (can be Quantity) ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: z-component of the angular momentum [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-03-01 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) return (thiso[0]*thiso[2]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('energy') @shapeDecorator def ER(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: ER PURPOSE: calculate the radial energy INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the radial energy (can be Quantity) pot= Potential instance or list of such instances vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output (can be Quantity) OUTPUT: radial energy [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-03-01 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ old_physical= kwargs.get('use_physical',None) kwargs['use_physical']= False kwargs['_z']= 0. kwargs['_vz']= 0. kwargs['dontreshape']= True out= self.E(*args,**kwargs) if not old_physical is None: kwargs['use_physical']= old_physical else: kwargs.pop('use_physical') kwargs.pop('_z') kwargs.pop('_vz') kwargs.pop('dontreshape') return out
[docs] @physical_conversion('energy') @shapeDecorator def Ez(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: Ez PURPOSE: calculate the vertical energy INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the vertical energy (can be Quantity) pot= Potential instance or list of such instances vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output (can be Quantity) OUTPUT: vertical energy [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-03-01 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ old_physical= kwargs.get('use_physical',None) kwargs['use_physical']= False kwargs['dontreshape']= True tE= self.E(*args,**kwargs) kwargs['_z']= 0. kwargs['_vz']= 0. out= tE-self.E(*args,**kwargs) if not old_physical is None: kwargs['use_physical']= old_physical else: kwargs.pop('use_physical') kwargs.pop('_z') kwargs.pop('_vz') kwargs.pop('dontreshape') return out
[docs] @physical_conversion('energy') @shapeDecorator def Jacobi(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: Jacobi PURPOSE: calculate the Jacobi integral E - Omega L INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the Jacobi integral (can be Quantity) OmegaP= pattern speed (can be Quantity) pot= potential instance or list of such instances vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: Jacobi integral [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-03-01 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if not kwargs.get('pot',None) is None: kwargs['pot']= flatten_potential(kwargs.get('pot')) _check_consistent_units(self,kwargs.get('pot',None)) if not 'OmegaP' in kwargs or kwargs['OmegaP'] is None: OmegaP= 1. if not 'pot' in kwargs or kwargs['pot'] is None: try: pot= self._pot except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Integrate orbit or specify pot=") else: pot= kwargs['pot'] if isinstance(pot,list): for p in pot: if hasattr(p,'OmegaP'): OmegaP= p.OmegaP() break else: if hasattr(pot,'OmegaP'): OmegaP= pot.OmegaP() kwargs.pop('OmegaP',None) else: OmegaP= kwargs.pop('OmegaP') OmegaP= conversion.parse_frequency(OmegaP,ro=self._ro,vo=self._vo) #Make sure you are not using physical coordinates old_physical= kwargs.get('use_physical',None) kwargs['use_physical']= False kwargs['dontreshape']= True if not isinstance(OmegaP,(int,float)) and len(OmegaP) == 3: if isinstance(OmegaP,list): thisOmegaP= numpy.array(OmegaP) else: thisOmegaP= OmegaP tL= self.L(*args,**kwargs) if len(tL.shape) == 2: # 1 time out= self.E(*args,**kwargs)-numpy.einsum('i,ji->j', thisOmegaP,tL) else: out= self.E(*args,**kwargs)-numpy.einsum('i,jki->jk', thisOmegaP,tL) else: out= self.E(*args,**kwargs)-OmegaP*self.Lz(*args,**kwargs) if not old_physical is None: kwargs['use_physical']= old_physical else: kwargs.pop('use_physical') kwargs.pop('dontreshape') return out
def _setupaA(self,pot=None,type='staeckel',**kwargs): """ NAME: _setupaA PURPOSE: set up an actionAngle module for this Orbit INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' OUTPUT: HISTORY: 2019-02-25 - Written based on OrbitTop._setupaA - Bovy (UofT) """ from .. import actionAngle if not pot is None: pot= flatten_potential(pot) if self.dim() == 2 and (type == 'staeckel' or type == 'adiabatic'): # No reason to do Staeckel or adiabatic... type= 'spherical' elif self.dim() == 1: raise RuntimeError("Orbit action-angle methods are not supported for 1D orbits") delta= kwargs.pop('delta',None) if not delta is None: delta= conversion.parse_length(delta,ro=self._ro) b= kwargs.pop('b',None) if not b is None: b= conversion.parse_length(b,ro=self._ro) if pot is None: try: pot= self._pot except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Integrate orbit or specify pot=") if hasattr(self,'_aA'): if (not pot is None and pot != self._aAPot) \ or (not type is None and type != self._aAType) \ or (not delta is None and hasattr(self._aA,'_delta') and numpy.any(delta != self._aA._delta)) \ or (delta is None and hasattr(self,'_aA_delta_automagic') and not self._aA_delta_automagic) \ or (not b is None and hasattr(self._aA,'_aAI') and numpy.any(b != self._aA._aAI.b)) \ or ('ip' in kwargs and hasattr(self._aA,'_aAI') and (numpy.any(kwargs['ip'].b != self._aA._aAI.b) \ or numpy.any(kwargs['ip']._amp != self._aA._aAI.amp))): for attr in list(self.__dict__): if '_aA' in attr: delattr(self,attr) else: return None _check_consistent_units(self,pot) self._aAPot= pot self._aAType= type #Setup if self._aAType.lower() == 'adiabatic': self._aA= actionAngle.actionAngleAdiabatic(pot=self._aAPot, **kwargs) elif self._aAType.lower() == 'staeckel': # try to make sure this is not 0 tz= self.z(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True)\ +(numpy.fabs(self.z(use_physical=False, dontreshape=True)) < 1e-8) \ * (2.*(self.z(use_physical=False, dontreshape=True) >= 0)-1.)*1e-10 self._aA_delta_automagic= False if delta is None: self._aA_delta_automagic= True try: delta= actionAngle.estimateDeltaStaeckel(\ self._aAPot, self.R(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True), tz,no_median=True,use_physical=False) except PotentialError as e: if 'deriv' in str(e): raise PotentialError('Automagic calculation of delta parameter for Staeckel approximation failed because the necessary second derivatives of the given potential are not implemented; set delta= explicitly (to a single value or an array with the same shape as the orbits') elif 'non-axi' in str(e): raise PotentialError('Automagic calculation of delta parameter for Staeckel approximation failed because the given potential is not axisymmetric; pass an axisymmetric potential instead') else: #pragma: no cover raise if numpy.all(delta < 1e-6): self._setupaA(pot=pot,type='spherical') else: self._aA= actionAngle.actionAngleStaeckel(pot=self._aAPot, delta=delta, **kwargs) elif self._aAType.lower() == 'isochroneapprox': from ..actionAngle import actionAngleIsochroneApprox self._aA= actionAngleIsochroneApprox(pot=self._aAPot,b=b, **kwargs) elif self._aAType.lower() == 'spherical': self._aA= actionAngle.actionAngleSpherical(pot=self._aAPot, **kwargs) return None def _setup_EccZmaxRperiRap(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """Internal function to compute e,zmax,rperi,rap and cache it for re-use""" self._setupaA(pot=pot,**kwargs) if hasattr(self,'_aA_ecc'): return None if self.dim() == 3: # try to make sure this is not 0 tz= self.z(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True)\ +(numpy.fabs(self.z(use_physical=False, dontreshape=True)) < 1e-8) \ * (2.*(self.z(use_physical=False, dontreshape=True) >= 0)-1.)*1e-10 tvz= self.vz(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True) elif self.dim() == 2: tz= numpy.zeros(self.size) tvz= numpy.zeros(self.size) # self.dim() == 1 error caught by _setupaA self._aA_ecc, self._aA_zmax, self._aA_rperi, self._aA_rap=\ self._aA.EccZmaxRperiRap(self.R(use_physical=False, dontreshape=True), self.vR(use_physical=False, dontreshape=True), self.vT(use_physical=False, dontreshape=True), tz,tvz, use_physical=False) return None def _setup_actionsFreqsAngles(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """Internal function to compute the actions, frequencies, and angles and cache them for re-use""" self._setupaA(pot=pot,**kwargs) if hasattr(self,'_aA_jr'): return None if self.dim() == 3: # try to make sure this is not 0 tz= self.z(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True)\ +(numpy.fabs(self.z(use_physical=False, dontreshape=True)) < 1e-8) \ * (2.*(self.z(use_physical=False, dontreshape=True) >= 0)-1.)*1e-10 tvz= self.vz(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True) elif self.dim() == 2: tz= numpy.zeros(self.size) tvz= numpy.zeros(self.size) # self.dim() == 1 error caught by _setupaA self._aA_jr, self._aA_jp, self._aA_jz, \ self._aA_Or, self._aA_Op, self._aA_Oz, \ self._aA_wr, self._aA_wp, self._aA_wz= \ self._aA.actionsFreqsAngles(\ self.R(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True), self.vR(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True), self.vT(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True), tz,tvz, self.phi(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True), use_physical=False) return None def _setup_actions(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """Internal function to compute the actions and cache them for re-use (used for methods that don't support frequencies and angles)""" self._setupaA(pot=pot,**kwargs) if hasattr(self,'_aA_jr'): return None if self.dim() == 3: # try to make sure this is not 0 tz= self.z(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True)\ +(numpy.fabs(self.z(use_physical=False, dontreshape=True)) < 1e-8) \ * (2.*(self.z(use_physical=False, dontreshape=True) >= 0)-1.)*1e-10 tvz= self.vz(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True) elif self.dim() == 2: tz= numpy.zeros(self.size) tvz= numpy.zeros(self.size) # self.dim() == 1 error caught by _setupaA self._aA_jr, self._aA_jp, self._aA_jz= self._aA(\ self.R(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True), self.vR(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True), self.vT(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True), tz,tvz, self.phi(use_physical=False,dontreshape=True), use_physical=False) return None
[docs] @shapeDecorator def e(self,analytic=False,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: e PURPOSE: calculate the eccentricity, either numerically from the numerical orbit integration or using analytical means INPUT: analytic(= False) compute this analytically pot - potential to use for analytical calculation For 3D orbits different approximations for analytic=True are available (see the EccZmaxRperiRap method of actionAngle modules): type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic': assuming motion splits into R and z 2) 'staeckel': assuming motion splits into u and v of prolate spheroidal coordinate system, exact for Staeckel potentials (incl. all spherical potentials) 3) 'spherical': for spherical potentials, exact +actionAngle module setup kwargs for the corresponding actionAngle modules (actionAngleAdiabatic, actionAngleStaeckel, and actionAngleSpherical) OUTPUT: eccentricity [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-25 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if analytic: self._setup_EccZmaxRperiRap(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_ecc if not hasattr(self,'orbit'): raise AttributeError("Integrate the orbit first or use analytic=True for approximate eccentricity") rs= self.r(self.t,use_physical=False,dontreshape=True) return (numpy.amax(rs,axis=-1)-numpy.amin(rs,axis=-1))\ /(numpy.amax(rs,axis=-1)+numpy.amin(rs,axis=-1))
[docs] @physical_conversion('position') @shapeDecorator def rap(self,analytic=False,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: rap PURPOSE: calculate the apocenter radius, either numerically from the numerical orbit integration or using analytical means INPUT: analytic(= False) compute this analytically pot - potential to use for analytical calculation For 3D orbits different approximations for analytic=True are available (see the EccZmaxRperiRap method of actionAngle modules): type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic': assuming motion splits into R and z 2) 'staeckel': assuming motion splits into u and v of prolate spheroidal coordinate system, exact for Staeckel potentials (incl. all spherical potentials) 3) 'spherical': for spherical potentials, exact +actionAngle module setup kwargs for the corresponding actionAngle modules (actionAngleAdiabatic, actionAngleStaeckel, and actionAngleSpherical) ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: R_ap [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-25 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if analytic: self._setup_EccZmaxRperiRap(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_rap if not hasattr(self,'orbit'): raise AttributeError("Integrate the orbit first or use analytic=True for approximate eccentricity") rs= self.r(self.t,use_physical=False,dontreshape=True) return numpy.amax(rs,axis=-1)
[docs] @physical_conversion('position') @shapeDecorator def rperi(self,analytic=False,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: rperi PURPOSE: calculate the pericenter radius, either numerically from the numerical orbit integration or using analytical means INPUT: analytic(= False) compute this analytically pot - potential to use for analytical calculation For 3D orbits different approximations for analytic=True are available (see the EccZmaxRperiRap method of actionAngle modules): type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic': assuming motion splits into R and z 2) 'staeckel': assuming motion splits into u and v of prolate spheroidal coordinate system, exact for Staeckel potentials (incl. all spherical potentials) 3) 'spherical': for spherical potentials, exact +actionAngle module setup kwargs for the corresponding actionAngle modules (actionAngleAdiabatic, actionAngleStaeckel, and actionAngleSpherical) ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: R_peri [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-25 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if analytic: self._setup_EccZmaxRperiRap(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_rperi if not hasattr(self,'orbit'): raise AttributeError("Integrate the orbit first or use analytic=True for approximate eccentricity") rs= self.r(self.t,use_physical=False,dontreshape=True) return numpy.amin(rs,axis=-1)
[docs] @physical_conversion('position') @shapeDecorator def rguiding(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: rguiding PURPOSE: calculate the guiding-center radius (the radius of a circular orbit with the same angular momentum) INPUT: pot= potential instance or list of such instances ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: R_guiding [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-03-02 - Written as thin wrapper around Potential.rl - Bovy (UofT) """ pot= kwargs.get('pot',self.__dict__.get('_pot',None)) if pot is None: raise RuntimeError("You need to specify the potential as pot= to compute the guiding-center radius") flatten_potential(pot) if _isNonAxi(pot): raise RuntimeError('Potential given to rguiding is non-axisymmetric, but rguiding requires an axisymmetric potential') _check_consistent_units(self,pot) Lz= numpy.atleast_1d(self.Lz(*args,use_physical=False, dontreshape=True)) Lz_shape= Lz.shape Lz= Lz.flatten() if len(Lz) > 500: # Build interpolation grid, 500 ~ 1s precomputergLzgrid= numpy.linspace(numpy.nanmin(Lz), numpy.nanmax(Lz), 500) rls= numpy.array([rl(pot,lz,use_physical=False) for lz in precomputergLzgrid]) #Spline interpolate return interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(\ precomputergLzgrid,rls,k=3)(Lz).reshape(Lz_shape) else: return numpy.array([rl(pot,lz,use_physical=False) for lz in Lz]).reshape(Lz_shape)
[docs] @physical_conversion('position') @shapeDecorator def rE(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: rE PURPOSE: calculate the radius of a circular orbit with the same energy INPUT: pot= potential instance or list of such instances ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: r_E [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2022-04-07 - Written as thin wrapper around Potential.rE - Bovy (UofT) """ pot= kwargs.get('pot',self.__dict__.get('_pot',None)) if pot is None: raise RuntimeError("You need to specify the potential as pot= to compute rE") flatten_potential(pot) if _isNonAxi(pot): raise RuntimeError('Potential given to rE is non-axisymmetric, but rE requires an axisymmetric potential') _check_consistent_units(self,pot) E= numpy.atleast_1d(self.E(*args,pot=pot,use_physical=False,dontreshape=True)) E_shape= E.shape E= E.flatten() if len(E) > 500: # Build interpolation grid precomputerEEgrid= numpy.linspace(numpy.nanmin(E), numpy.nanmax(E), 500) rEs= numpy.array([rE(pot,tE,use_physical=False) for tE in precomputerEEgrid]) #Spline interpolate return interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(\ precomputerEEgrid,rEs,k=3)(E).reshape(E_shape) else: return numpy.array([rE(pot,tE,use_physical=False) for tE in E]).reshape(E_shape)
[docs] @physical_conversion('action') @shapeDecorator def LcE(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: LcE PURPOSE: calculate the angular momentum of a circular orbit with the same energy INPUT: pot= potential instance or list of such instances ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: L_c(E) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2022-04-07 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ pot= kwargs.pop('pot',self.__dict__.get('_pot',None)) if pot is None: raise RuntimeError("You need to specify the potential as pot= to compute LcE") flatten_potential(pot) if _isNonAxi(pot): raise RuntimeError('Potential given to LcE is non-axisymmetric, but LcE requires an axisymmetric potential') _check_consistent_units(self,pot) E= numpy.atleast_1d(self.E(*args,pot=pot,use_physical=False,dontreshape=True)) E_shape= E.shape E= E.flatten() if len(E) > 500: # Build interpolation grid precomputeLcEEgrid= numpy.linspace(numpy.nanmin(E), numpy.nanmax(E), 500) LcEs= numpy.array([LcE(pot,tE,use_physical=False) for tE in precomputeLcEEgrid]) #Spline interpolate return interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(\ precomputeLcEEgrid,LcEs,k=3)(E).reshape(E_shape) else: return numpy.array([LcE(pot,tE,use_physical=False) for tE in E]).reshape(E_shape)
[docs] @physical_conversion('position') @shapeDecorator def zmax(self,analytic=False,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: zmax PURPOSE: calculate the maximum vertical height, either numerically from the numerical orbit integration or using analytical means INPUT: analytic(= False) compute this analytically pot - potential to use for analytical calculation For 3D orbits different approximations for analytic=True are available (see the EccZmaxRperiRap method of actionAngle modules): type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic': assuming motion splits into R and z 2) 'staeckel': assuming motion splits into u and v of prolate spheroidal coordinate system, exact for Staeckel potentials (incl. all spherical potentials) 3) 'spherical': for spherical potentials, exact +actionAngle module setup kwargs for the corresponding actionAngle modules (actionAngleAdiabatic, actionAngleStaeckel, and actionAngleSpherical) ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: Z_max [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-25 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if analytic: self._setup_EccZmaxRperiRap(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_zmax if not hasattr(self,'orbit'): raise AttributeError("Integrate the orbit first or use analytic=True for approximate eccentricity") return numpy.amax(numpy.fabs(self.z(self.t,use_physical=False, dontreshape=True)), axis=-1)
[docs] @physical_conversion('action') @shapeDecorator def jr(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: jr PURPOSE: calculate the radial action INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' +actionAngle module setup kwargs ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: jr [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-27 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ try: self._setup_actionsFreqsAngles(pot=pot,**kwargs) except NotImplementedError: self._setup_actions(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_jr
[docs] @physical_conversion('action') @shapeDecorator def jp(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: jp PURPOSE: calculate the azimuthal action INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' +actionAngle module setup kwargs ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: jp [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-26 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ try: self._setup_actionsFreqsAngles(pot=pot,**kwargs) except NotImplementedError: # pragma: no cover self._setup_actions(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_jp
[docs] @physical_conversion('action') @shapeDecorator def jz(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: jz PURPOSE: calculate the vertical action INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' +actionAngle module setup kwargs ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: jz [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-27 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ try: self._setup_actionsFreqsAngles(pot=pot,**kwargs) except NotImplementedError: # pragma: no cover self._setup_actions(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_jz
[docs] @physical_conversion('angle') @shapeDecorator def wr(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: wr PURPOSE: calculate the radial angle INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' +actionAngle module setup kwargs OUTPUT: wr [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-27 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ self._setup_actionsFreqsAngles(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_wr
[docs] @physical_conversion('angle') @shapeDecorator def wp(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: wp PURPOSE: calculate the azimuthal angle INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' +actionAngle module setup kwargs OUTPUT: wp [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-27 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ self._setup_actionsFreqsAngles(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_wp
[docs] @physical_conversion('angle') @shapeDecorator def wz(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: wz PURPOSE: calculate the vertical angle INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' +actionAngle module setup kwargs OUTPUT: wz [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-27 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ self._setup_actionsFreqsAngles(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_wz
[docs] @physical_conversion('time') @shapeDecorator def Tr(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: Tr PURPOSE: calculate the radial period INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' +actionAngle module setup kwargs ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: Tr [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-27 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ self._setup_actionsFreqsAngles(pot=pot,**kwargs) return 2.*numpy.pi/self._aA_Or
[docs] @physical_conversion('time') @shapeDecorator def Tp(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: Tp PURPOSE: calculate the azimuthal period INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' +actionAngle module setup kwargs ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: Tp [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-27 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ self._setup_actionsFreqsAngles(pot=pot,**kwargs) return 2.*numpy.pi/self._aA_Op
[docs] @shapeDecorator def TrTp(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: TrTp PURPOSE: the 'ratio' between the radial and azimuthal period Tr/Tphi*pi INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' +actionAngle module setup kwargs OUTPUT: Tr/Tp*pi [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-27 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ self._setup_actionsFreqsAngles(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_Op/self._aA_Or*numpy.pi
[docs] @physical_conversion('time') @shapeDecorator def Tz(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: Tz PURPOSE: calculate the vertical period INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' +actionAngle module setup kwargs ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: Tz [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-27 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ self._setup_actionsFreqsAngles(pot=pot,**kwargs) return 2.*numpy.pi/self._aA_Oz
[docs] @physical_conversion('frequency') @shapeDecorator def Or(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: Or PURPOSE: calculate the radial frequency INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' +actionAngle module setup kwargs ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: Or [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-27 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ self._setup_actionsFreqsAngles(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_Or
[docs] @physical_conversion('frequency') @shapeDecorator def Op(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: Op PURPOSE: calculate the azimuthal frequency INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' +actionAngle module setup kwargs ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: Op [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-27 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ self._setup_actionsFreqsAngles(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_Op
[docs] @physical_conversion('frequency') @shapeDecorator def Oz(self,pot=None,**kwargs): """ NAME: Oz PURPOSE: calculate the vertical frequency INPUT: pot - potential type= ('staeckel') type of actionAngle module to use 1) 'adiabatic' 2) 'staeckel' 3) 'isochroneApprox' 4) 'spherical' +actionAngle module setup kwargs ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: Oz [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-27 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ self._setup_actionsFreqsAngles(pot=pot,**kwargs) return self._aA_Oz
[docs] @physical_conversion('time') def time(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: time PURPOSE: return the times at which the orbit is sampled INPUT: t - (default: integration times) time at which to get the time (for consistency reasons); default is to return the list of times at which the orbit is sampled ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: t(t) HISTORY: 2019-02-28 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if len(args) == 0: try: return self.t.copy() except AttributeError: return 0. else: out= args[0] return conversion.parse_time(out,ro=self._ro,vo=self._vo)
[docs] @physical_conversion('position') @shapeDecorator def R(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: R PURPOSE: return cylindrical radius at time t INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the radius (can be Quantity) ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: R(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-01 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ return self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs)[0].T
[docs] @physical_conversion('position') @shapeDecorator def r(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: r PURPOSE: return spherical radius at time t INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the radius ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: r(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-20 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) if self.dim() == 3: return numpy.sqrt(thiso[0]**2.+thiso[3]**2.).T else: return numpy.fabs(thiso[0]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('velocity') @shapeDecorator def vR(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: vR PURPOSE: return radial velocity at time t INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the radial velocity vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: vR(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-20 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ return self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs)[1].T
[docs] @physical_conversion('velocity') @shapeDecorator def vT(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: vT PURPOSE: return tangential velocity at time t INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the tangential velocity vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: vT(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-20 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ return self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs)[2].T
[docs] @physical_conversion('position') @shapeDecorator def z(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: z PURPOSE: return vertical height INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the vertical height ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: z(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-20 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if self.dim() < 3: raise AttributeError("linear and planar orbits do not have z()") return self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs)[3].T
[docs] @physical_conversion('velocity') @shapeDecorator def vz(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: vz PURPOSE: return vertical velocity INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the vertical velocity vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: vz(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-20 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if self.dim() < 3: raise AttributeError("linear and planar orbits do not have vz()") return self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs)[4].T
[docs] @physical_conversion('angle') @shapeDecorator def phi(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: phi PURPOSE: return azimuth INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the azimuth OUTPUT: phi(t) [*input_shape,nt] in [-pi,pi] HISTORY: 2019-02-20 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ if self.phasedim() != 4 and self.phasedim() != 6: raise AttributeError("Orbit must track azimuth to use phi()") return self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs)[-1].T
[docs] @physical_conversion('position') @shapeDecorator def x(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: x PURPOSE: return x INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get x ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: x(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-20 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) if self.dim() == 1: return thiso[0].T elif self.phasedim() != 4 and self.phasedim() != 6: raise AttributeError("Orbit must track azimuth to use x()") else: return (thiso[0]*numpy.cos(thiso[-1,:])).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('position') @shapeDecorator def y(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: y PURPOSE: return y INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get y ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: y(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-20 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) if self.phasedim() != 4 and self.phasedim() != 6: raise AttributeError("Orbit must track azimuth to use y()") else: return (thiso[0]*numpy.sin(thiso[-1,:])).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('velocity') @shapeDecorator def vx(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: vx PURPOSE: return x velocity at time t INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the velocity vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: vx(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-20 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) if self.dim() == 1: return thiso[1].T elif self.phasedim() != 4 and self.phasedim() != 6: raise AttributeError("Orbit must track azimuth to use vx()") else: return (thiso[1]*numpy.cos(thiso[-1]) -thiso[2]*numpy.sin(thiso[-1])).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('velocity') @shapeDecorator def vy(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: vy PURPOSE: return y velocity at time t INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the velocity vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: vy(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-20 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) if self.phasedim() != 4 and self.phasedim() != 6: raise AttributeError("Orbit must track azimuth to use vy()") else: return (thiso[2]*numpy.cos(thiso[-1]) +thiso[1]*numpy.sin(thiso[-1])).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('frequency-kmskpc') @shapeDecorator def vphi(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: vphi PURPOSE: return angular velocity INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the angular velocity vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: vphi(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-20 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) return (thiso[2]/thiso[0]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('velocity') @shapeDecorator def vr(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: vr PURPOSE: return spherical radial velocity. For < 3 dimensions returns vR INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the radial velocity vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: vr(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2020-07-01 - Written - James Lane (UofT) """ thiso = self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) if self.dim() == 3: r = numpy.sqrt(thiso[0]**2.+thiso[3]**2.) return ((thiso[0]*thiso[1]+thiso[3]*thiso[4])/r).T else: return thiso[1].T
[docs] @physical_conversion('velocity') @shapeDecorator def vtheta(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: vtheta PURPOSE: return spherical polar velocity INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the theta velocity vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: vtheta(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2020-07-01 - Written - James Lane (UofT) """ thiso = self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) if not self.dim() == 3: raise AttributeError("Orbit must be 3D to use vtheta()") else: r = numpy.sqrt( thiso[0]**2.+thiso[3]**2.) return ((thiso[1]*thiso[3]-thiso[0]*thiso[4])/r).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('angle') @shapeDecorator def theta(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: theta PURPOSE: return spherical polar angle INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the angle OUTPUT: theta(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2020-07-01 - Written - James Lane (UofT) """ thiso = self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) if self.dim() != 3: raise AttributeError("Orbit must be 3D to use theta()") else: return numpy.arctan2(thiso[0],thiso[3])
[docs] @physical_conversion('angle_deg') @shapeDecorator def ra(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: ra PURPOSE: return the right ascension INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get ra obs=[X,Y,Z] - (optional) position of observer (in kpc) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: ra(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'ra') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _radec(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs).T[0]\ .reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('angle_deg') @shapeDecorator def dec(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: dec PURPOSE: return the declination INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get dec obs=[X,Y,Z] - (optional) position of observer (in kpc) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: dec(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'dec') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _radec(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs).T[1]\ .reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('angle_deg') @shapeDecorator def ll(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: ll PURPOSE: return Galactic longitude INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get ll obs=[X,Y,Z] - (optional) position of observer (in kpc) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: l(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'ll') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _lbd(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs).T[0].reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('angle_deg') @shapeDecorator def bb(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: bb PURPOSE: return Galactic latitude INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get bb obs=[X,Y,Z] - (optional) position of observer (in kpc) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: b(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'bb') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _lbd(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs).T[1].reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('position_kpc') @shapeDecorator def dist(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: dist PURPOSE: return distance from the observer in kpc INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get dist obs=[X,Y,Z] - (optional) position of observer (in kpc) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: dist(t) in kpc [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'dist') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _lbd(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs).T[2].reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('proper-motion_masyr') @shapeDecorator def pmra(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: pmra PURPOSE: return proper motion in right ascension (in mas/yr) INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get pmra obs=[X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz] - (optional) position and velocity of observer (in kpc and km/s) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) vo= velocity in km/s corresponding to v=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: pm_ra(t) in mas / yr [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'pmra') _check_voSet(self,kwargs,'pmra') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _pmrapmdec(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs).T[0]\ .reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('proper-motion_masyr') @shapeDecorator def pmdec(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: pmdec PURPOSE: return proper motion in declination (in mas/yr) INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get pmdec obs=[X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz] - (optional) position and velocity of observer (in kpc and km/s) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) vo= velocity in km/s corresponding to v=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: pm_dec(t) in mas/yr [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'pmdec') _check_voSet(self,kwargs,'pmdec') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _pmrapmdec(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs).T[1]\ .reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('proper-motion_masyr') @shapeDecorator def pmll(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: pmll PURPOSE: return proper motion in Galactic longitude (in mas/yr) INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get pmll obs=[X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz] - (optional) position and velocity of observer (in kpc and km/s) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) vo= velocity in km/s corresponding to v=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: pm_l(t) in mas/yr [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'pmll') _check_voSet(self,kwargs,'pmll') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _lbdvrpmllpmbb(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs).T[4]\ .reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('proper-motion_masyr') @shapeDecorator def pmbb(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: pmbb PURPOSE: return proper motion in Galactic latitude (in mas/yr) INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get pmbb obs=[X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz] - (optional) position and velocity of observer (in kpc and km/s) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) vo= velocity in km/s corresponding to v=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: pm_b(t) in mas/yr [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'pmbb') _check_voSet(self,kwargs,'pmbb') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _lbdvrpmllpmbb(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs).T[5]\ .reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('velocity_kms') @shapeDecorator def vlos(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: vlos PURPOSE: return the line-of-sight velocity (in km/s) INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get vlos obs=[X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz] - (optional) position and velocity of observer (in kpc and km/s) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) vo= velocity in km/s corresponding to v=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: vlos(t) in km/s [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'vlos') _check_voSet(self,kwargs,'vlos') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _lbdvrpmllpmbb(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs).T[3]\ .reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @shapeDecorator def vra(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: vra PURPOSE: return velocity in right ascension (km/s) INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get vra (can be Quantity) obs=[X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz] - (optional) position and velocity of observer in the Galactocentric frame (in kpc and km/s) (default=[8.0,0.,0.,0.,220.,0.]; entries can be Quantity) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) OUTPUT: v_ra(t) in km/s [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-28 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'vra') _check_voSet(self,kwargs,'vra') kwargs['dontreshape']= True dist= self.dist(*args,**kwargs) if _APY_UNITS and isinstance(dist,units.Quantity): result= units.Quantity(*_K* self.pmra(*args,**kwargs)\ .to(units.mas/units.yr).value, else: result= dist*_K*self.pmra(*args,**kwargs) kwargs.pop('dontreshape') return result
[docs] @shapeDecorator def vdec(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: vdec PURPOSE: return velocity in declination (km/s) INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get vdec (can be Quantity) obs=[X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz] - (optional) position and velocity of observer in the Galactocentric frame (in kpc and km/s) (default=[8.0,0.,0.,0.,220.,0.]; entries can be Quantity) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) OUTPUT: v_dec(t) in km/s [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-28 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'vdec') _check_voSet(self,kwargs,'vdec') kwargs['dontreshape']= True dist= self.dist(*args,**kwargs) if _APY_UNITS and isinstance(dist,units.Quantity): result= units.Quantity(*_K* self.pmdec(*args,**kwargs)\ .to(units.mas/units.yr).value, else: result= dist*_K*self.pmdec(*args,**kwargs) kwargs.pop('dontreshape') return result
[docs] @shapeDecorator def vll(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: vll PURPOSE: return the velocity in Galactic longitude (km/s) INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get vll (can be Quantity) obs=[X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz] - (optional) position and velocity of observer in the Galactocentric frame (in kpc and km/s) (default=[8.0,0.,0.,0.,220.,0.]; entries can be Quantity) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) OUTPUT: v_l(t) in km/s [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-28 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'vll') _check_voSet(self,kwargs,'vll') kwargs['dontreshape']= True dist= self.dist(*args,**kwargs) if _APY_UNITS and isinstance(dist,units.Quantity): result= units.Quantity(*_K* self.pmll(*args,**kwargs)\ .to(units.mas/units.yr).value, else: result= dist*_K*self.pmll(*args,**kwargs) kwargs.pop('dontreshape') return result
[docs] @shapeDecorator def vbb(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: vbb PURPOSE: return velocity in Galactic latitude (km/s) INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get vbb (can be Quantity) obs=[X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz] - (optional) position and velocity of observer in the Galactocentric frame (in kpc and km/s) (default=[8.0,0.,0.,0.,220.,0.]; entries can be Quantity) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) OUTPUT: v_b(t) in km/s [*input_shape] HISTORY: 2019-02-28 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'vbb') _check_voSet(self,kwargs,'vbb') kwargs['dontreshape']= True dist= self.dist(*args,**kwargs) if _APY_UNITS and isinstance(dist,units.Quantity): result= units.Quantity(*_K* self.pmbb(*args,**kwargs)\ .to(units.mas/units.yr).value, else: result= dist*_K*self.pmbb(*args,**kwargs) kwargs.pop('dontreshape') return result
[docs] @physical_conversion('position_kpc') @shapeDecorator def helioX(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: helioX PURPOSE: return Heliocentric Galactic rectangular x-coordinate (aka "X") INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get X obs=[X,Y,Z] - (optional) position and velocity of observer (in kpc and km/s) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: helioX(t) in kpc [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'helioX') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _helioXYZ(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs)[0]\ .reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('position_kpc') @shapeDecorator def helioY(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: helioY PURPOSE: return Heliocentric Galactic rectangular y-coordinate (aka "Y") INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get Y obs=[X,Y,Z] - (optional) position and velocity of observer (in kpc and km/s) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: helioY(t) in kpc [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'helioY') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _helioXYZ(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs)[1]\ .reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('position_kpc') @shapeDecorator def helioZ(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: helioZ PURPOSE: return Heliocentric Galactic rectangular z-coordinate (aka "Z") INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get Z obs=[X,Y,Z] - (optional) position and velocity of observer (in kpc and km/s) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: helioZ(t) in kpc [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'helioZ') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _helioXYZ(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs)[2]\ .reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('velocity_kms') @shapeDecorator def U(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: U PURPOSE: return Heliocentric Galactic rectangular x-velocity (aka "U") INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get U obs=[X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz] - (optional) position and velocity of observer (in kpc and km/s) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) vo= velocity in km/s corresponding to v=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: U(t) in km/s [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'U') _check_voSet(self,kwargs,'U') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _XYZvxvyvz(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs)[3]\ .reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('velocity_kms') @shapeDecorator def V(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: V PURPOSE: return Heliocentric Galactic rectangular y-velocity (aka "V") INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get U obs=[X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz] - (optional) position and velocity of observer (in kpc and km/s) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) vo= velocity in km/s corresponding to v=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: V(t) in km/s [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'V') _check_voSet(self,kwargs,'V') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _XYZvxvyvz(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs)[4]\ .reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @physical_conversion('velocity_kms') @shapeDecorator def W(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: W PURPOSE: return Heliocentric Galactic rectangular z-velocity (aka "W") INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get W obs=[X,Y,Z,vx,vy,vz] - (optional) position and velocity of observer (in kpc and km/s) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) vo= velocity in km/s corresponding to v=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: W(t) in km/s [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'W') _check_voSet(self,kwargs,'W') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) return _XYZvxvyvz(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs)[5]\ .reshape(thiso_shape[1:]).T
[docs] @shapeDecorator def SkyCoord(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: SkyCoord PURPOSE: return the positions and velocities as an astropy SkyCoord INPUT: t - (optional) time at which to get the position obs=[X,Y,Z] - (optional) position of observer (in kpc) (default=Object-wide default) OR Orbit object that corresponds to the orbit of the observer; Note that when Y is non-zero, the coordinate system is rotated around z such that Y'=0 ro= distance in kpc corresponding to R=1. (default=Object-wide default) vo= velocity in km/s corresponding to v=1. (default=Object-wide default) OUTPUT: SkyCoord(t) [*input_shape,nt] HISTORY: 2019-02-21 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ kwargs.pop('quantity',None) # rm useless keyword to no conflict later kwargs['dontreshape']= True _check_roSet(self,kwargs,'SkyCoord') thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) thiso_shape= thiso.shape thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso_shape[0],-1)) radec= _radec(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs).T\ .reshape((2,)+thiso_shape[1:]) tdist= self.dist(quantity=False,*args,**kwargs).T if not _APY3: # pragma: no cover kwargs.pop('dontreshape') return coordinates.SkyCoord(radec[0]*, radec[1]*, distance=tdist*units.kpc, frame='icrs').T _check_voSet(self,kwargs,'SkyCoord') pmrapmdec= _pmrapmdec(self,thiso,*args,**kwargs).T\ .reshape((2,)+thiso_shape[1:]) tvlos= self.vlos(quantity=False,*args,**kwargs).T kwargs.pop('dontreshape') # Also return the Galactocentric frame used v_sun= coordinates.CartesianDifferential(\ numpy.array([-self._solarmotion[0], self._solarmotion[1]+self._vo, self._solarmotion[2]])* return coordinates.SkyCoord(radec[0]*, radec[1]*, distance=tdist*units.kpc, pm_ra_cosdec=pmrapmdec[0]\ *units.mas/units.yr, pm_dec=pmrapmdec[1]*units.mas/units.yr, radial_velocity=tvlos*, frame='icrs', galcen_distance=\ numpy.sqrt(self._ro**2.+self._zo**2.)\ *units.kpc, z_sun=self._zo*units.kpc, galcen_v_sun=v_sun).T
[docs] def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: __call__ PURPOSE: return the orbits at time t INPUT: t - desired time (can be Quantity) OUTPUT: an Orbit instance with initial conditions set to the phase-space at time t; shape of new Orbit is (shape_old,nt) HISTORY: 2019-03-05 - Written - Bovy (UofT) 2019-03-20 - Implemented multiple times --> Orbits - Bovy (UofT) """ orbSetupKwargs= {'ro':self._ro, 'vo':self._vo, 'zo':self._zo, 'solarmotion':self._solarmotion} thiso= self._call_internal(*args,**kwargs) out= Orbit(vxvv=numpy.reshape(thiso.T,self.shape+thiso.T.shape[1:]), **orbSetupKwargs) out._roSet= self._roSet out._voSet= self._voSet return out
def _call_internal(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: _call_internal PURPOSE: return the orbits vector at time t (like OrbitTop's __call__) INPUT: t - desired time OUTPUT: [R,vR,vT,z,vz(,phi)] or [R,vR,vT(,phi)] depending on the orbit; shape = [phasedim,nt,norb] HISTORY: 2019-02-01 - Started - Bovy (UofT) 2019-02-18 - Written interpolation part - Bovy (UofT) """ if len(args) == 0 or (not hasattr(self,'t') and args[0] == 0. ): return numpy.array(self.vxvv).T elif not hasattr(self,'t'): raise ValueError("Integrate instance before evaluating it at a specific time") else: t= args[0] # Parse t, first check whether we are dealing with the common case # where one wants all integrated times # 2nd line: scalar Quantities have __len__, but raise TypeError # for scalars t_exact_integration_times= hasattr(t,'__len__') \ and not (_APY_LOADED and isinstance(t,units.Quantity) and t.isscalar) \ and (len(t) == len(self.t)) \ and numpy.all(t == self.t) if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(t,units.Quantity): t= conversion.parse_time(t,ro=self._ro,vo=self._vo) # Need to re-evaluate now that t has changed... t_exact_integration_times= hasattr(t,'__len__') \ and (len(t) == len(self.t)) \ and numpy.all(t == self.t) elif '_integrate_t_asQuantity' in self.__dict__ \ and self._integrate_t_asQuantity \ and not t_exact_integration_times: # Not doing hasattr in above elif, bc currently slow due to overwrite of __getattribute__ warnings.warn("You specified integration times as a Quantity, but are evaluating at times not specified as a Quantity; assuming that time given is in natural (internal) units (multiply time by unit to get output at physical time)",galpyWarning) if t_exact_integration_times: # Common case where one wants all integrated times return self.orbit.T.copy() elif isinstance(t,(int,float,numpy.number)) and hasattr(self,'t') \ and t in list(self.t): return numpy.array(self.orbit[:,list(self.t).index(t),:]).T else: if isinstance(t,(int,float,numpy.number)): nt= 1 t= numpy.atleast_1d(t) else: nt= len(t) if numpy.any(t > numpy.nanmax(self.t)) \ or numpy.any(t < numpy.nanmin(self.t)): raise ValueError('Found time value not in the integration time domain') try: self._setupOrbitInterp() except: out= numpy.zeros((self.phasedim(),nt,self.size)) for jj in range(nt): try: indx= list(self.t).index(t[jj]) except ValueError: raise LookupError("Orbit interpolaton failed; integrate on finer grid") out[:,jj]= self.orbit[:,indx].T return out #should always have nt > 1, bc otherwise covered by above out= numpy.empty((self.phasedim(),nt,self.size)) # Evaluating RectBivariateSpline on grid requires sorted arrays sindx= numpy.argsort(t) t= t[sindx] usindx= numpy.argsort(sindx) # to later unsort if self.phasedim() == 4 or self.phasedim() == 6: #Unpack interpolated x and y to R and phi x= self._orbInterp[0](t,self._orb_indx_4orbInterp) y= self._orbInterp[-1](t,self._orb_indx_4orbInterp) out[0]= numpy.sqrt(x*x+y*y) out[-1]= numpy.arctan2(y,x) for ii in range(1,self.phasedim()-1): out[ii]= self._orbInterp[ii](t,self._orb_indx_4orbInterp) else: for ii in range(self.phasedim()): out[ii]= self._orbInterp[ii](t,self._orb_indx_4orbInterp) if nt == 1: return out[:,0] else: t= t[usindx] return out[:,usindx]
[docs] def toPlanar(self): """ NAME: toPlanar PURPOSE: convert 3D orbits into 2D orbits INPUT: (none) OUTPUT: planar Orbit instance HISTORY: 2019-03-02 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ orbSetupKwargs= {'ro':self._ro, 'vo':self._vo, 'zo':self._zo, 'solarmotion':self._solarmotion} if self.phasedim() == 6: vxvv= self.vxvv[:,[0,1,2,5]] elif self.phasedim() == 5: vxvv= self.vxvv[:,[0,1,2]] else: raise AttributeError("planar or linear Orbit does not have the toPlanar attribute") out= Orbit(vxvv=vxvv,**orbSetupKwargs) out._roSet= self._roSet out._voSet= self._voSet return out
[docs] def toLinear(self): """ NAME: toLinear PURPOSE: convert 3D orbits into 1D orbits (z) INPUT: (none) OUTPUT: linear Orbit instance HISTORY: 2019-03-02 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ orbSetupKwargs= {'ro':self._ro, 'vo':self._vo} if self.dim() == 3: vxvv= self.vxvv[:,[3,4]] else: raise AttributeError("planar or linear Orbit does not have the toPlanar attribute") out= Orbit(vxvv=vxvv,**orbSetupKwargs) out._roSet= self._roSet out._voSet= self._voSet return out
def _setupOrbitInterp(self): if hasattr(self,"_orbInterp"): return None # Setup one interpolation / phasedim, for all orbits simultaneously # First check that times increase if hasattr(self,"t"): #Orbit has been integrated if self.t[1] < self.t[0]: #must be backward sindx= numpy.argsort(self.t) # sort self.t= self.t[sindx] self.orbit= self.orbit[:,sindx] usindx= numpy.argsort(sindx) # to later unsort orbInterp= [] orb_indx= numpy.arange(self.size) for ii in range(self.phasedim()): if (self.phasedim() == 4 or self.phasedim() == 6) and ii == 0: #Interpolate x and y rather than R and phi to avoid issues w/ phase wrapping if self.size == 1: orbInterp.append(_1DInterp(\ self.t, self.orbit[0,:,0]*numpy.cos(self.orbit[0,:,-1]))) else: orbInterp.append(interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(\ self.t,orb_indx, (self.orbit[:,:,0]*numpy.cos(self.orbit[:,:,-1])).T, ky=1,s=0.)) elif (self.phasedim() == 4 or self.phasedim() == 6) and \ ii == self.phasedim()-1: if self.size == 1: orbInterp.append(_1DInterp(\ self.t, self.orbit[0,:,0]*numpy.sin(self.orbit[0,:,-1]))) else: orbInterp.append(interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(\ self.t,orb_indx, (self.orbit[:,:,0]*numpy.sin(self.orbit[:,:,-1])).T, ky=1,s=0.)) else: if self.size == 1: orbInterp.append(_1DInterp(self.t,self.orbit[0,:,ii])) else: orbInterp.append(interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(\ self.t,orb_indx,self.orbit[:,:,ii].T,ky=1,s=0.)) self._orbInterp= orbInterp self._orb_indx_4orbInterp= orb_indx try: #unsort self.t= self.t[usindx] self.orbit= self.orbit[:,usindx] except: pass return None def _parse_plot_quantity(self,quant,**kwargs): """Internal function to parse a quantity to be plotted based on input data""" # Cannot be using Quantity output kwargs['quantity']= False if callable(quant): out= quant(self.t) if out.shape == self.t.shape: out= numpy.tile(out,(len(self.vxvv),1)) return out def _eval(q): # Check those that don't have the exact name of the function if q == 't': # Typically expect this to have same shape as other quantities return numpy.tile(self.time(self.t,**kwargs), (len(self.vxvv),1)) elif q == 'Enorm': return (self.E(self.t,**kwargs).T/self.E(0.,**kwargs)).T elif q == 'Eznorm': return (self.Ez(self.t,**kwargs).T/self.Ez(0.,**kwargs)).T elif q == 'ERnorm': return (self.ER(self.t,**kwargs).T/self.ER(0.,**kwargs)).T elif q == 'Jacobinorm': return (self.Jacobi(self.t,**kwargs).T/self.Jacobi(0.,**kwargs)).T else: # these are exact, e.g., 'x' for self.x return self.__getattribute__(q)(self.t,**kwargs) try: return _eval(quant) except AttributeError: pass try: import numexpr except ImportError: #pragma: no cover raise ImportError('Parsing the quantity to be plotted failed; if you are trying to plot an expression, please make sure to install numexpr first') # Figure out the variables in the expression to be computed to plot try: vars= numexpr.NumExpr(quant).input_names except TypeError as err: raise TypeError('Parsing the expression {} failed, with error message:\n"{}"'.format(quant,err)) # Construct dictionary of necessary parameters vars_dict= {} for var in vars: vars_dict[var]= _eval(var) return numexpr.evaluate(quant,local_dict=vars_dict)
[docs] def plot(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: plot PURPOSE: plot a previously calculated orbit (with reasonable defaults) INPUT: d1= first dimension to plot ('x', 'y', 'R', 'vR', 'vT', 'z', 'vz', ...); can also be an expression, like 'R*vR', or a user-defined function of time (e.g., lambda t: o.R(t) for R) d2= second dimension to plot; can also be an expression, like 'R*vR', or a user-defined function of time (e.g., lambda t: o.R(t) for R) ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output matplotlib.plot inputs+galpy.util.plot.plot inputs OUTPUT: sends plot to output device HISTORY: 2010-07-26 - Written - Bovy (NYU) 2010-09-22 - Adapted to more general framework - Bovy (NYU) 2013-11-29 - added ra,dec kwargs and other derived quantities - Bovy (IAS) 2014-06-11 - Support for plotting in physical coordinates - Bovy (IAS) 2017-11-28 - Allow arbitrary functions of time to be plotted - Bovy (UofT) 2019-04-13 - Edited for multiple Orbits - Bovy (UofT) """ if (kwargs.get('use_physical',False) \ and kwargs.get('ro',self._roSet)) or \ (not 'use_physical' in kwargs \ and kwargs.get('ro',self._roSet)): labeldict= {'t':r'$t\ (\mathrm{Gyr})$','R':r'$R\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'vR':r'$v_R\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$', 'vT':r'$v_T\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$', 'z':r'$z\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'vz':r'$v_z\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$','phi':r'$\phi$', 'r':r'$r\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'x':r'$x\ (\mathrm{kpc})$','y':r'$y\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'vx':r'$v_x\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$', 'vy':r'$v_y\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$', 'E':r'$E\,(\mathrm{km}^2\,\mathrm{s}^{-2})$', 'Ez':r'$E_z\,(\mathrm{km}^2\,\mathrm{s}^{-2})$', 'ER':r'$E_R\,(\mathrm{km}^2\,\mathrm{s}^{-2})$', 'Enorm':r'$E(t)/E(0.)$', 'Eznorm':r'$E_z(t)/E_z(0.)$', 'ERnorm':r'$E_R(t)/E_R(0.)$', 'Jacobi':r'$E-\Omega_p\,L\,(\mathrm{km}^2\,\mathrm{s}^{-2})$', 'Jacobinorm':r'$(E-\Omega_p\,L)(t)/(E-\Omega_p\,L)(0)$'} else: labeldict= {'t':r'$t$','R':r'$R$','vR':r'$v_R$','vT':r'$v_T$', 'z':r'$z$','vz':r'$v_z$','phi':r'$\phi$', 'r':r'$r$', 'x':r'$x$','y':r'$y$','vx':r'$v_x$','vy':r'$v_y$', 'E':r'$E$','Enorm':r'$E(t)/E(0.)$', 'Ez':r'$E_z$','Eznorm':r'$E_z(t)/E_z(0.)$', 'ER':r'$E_R$','ERnorm':r'$E_R(t)/E_R(0.)$', 'Jacobi':r'$E-\Omega_p\,L$', 'Jacobinorm':r'$(E-\Omega_p\,L)(t)/(E-\Omega_p\,L)(0)$'} labeldict.update({'ra':r'$\alpha\ (\mathrm{deg})$', 'dec':r'$\delta\ (\mathrm{deg})$', 'll':r'$l\ (\mathrm{deg})$', 'bb':r'$b\ (\mathrm{deg})$', 'dist':r'$d\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'pmra':r'$\mu_\alpha\ (\mathrm{mas\,yr}^{-1})$', 'pmdec':r'$\mu_\delta\ (\mathrm{mas\,yr}^{-1})$', 'pmll':r'$\mu_l\ (\mathrm{mas\,yr}^{-1})$', 'pmbb':r'$\mu_b\ (\mathrm{mas\,yr}^{-1})$', 'vlos':r'$v_\mathrm{los}\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$', 'helioX':r'$X\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'helioY':r'$Y\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'helioZ':r'$Z\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'U':r'$U\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$', 'V':r'$V\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$', 'W':r'$W\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$'}) # Cannot be using Quantity output kwargs['quantity']= False #Defaults if not 'd1' in kwargs and not 'd2' in kwargs: if self.phasedim() == 3: d1= 'R' d2= 'vR' elif self.phasedim() == 4: d1= 'x' d2= 'y' elif self.phasedim() == 2: d1= 'x' d2= 'vx' elif self.phasedim() == 5 or self.phasedim() == 6: d1= 'R' d2= 'z' elif not 'd1' in kwargs: d2= kwargs.pop('d2') d1= 't' elif not 'd2' in kwargs: d1= kwargs.pop('d1') d2= 't' else: d1= kwargs.pop('d1') d2= kwargs.pop('d2') kwargs['dontreshape']= True x= numpy.atleast_2d(self._parse_plot_quantity(d1,**kwargs)) y= numpy.atleast_2d(self._parse_plot_quantity(d2,**kwargs)) kwargs.pop('dontreshape') kwargs.pop('ro',None) kwargs.pop('vo',None) kwargs.pop('obs',None) kwargs.pop('use_physical',None) kwargs.pop('pot',None) kwargs.pop('OmegaP',None) kwargs.pop('quantity',None) auto_scale= not 'xrange' in kwargs and not 'yrange' in kwargs \ and not kwargs.get('overplot',False) labels= kwargs.pop('label',['Orbit {}'.format(ii+1) for ii in range(self.size)]) if self.size == 1 and isinstance(labels,str): labels= [labels] #Plot if not 'xlabel' in kwargs: kwargs['xlabel']= labeldict.get(d1,r'${}$'.format(d1)) if not 'ylabel' in kwargs: kwargs['ylabel']= labeldict.get(d2,r'${}$'.format(d2)) for ii,(tx,ty) in enumerate(zip(x,y)): kwargs['label']= labels[ii] line2d= plot.plot(tx,ty,*args,**kwargs)[0] kwargs['overplot']= True if auto_scale: line2d.axes.autoscale(enable=True) plot._add_ticks() return [line2d]
[docs] def plot3d(self,*args,**kwargs): """ NAME: plot3d PURPOSE: plot 3D aspects of an Orbit INPUT: d1= first dimension to plot ('x', 'y', 'R', 'vR', 'vT', 'z', 'vz', ...); can also be an expression, like 'R*vR', or a user-defined function of time (e.g., lambda t: o.R(t) for R) d2= second dimension to plot d3= third dimension to plot ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output galpy.util.plot.plot3d args and kwargs OUTPUT: plot HISTORY: 2010-07-26 - Written - Bovy (NYU) 2010-09-22 - Adapted to more general framework - Bovy (NYU) 2010-01-08 - Adapted to 3D - Bovy (NYU) 2013-11-29 - added ra,dec kwargs and other derived quantities - Bovy (IAS) 2014-06-11 - Support for plotting in physical coordinates - Bovy (IAS) 2017-11-28 - Allow arbitrary functions of time to be plotted - Bovy (UofT) 2019-04-13 - Adapated for multiple orbits - Bovy (UofT) """ if (kwargs.get('use_physical',False) \ and kwargs.get('ro',self._roSet)) or \ (not 'use_physical' in kwargs \ and kwargs.get('ro',self._roSet)): labeldict= {'t':r'$t\ (\mathrm{Gyr})$','R':r'$R\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'vR':r'$v_R\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$', 'vT':r'$v_T\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$', 'z':r'$z\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'vz':r'$v_z\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$','phi':r'$\phi$', 'r':r'$r\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'x':r'$x\ (\mathrm{kpc})$','y':r'$y\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'vx':r'$v_x\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$', 'vy':r'$v_y\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$'} else: labeldict= {'t':r'$t$','R':r'$R$','vR':r'$v_R$','vT':r'$v_T$', 'z':r'$z$','vz':r'$v_z$','phi':r'$\phi$', 'r':r'$r$','x':r'$x$','y':r'$y$', 'vx':r'$v_x$','vy':r'$v_y$'} labeldict.update({'ra':r'$\alpha\ (\mathrm{deg})$', 'dec':r'$\delta\ (\mathrm{deg})$', 'll':r'$l\ (\mathrm{deg})$', 'bb':r'$b\ (\mathrm{deg})$', 'dist':r'$d\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'pmra':r'$\mu_\alpha\ (\mathrm{mas\,yr}^{-1})$', 'pmdec':r'$\mu_\delta\ (\mathrm{mas\,yr}^{-1})$', 'pmll':r'$\mu_l\ (\mathrm{mas\,yr}^{-1})$', 'pmbb':r'$\mu_b\ (\mathrm{mas\,yr}^{-1})$', 'vlos':r'$v_\mathrm{los}\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$', 'helioX':r'$X\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'helioY':r'$Y\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'helioZ':r'$Z\ (\mathrm{kpc})$', 'U':r'$U\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$', 'V':r'$V\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$', 'W':r'$W\ (\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1})$'}) # Cannot be using Quantity output kwargs['quantity']= False #Defaults if not 'd1' in kwargs and not 'd2' in kwargs and not 'd3' in kwargs: if self.phasedim() == 3: d1= 'R' d2= 'vR' d3= 'vT' elif self.phasedim() == 4: d1= 'x' d2= 'y' d3= 'vR' elif self.phasedim() == 2: raise AttributeError("Cannot plot 3D aspects of 1D orbits") elif self.phasedim() == 5: d1= 'R' d2= 'vR' d3= 'z' elif self.phasedim() == 6: d1= 'x' d2= 'y' d3= 'z' elif not ('d1' in kwargs and 'd2' in kwargs and 'd3' in kwargs): raise AttributeError("Please provide 'd1', 'd2', and 'd3'") else: d1= kwargs.pop('d1') d2= kwargs.pop('d2') d3= kwargs.pop('d3') kwargs['dontreshape']= True x= numpy.atleast_2d(self._parse_plot_quantity(d1,**kwargs)) y= numpy.atleast_2d(self._parse_plot_quantity(d2,**kwargs)) z= numpy.atleast_2d(self._parse_plot_quantity(d3,**kwargs)) kwargs.pop('dontreshape') kwargs.pop('ro',None) kwargs.pop('vo',None) kwargs.pop('obs',None) kwargs.pop('use_physical',None) kwargs.pop('quantity',None) auto_scale= not 'xrange' in kwargs and not 'yrange' in kwargs \ and not 'zrange' in kwargs and not kwargs.get('overplot',False) #Plot if not 'xlabel' in kwargs: kwargs['xlabel']= labeldict.get(d1,r'${}$'.format(d1)) if not 'ylabel' in kwargs: kwargs['ylabel']= labeldict.get(d2,r'${}$'.format(d2)) if not 'zlabel' in kwargs: kwargs['zlabel']= labeldict.get(d3,r'${}$'.format(d3)) for tx,ty,tz in zip(x,y,z): line3d= plot.plot3d(tx,ty,tz,*args,**kwargs)[0] kwargs['overplot']= True if auto_scale: line3d.axes.autoscale(enable=True) plot._add_ticks() return [line3d]
[docs] def animate(self,*args,**kwargs): #pragma: no cover """ NAME: animate PURPOSE: animate a previously calculated orbit (with reasonable defaults) INPUT: d1= first dimension to plot ('x', 'y', 'R', 'vR', 'vT', 'z', 'vz', ...); can be list with up to three entries for three subplots; each entry can also be a user-defined function of time (e.g., lambda t: o.R(t) for R) d2= second dimension to plot; can be list with up to three entries for three subplots; each entry can also be a user-defined function of time (e.g., lambda t: o.R(t) for R) width= (600) width of output div in px height= (400) height of output div in px xlabel= (pre-defined labels) label for the first dimension (or list of labels if d1 is a list); should only have to be specified when using a function as d1 and can then specify as, e.g., [None,'YOUR LABEL',None] if d1 is a list of three xs and the first and last are standard entries) ylabel= (pre-defined labels) label for the second dimension (or list of labels if d2 is a list); should only have to be specified when using a function as d2 and can then specify as, e.g., [None,'YOUR LABEL',None] if d1 is a list of three xs and the first and last are standard entries) json_filename= (None) if set, save the data necessary for the figure in this filename (e.g., json_filename= 'orbit_data/orbit.json'); this path is also used in the output HTML, so needs to be accessible staticPlot= (False) if True, create a static plot that doesn't allow zooming, panning, etc. ro= (Object-wide default) physical scale for distances to use to convert (can be Quantity) vo= (Object-wide default) physical scale for velocities to use to convert (can be Quantity) use_physical= use to override Object-wide default for using a physical scale for output OUTPUT: IPython.display.HTML object with code to animate the orbit; can be directly shown in jupyter notebook or embedded in HTML pages; get a text version of the HTML using the _repr_html_() function HISTORY: 2017-09-17-24 - Written - Bovy (UofT) 2019-03-11 - Adapted for multiple orbits - Bovy (UofT) """ try: from IPython.display import HTML except ImportError: raise ImportError("Orbit.animate requires ipython/jupyter to be installed") if (kwargs.get('use_physical',False) \ and kwargs.get('ro',self._roSet)) or \ (not 'use_physical' in kwargs \ and kwargs.get('ro',self._roSet)): labeldict= {'t':'t (Gyr)', 'R':'R (kpc)', 'vR':'v_R (km/s)', 'vT':'v_T (km/s)', 'z':'z (kpc)', 'vz':'v_z (km/s)', 'phi':'azimuthal angle', 'r':'r (kpc)', 'x':'x (kpc)', 'y':'y (kpc)', 'vx':'v_x (km/s)', 'vy':'v_y (km/s)', 'E':'E (km^2/s^2)', 'Ez':'E_z (km^2/s^2)', 'ER':'E_R (km^2/s^2)', 'Enorm':'E(t)/E(0.)', 'Eznorm':'E_z(t)/E_z(0.)', 'ERnorm':'E_R(t)/E_R(0.)', 'Jacobi':'E-Omega_p L (km^2/s^2)', 'Jacobinorm':'(E-Omega_p L)(t)/(E-Omega_p L)(0)'} else: labeldict= {'t':'t','R':'R','vR':'v_R','vT':'v_T', 'z':'z','vz':'v_z','phi':r'azimuthal angle', 'r':'r', 'x':'x','y':'y','vx':'v_x','vy':'v_y', 'E':'E','Enorm':'E(t)/E(0.)', 'Ez':'E_z','Eznorm':'E_z(t)/E_z(0.)', 'ER':r'E_R','ERnorm':r'E_R(t)/E_R(0.)', 'Jacobi':r'E-Omega_p L', 'Jacobinorm':r'(E-Omega_p L)(t)/(E-Omega_p L)(0)'} labeldict.update({'ra':'RA (deg)', 'dec':'Dec (deg)', 'll':'Galactic lon (deg)', 'bb':'Galactic lat (deg)', 'dist':'distance (kpc)', 'pmra':'pmRA (mas/yr)', 'pmdec':'pmDec (mas/yr)', 'pmll':'pmGlon (mas/yr)', 'pmbb':'pmGlat (mas/yr)', 'vlos':'line-of-sight vel (km/s)', 'helioX':'X (kpc)', 'helioY':'Y (kpc)', 'helioZ':'Z (kpc)', 'U':'U (km/s)', 'V':'V (km/s)', 'W':'W (km/s)'}) # Cannot be using Quantity output kwargs['quantity']= False #Defaults if not 'd1' in kwargs and not 'd2' in kwargs: if self.phasedim() == 3: d1= 'R' d2= 'vR' elif self.phasedim() == 4: d1= 'x' d2= 'y' elif self.phasedim() == 2: d1= 'x' d2= 'vx' elif self.dim() == 3: d1= 'R' d2= 'z' elif not 'd1' in kwargs: d2= kwargs.pop('d2') d1= 't' elif not 'd2' in kwargs: d1= kwargs.pop('d1') d2= 't' else: d1= kwargs.pop('d1') d2= kwargs.pop('d2') xs= [] ys= [] xlabels= [] ylabels= [] if isinstance(d1,str) or callable(d1): d1s= [d1] d2s= [d2] else: d1s= d1 d2s= d2 if len(d1s) > 3: raise ValueError('Orbit.animate only works for up to three subplots') all_xlabel= kwargs.get('xlabel',[None for d in d1]) all_ylabel= kwargs.get('ylabel',[None for d in d2]) for d1,d2, xlabel, ylabel in zip(d1s,d2s,all_xlabel,all_ylabel): #Get x and y for each subplot kwargs['dontreshape']= True x= self._parse_plot_quantity(d1,**kwargs) y= self._parse_plot_quantity(d2,**kwargs) kwargs.pop('dontreshape') xs.append(x) ys.append(y) if xlabel is None: xlabels.append(labeldict.get(d1,'\mathrm{No\ xlabel\ specified}')) else: xlabels.append(xlabel) if ylabel is None: ylabels.append(labeldict.get(d2,'\mathrm{No\ ylabel\ specified}')) else: ylabels.append(ylabel) kwargs.pop('ro',None) kwargs.pop('vo',None) kwargs.pop('obs',None) kwargs.pop('use_physical',None) kwargs.pop('pot',None) kwargs.pop('OmegaP',None) kwargs.pop('quantity',None) width= kwargs.pop('width',600) height= kwargs.pop('height',400) load_jslibs= kwargs.pop('load_jslibs',True) if load_jslibs: load_jslibs_code= """ <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> """ else: load_jslibs_code= "" # Dump data to HTML nplots= len(xs) jsonDict= {} for ii in range(nplots): for jj in range(self.size): jsonDict['x%i_%i' % (ii+1,jj)]= xs[ii][jj].tolist() jsonDict['y%i_%i' % (ii+1,jj)]= ys[ii][jj].tolist() json_filename= kwargs.pop('json_filename',None) if json_filename is None: jd= json.dumps(jsonDict) json_code= """ let data= JSON.parse('{jd}');""".format(jd=jd) close_json_code= "" else: with open(json_filename,'w') as jfile: json.dump(jsonDict,jfile) json_code= """Plotly.d3.json('{jfilename}',function(data){{""".format(jfilename=json_filename) close_json_code= "});" self.divid= 'galpy-'\ +''.join(choice(ascii_lowercase) for i in range(24)) button_width= 419.51+4.*10. button_margin_left= int(numpy.round((width-button_width)/2.)) if button_margin_left < 0: button_margin_left= 0 # Configuration options config= """{{staticPlot: {staticPlot}}}"""\ .format(staticPlot='true' if kwargs.pop('staticPlot',False) else 'false') # Layout for multiple plots if len(d1s) == 1: xmin= [0,0,0] xmax= [1,1,1] elif len(d1s) == 2: xmin= [0,0.55,0] xmax= [0.45,1,1] elif len(d1s) == 3: xmin= [0,0.365,0.73] xmax= [0.27,0.635,1] # Colors line_colors= ['#1f77b4', # muted blue '#ff7f0e', # safety orange '#2ca02c', # cooked asparagus green '#d62728', # brick red '#9467bd', # muted purple '#8c564b', # chestnut brown '#e377c2', # raspberry yogurt pink '#7f7f7f', # middle gray '#bcbd22', # curry yellow-green '#17becf'] # blue-teal # When there are more than these # of colors needed, make up randoms if self.size > len(line_colors): line_colors.extend(["#%06x" % numpy.random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF) for ii in range(self.size-len(line_colors))]) layout= """{{ xaxis: {{ title: '{xlabel}', domain: [{xmin},{xmax}], }}, yaxis: {{title: '{ylabel}'}}, margin: {{t: 20}}, hovermode: 'closest', showlegend: false, """.format(xlabel=xlabels[0],ylabel=ylabels[0],xmin=xmin[0],xmax=xmax[0]) for ii in range(1,nplots): layout+= """ xaxis{idx}: {{ title: '{xlabel}', anchor: 'y{idx}', domain: [{xmin},{xmax}], }}, yaxis{idx}: {{ title: '{ylabel}', anchor: 'x{idx}', }}, """.format(idx=ii+1,xlabel=xlabels[ii],ylabel=ylabels[ii], xmin=xmin[ii],xmax=xmax[ii]) layout+="""}""" # First plot setup_trace1= """ let trace1= {{ x: data.x1_0.slice(0,numPerFrame), y: data.y1_0.slice(0,numPerFrame), mode: 'lines', line: {{ shape: 'spline', width: 0.8, color: '{line_color}', }}, }}; let trace2= {{ x: data.x1_0.slice(0,numPerFrame), y: data.y1_0.slice(0,numPerFrame), mode: 'lines', line: {{ shape: 'spline', width: 3., color: '{line_color}', }}, }}; """.format(line_color=line_colors[0]) traces_cumul= """trace1,trace2""" for ii in range(1,self.size): setup_trace1+= """ let trace{trace_num_1}= {{ x: data.x1_{trace_indx}.slice(0,numPerFrame), y: data.y1_{trace_indx}.slice(0,numPerFrame), mode: 'lines', line: {{ shape: 'spline', width: 0.8, color: '{line_color}', }}, }}; let trace{trace_num_2}= {{ x: data.x1_{trace_indx}.slice(0,numPerFrame), y: data.y1_{trace_indx}.slice(0,numPerFrame), mode: 'lines', line: {{ shape: 'spline', width: 3., color: '{line_color}', }}, }}; """.format(trace_indx=str(ii),trace_num_1=str(2*ii+1),trace_num_2=str(2*ii+2), line_color=line_colors[ii]) traces_cumul+= """,trace{trace_num_1},trace{trace_num_2}""".format(trace_num_1=str(2*ii+1),trace_num_2=str(2*ii+2)) x_data_list = """""" y_data_list = """""" trace_num_10_list = """""" trace_num_20_list = """""" for jj in range(len(d1s)): for ii in range(0, self.size): x_data_list += """data.x{jj}_{trace_indx}.slice(trace_slice_begin,trace_slice_end), """.format(jj=jj+1, divid=self.divid, trace_indx=str(ii)) y_data_list += """data.y{jj}_{trace_indx}.slice(trace_slice_begin,trace_slice_end), """.format(jj=jj+1, divid=self.divid, trace_indx=str(ii)) trace_num_10_list += """{trace_num_10}, """.format(trace_num_10=str(2*jj*self.size + 2 * ii + 1 - 1)) trace_num_20_list += """{trace_num_20}, """.format(trace_num_20=str(2*jj*self.size + 2 * ii + 2 - 1)) # Additional traces for additional plots if len(d1s) > 1: setup_trace2= """ let trace{trace_num_1}= {{ x: data.x2_0.slice(0,numPerFrame), y: data.y2_0.slice(0,numPerFrame), xaxis: 'x2', yaxis: 'y2', mode: 'lines', line: {{ shape: 'spline', width: 0.8, color: '{line_color}', }}, }}; let trace{trace_num_2}= {{ x: data.x2_0.slice(0,numPerFrame), y: data.y2_0.slice(0,numPerFrame), xaxis: 'x2', yaxis: 'y2', mode: 'lines', line: {{ shape: 'spline', width: 3., color: '{line_color}', }}, }}; """.format(line_color=line_colors[0],trace_num_1=str(2*self.size+1), trace_num_2=str(2*self.size+2)) traces_cumul+= """,trace{trace_num_1},trace{trace_num_2}""".format(trace_num_1=str(2*self.size+1),trace_num_2=str(2*self.size+2)) for ii in range(1,self.size): setup_trace2+= """ let trace{trace_num_1}= {{ x: data.x2_{trace_indx}.slice(0,numPerFrame), y: data.y2_{trace_indx}.slice(0,numPerFrame), xaxis: 'x2', yaxis: 'y2', mode: 'lines', line: {{ shape: 'spline', width: 0.8, color: '{line_color}', }}, }}; let trace{trace_num_2}= {{ x: data.x2_{trace_indx}.slice(0,numPerFrame), y: data.y2_{trace_indx}.slice(0,numPerFrame), xaxis: 'x2', yaxis: 'y2', mode: 'lines', line: {{ shape: 'spline', width: 3., color: '{line_color}', }}, }}; """.format(line_color=line_colors[ii],trace_indx=str(ii), trace_num_1=str(2*self.size+2*ii+1), trace_num_2=str(2*self.size+2*ii+2)) traces_cumul+= """,trace{trace_num_1},trace{trace_num_2}""".format(trace_num_1=str(2*self.size+2*ii+1),trace_num_2=str(2*self.size+2*ii+2)) else: # else for "if there is a 2nd panel" setup_trace2= """ let traces= [{traces_cumul}]; """.format(traces_cumul=traces_cumul) if len(d1s) > 2: setup_trace3= """ let trace{trace_num_1}= {{ x: data.x3_0.slice(0,numPerFrame), y: data.y3_0.slice(0,numPerFrame), xaxis: 'x3', yaxis: 'y3', mode: 'lines', line: {{ shape: 'spline', width: 0.8, color: '{line_color}', }}, }}; let trace{trace_num_2}= {{ x: data.x3_0.slice(0,numPerFrame), y: data.y3_0.slice(0,numPerFrame), xaxis: 'x3', yaxis: 'y3', mode: 'lines', line: {{ shape: 'spline', width: 3., color: '{line_color}', }}, }}; """.format(line_color=line_colors[0],trace_num_1=str(4*self.size+1), trace_num_2=str(4*self.size+2)) traces_cumul+= """,trace{trace_num_1},trace{trace_num_2}""".format(trace_num_1=str(4*self.size+1),trace_num_2=str(4*self.size+2)) for ii in range(1,self.size): setup_trace3+= """ let trace{trace_num_1}= {{ x: data.x3_{trace_indx}.slice(0,numPerFrame), y: data.y3_{trace_indx}.slice(0,numPerFrame), xaxis: 'x3', yaxis: 'y3', mode: 'lines', line: {{ shape: 'spline', width: 0.8, color: '{line_color}', }}, }}; let trace{trace_num_2}= {{ x: data.x3_{trace_indx}.slice(0,numPerFrame), y: data.y3_{trace_indx}.slice(0,numPerFrame), xaxis: 'x3', yaxis: 'y3', mode: 'lines', line: {{ shape: 'spline', width: 3., color: '{line_color}', }}, }}; """.format(line_color=line_colors[ii],trace_indx=str(ii), trace_num_1=str(4*self.size+2*ii+1), trace_num_2=str(4*self.size+2*ii+2), trace_num_10=str(4*self.size+2*ii+1-1), trace_num_20=str(4*self.size+2*ii+2-1)) traces_cumul+= """,trace{trace_num_1},trace{trace_num_2}""".format(trace_num_1=str(4*self.size+2*ii+1),trace_num_2=str(4*self.size+2*ii+2)) setup_trace3 += """ let traces= [{traces_cumul}]; """.format(traces_cumul=traces_cumul) elif len(d1s) > 1: # elif for "if there is a 3rd panel setup_trace3= """ let traces= [{traces_cumul}]; """.format(traces_cumul=traces_cumul) else: # else for "if there is a 3rd or 2nd panel" (don't think we can get here!) setup_trace3= "" return HTML(""" <style> .galpybutton {{ background-color:#ffffff; -moz-border-radius:16px; -webkit-border-radius:16px; border-radius:16px; border:1px solid #1f77b4; display:inline-block; cursor:pointer; color:#1f77b4; font-family:Courier; font-size:17px; padding:8px 10px; text-decoration:none; text-shadow:0px 1px 0px #2f6627; }} .galpybutton:hover {{ background-color:#ffffff; }} .galpybutton:active {{ position:relative; top:1px; }} .galpybutton:focus{{ outline:0; }} </style> <div id='{divid}' style='width:{width}px;height:{height}px;'></div> <div class="controlbutton" id="{divid}-play" style="margin-left:{button_margin_left}px;display: inline-block;"> <button class="galpybutton">Play</button></div> <div class="controlbutton" id="{divid}-pause" style="margin-left:10px;display: inline-block;"> <button class="galpybutton">Pause</button></div> <div class="controlbutton" id="{divid}-timestwo" style="margin-left:10px;display: inline-block;"> <button class="galpybutton">Speed<font face="Arial">&thinsp;</font>x<font face="Arial">&thinsp;</font>2</button></div> <div class="controlbutton" id="{divid}-timeshalf" style="margin-left:10px;display: inline-block;"> <button class="galpybutton">Speed<font face="Arial">&thinsp;</font>/<font face="Arial">&thinsp;</font>2</button></div> <div class="controlbutton" id="{divid}-replay" style="margin-left:10px;display: inline-block;"> <button class="galpybutton">Replay</button></div> {load_jslibs_code} <script> require.config({{ paths: {{ Plotly: '', }} }}); </script> <script> require(['Plotly'], function (Plotly) {{ {json_code} let layout = {layout}; let numPerFrame= 5; let cnt= 1; let interval; let trace_slice_len; let trace_slice_begin; let trace_slice_end; setup_trace(); $('.controlbutton button').click(function() {{ let button_type=; if ( button_type === '{divid}-play' ) {{ clearInterval(interval); interval= animate_trace(); }} else if ( button_type === '{divid}-pause' ) clearInterval(interval); else if ( button_type === '{divid}-timestwo' ) {{ cnt/= 2; numPerFrame*= 2; }} else if ( button_type === '{divid}-timeshalf' ) {{ cnt*= 2; numPerFrame/= 2; }} else if ( button_type === '{divid}-replay' ) {{ cnt= 1; try {{ // doesn't exist if animation has already ended Plotly.deleteTraces('{divid}',[{trace_num_20_list}]); }} catch (err) {{ }} Plotly.deleteTraces('{divid}', {trace_num_list}); clearInterval(interval); setup_trace(); interval= animate_trace(); }} }}); function setup_trace() {{ {setup_trace1} {setup_trace2} {setup_trace3} Plotly.plot('{divid}',traces,layout,{config}); }} function animate_trace() {{ return setInterval(function() {{ // Make sure narrow and thick trace end in the same // and the highlighted length has constant length trace_slice_len= Math.floor(numPerFrame); if ( trace_slice_len < 1) trace_slice_len= 1; trace_slice_begin= Math.floor(cnt*numPerFrame); trace_slice_end= Math.floor(Math.min(cnt*numPerFrame+trace_slice_len,data.x1_0.length-1)); traces = {{x: [{x_data_list}], y: [{y_data_list}]}}; Plotly.extendTraces('{divid}', traces, [{trace_num_10_list}]); trace_slice_begin-= trace_slice_len; traces = {{x: [{x_data_list}], y: [{y_data_list}]}}; Plotly.restyle('{divid}', traces, [{trace_num_20_list}]); cnt+= 1; if(cnt*numPerFrame+trace_slice_len > data.x1_0.length/1) {{ clearInterval(interval); Plotly.deleteTraces('{divid}',[{trace_num_20_list}]); }} }}, 30); }} {close_json_code}}}); </script>""".format(json_code=json_code,close_json_code=close_json_code, divid=self.divid,width=width,height=height, button_margin_left=button_margin_left,config=config, layout=layout,load_jslibs_code=load_jslibs_code, x_data_list=x_data_list, y_data_list=y_data_list, trace_num_10_list=trace_num_10_list, trace_num_20_list=trace_num_20_list, setup_trace1=setup_trace1,setup_trace2=setup_trace2, setup_trace3=setup_trace3, trace_num_list= [ii for ii in range(self.size * len(d1s))]))
class _1DInterp(object): """Class to simulate 2D interpolation when using a single orbit""" def __init__(self,t,y,k=3): self._ip= interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(t,y,k=k) def __call__(self,t,indx): return self._ip(t)[:,None] def _from_name_oneobject(name,obs): """ NAME: _from_name_oneobject PURPOSE: Query Simbad for the phase-space coordinates of one object INPUT: name - name of the object obs - numpy.array of [ro,vo,zo,solarmotion] that can be altered OUTPUT: [ra,dec,dist,pmra,pmdec,vlos] HISTORY: 2018-07-15 - Written - Mathew Bub (UofT) 2019-06-16 - Added named_objects - Bovy (UofT) """ # First check whether this is a named_object this_name= _named_objects_key_formatting(name) # Find the object in the file? if this_name in _known_objects.keys(): if 'ra' in _known_objects[this_name].keys(): vxvv= [_known_objects[this_name]['ra'], _known_objects[this_name]['dec'], _known_objects[this_name]['distance'], _known_objects[this_name]['pmra'], _known_objects[this_name]['pmdec'], _known_objects[this_name]['vlos']] # If you add another way, need to convert to ra,dec,... bc from_name # expects that if obs[0] is None and \ 'ro' in _known_objects[this_name].keys(): obs[0]= _known_objects[this_name]['ro'] if obs[1] is None and \ 'vo' in _known_objects[this_name].keys(): obs[1]= _known_objects[this_name]['vo'] if obs[2] is None and \ 'zo' in _known_objects[this_name].keys(): obs[2]= _known_objects[this_name]['zo'] if obs[3] is None and \ 'solarmotion' in _known_objects[this_name].keys(): obs[3]= _known_objects[this_name]['solarmotion'] return vxvv # setup a SIMBAD query with the appropriate fields simbad= Simbad() simbad.add_votable_fields('ra(d)', 'dec(d)', 'pmra', 'pmdec', 'rv_value', 'plx', 'distance') simbad.remove_votable_fields('main_id', 'coordinates') # query SIMBAD for the named object try: simbad_table= simbad.query_object(name) except OSError: # pragma: no cover raise OSError('failed to connect to SIMBAD') if not simbad_table: raise ValueError('failed to find {} in SIMBAD'.format(name)) # check that the necessary coordinates have been found missing= simbad_table.mask if (any(missing['RA_d', 'DEC_d', 'PMRA', 'PMDEC', 'RV_VALUE'][0]) or all(missing['PLX_VALUE', 'Distance_distance'][0])): raise ValueError('failed to find some coordinates for {} in ' 'SIMBAD'.format(name)) ra, dec, pmra, pmdec, vlos= simbad_table['RA_d', 'DEC_d', 'PMRA', 'PMDEC', 'RV_VALUE'][0] # get a distance value if not missing['PLX_VALUE'][0]: dist= 1./simbad_table['PLX_VALUE'][0] else: dist_str= str(simbad_table['Distance_distance'][0]) + \ simbad_table['Distance_unit'][0] dist= units.Quantity(dist_str).to(units.kpc).value return [ra,dec,dist,pmra,pmdec,vlos] def _fit_orbit(orb,vxvv,vxvv_err,pot,radec=False,lb=False, customsky=False,lb_to_customsky=None, pmllpmbb_to_customsky=None, tintJ=100,ntintJ=1000,integrate_method='dopr54_c', ro=None,vo=None,obs=None,disp=False): """Fit an orbit to data in a given potential""" # Need to turn this off for speed coords._APY_COORDS_ORIG= coords._APY_COORDS coords._APY_COORDS= False #Import here, because otherwise there is an infinite loop of imports from ..actionAngle import actionAngleIsochroneApprox, actionAngle #Mock this up, bc we want to use its orbit-integration routines class mockActionAngleIsochroneApprox(actionAngleIsochroneApprox): def __init__(self,tintJ,ntintJ,pot,integrate_method='dopr54_c'): actionAngle.__init__(self) self._tintJ= tintJ self._ntintJ=ntintJ self._tsJ= numpy.linspace(0.,self._tintJ,self._ntintJ) self._integrate_dt= None self._pot= pot self._integrate_method= integrate_method return None tmockAA= mockActionAngleIsochroneApprox(tintJ,ntintJ,pot, integrate_method=integrate_method) opt_vxvv= optimize.fmin_powell(_fit_orbit_mlogl,orb.vxvv, args=(vxvv,vxvv_err,pot,radec,lb, customsky,lb_to_customsky, pmllpmbb_to_customsky, tmockAA, ro,vo,obs), disp=disp) maxLogL= -_fit_orbit_mlogl(opt_vxvv,vxvv,vxvv_err,pot,radec,lb, customsky,lb_to_customsky,pmllpmbb_to_customsky, tmockAA, ro,vo,obs) coords._APY_COORDS= coords._APY_COORDS_ORIG return (opt_vxvv,maxLogL) def _fit_orbit_mlogl(new_vxvv,vxvv,vxvv_err,pot,radec,lb, customsky,lb_to_customsky,pmllpmbb_to_customsky, tmockAA, ro,vo,obs): """The log likelihood for fitting an orbit""" #Use this _parse_args routine, which does forward and backward integration iR,ivR,ivT,iz,ivz,iphi= tmockAA._parse_args(True,False, new_vxvv[0], new_vxvv[1], new_vxvv[2], new_vxvv[3], new_vxvv[4], new_vxvv[5]) if radec or lb or customsky: #Need to transform to (l,b), (ra,dec), or a custom set #First transform to X,Y,Z,vX,vY,vZ (Galactic) X,Y,Z = coords.galcencyl_to_XYZ(iR.flatten(),iphi.flatten(), iz.flatten(), Xsun=obs[0]/ro, Zsun=obs[2]/ro).T vX,vY,vZ = coords.galcencyl_to_vxvyvz(ivR.flatten(),ivT.flatten(), ivz.flatten(),iphi.flatten(), vsun=numpy.array(\ obs[3:6])/vo,Xsun=obs[0]/ro,Zsun=obs[2]/ro).T bad_indx= (X == 0.)*(Y == 0.)*(Z == 0.) if True in bad_indx: X[bad_indx]+= ro/10000. lbdvrpmllpmbb= coords.rectgal_to_sphergal(X*ro,Y*ro,Z*ro, vX*vo,vY*vo,vZ*vo, degree=True) if lb: orb_vxvv= numpy.array([lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,0], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,1], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,2], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,4], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,5], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,3]]).T elif radec: #Further transform to ra,dec,pmra,pmdec radec= coords.lb_to_radec(lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,0], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,1],degree=True, epoch=None) pmrapmdec= coords.pmllpmbb_to_pmrapmdec(lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,4], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,5], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,0], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,1], degree=True, epoch=None) orb_vxvv= numpy.array([radec[:,0],radec[:,1], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,2], pmrapmdec[:,0],pmrapmdec[:,1], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,3]]).T elif customsky: #Further transform to ra,dec,pmra,pmdec customradec= lb_to_customsky(lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,0], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,1],degree=True) custompmrapmdec= pmllpmbb_to_customsky(lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,4], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,5], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,0], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,1], degree=True) orb_vxvv= numpy.array([customradec[:,0],customradec[:,1], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,2], custompmrapmdec[:,0],custompmrapmdec[:,1], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,3]]).T else: #shape=(2tintJ-1,6) orb_vxvv= numpy.array([iR.flatten(),ivR.flatten(),ivT.flatten(), iz.flatten(),ivz.flatten(),iphi.flatten()]).T out= 0. for ii in range(vxvv.shape[0]): sub_vxvv= (orb_vxvv-vxvv[ii,:].flatten())**2. #print(sub_vxvv[numpy.argmin(numpy.sum(sub_vxvv,axis=1))]) if not vxvv_err is None: sub_vxvv/= vxvv_err[ii,:]**2. else: sub_vxvv/= 0.01**2. out+= logsumexp(-0.5*numpy.sum(sub_vxvv,axis=1)) return -out def _check_roSet(orb,kwargs,funcName): """Function to check whether ro is set, because it's required for funcName""" if not orb._roSet and kwargs.get('ro',None) is None: warnings.warn("Method %s(.) requires ro to be given at Orbit initialization or at method evaluation; using default ro which is %f kpc" % (funcName,orb._ro), galpyWarning) def _check_voSet(orb,kwargs,funcName): """Function to check whether vo is set, because it's required for funcName""" if not orb._voSet and kwargs.get('vo',None) is None: warnings.warn("Method %s(.) requires vo to be given at Orbit initialization or at method evaluation; using default vo which is %f km/s" % (funcName,orb._vo), galpyWarning) def _helioXYZ(orb,thiso,*args,**kwargs): """Calculate heliocentric rectangular coordinates""" obs, ro, vo= _parse_radec_kwargs(orb,kwargs) if not len(thiso.shape) == 2: thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso.shape[0],1)) if len(thiso[:,0]) != 4 and len(thiso[:,0]) != 6: #pragma: no cover raise AttributeError("orbit must track azimuth to use radeclbd functions") elif len(thiso[:,0]) == 4: #planarOrbit if isinstance(obs,(numpy.ndarray,list)): X,Y,Z = coords.galcencyl_to_XYZ(\ thiso[0,:],thiso[3,:]-numpy.arctan2(obs[1],obs[0]),0., Xsun=numpy.sqrt(obs[0]**2.+obs[1]**2.)/ro, Zsun=obs[2]/ro,_extra_rot=False).T else: #Orbit instance obs.turn_physical_off() if obs.dim() == 2: X,Y,Z = coords.galcencyl_to_XYZ(\ thiso[0,:],thiso[3,:]-obs.phi(*args,**kwargs), numpy.zeros_like(thiso[0]), Xsun=obs.R(*args,**kwargs),Zsun=0.,_extra_rot=False).T else: X,Y,Z = coords.galcencyl_to_XYZ(\ thiso[0,:],thiso[3,:]-obs.phi(*args,**kwargs), numpy.zeros_like(thiso[0]), Xsun=obs.R(*args,**kwargs), Zsun=obs.z(*args,**kwargs),_extra_rot=False).T obs.turn_physical_on() else: #FullOrbit if isinstance(obs,(numpy.ndarray,list)): X,Y,Z = coords.galcencyl_to_XYZ(\ thiso[0,:],thiso[5,:]-numpy.arctan2(obs[1],obs[0]), thiso[3,:], Xsun=numpy.sqrt(obs[0]**2.+obs[1]**2.)/ro, Zsun=obs[2]/ro).T else: #Orbit instance obs.turn_physical_off() if obs.dim() == 2: X,Y,Z = coords.galcencyl_to_XYZ(\ thiso[0,:],thiso[5,:]-obs.phi(*args,**kwargs), thiso[3,:], Xsun=obs.R(*args,**kwargs),Zsun=0.).T else: X,Y,Z = coords.galcencyl_to_XYZ(\ thiso[0,:],thiso[5,:]-obs.phi(*args,**kwargs), thiso[3,:], Xsun=obs.R(*args,**kwargs), Zsun=obs.z(*args,**kwargs)).T obs.turn_physical_on() return (X*ro,Y*ro,Z*ro) def _lbd(orb,thiso,*args,**kwargs): """Calculate l,b, and d""" obs, ro, vo= _parse_radec_kwargs(orb,kwargs,dontpop=True) X,Y,Z= _helioXYZ(orb,thiso,*args,**kwargs) bad_indx= (X == 0.)*(Y == 0.)*(Z == 0.) if True in bad_indx: X[bad_indx]+= 1e-15 return coords.XYZ_to_lbd(X,Y,Z,degree=True) def _radec(orb,thiso,*args,**kwargs): """Calculate ra and dec""" lbd= _lbd(orb,thiso,*args,**kwargs) return coords.lb_to_radec(lbd[:,0],lbd[:,1],degree=True,epoch=None) def _XYZvxvyvz(orb,thiso,*args,**kwargs): """Calculate X,Y,Z,U,V,W""" obs, ro, vo= _parse_radec_kwargs(orb,kwargs,vel=True) if not len(thiso.shape) == 2: thiso= thiso.reshape((thiso.shape[0],1)) if len(thiso[:,0]) != 4 and len(thiso[:,0]) != 6: #pragma: no cover raise AttributeError("orbit must track azimuth to use radeclbduvw functions") elif len(thiso[:,0]) == 4: #planarOrbit if isinstance(obs,(numpy.ndarray,list)): Xsun= numpy.sqrt(obs[0]**2.+obs[1]**2.) X,Y,Z = coords.galcencyl_to_XYZ(\ thiso[0,:],thiso[3,:]-numpy.arctan2(obs[1],obs[0]), numpy.zeros_like(thiso[0]), Xsun=Xsun/ro,Zsun=obs[2]/ro,_extra_rot=False).T vX,vY,vZ = coords.galcencyl_to_vxvyvz(\ thiso[1,:],thiso[2,:],numpy.zeros_like(thiso[0]), thiso[3,:]-numpy.arctan2(obs[1],obs[0]), vsun=numpy.array(# have to rotate [obs[3]*obs[0]/Xsun+obs[4]*obs[1]/Xsun, -obs[3]*obs[1]/Xsun+obs[4]*obs[0]/Xsun, obs[5]])/vo, Xsun=Xsun/ro,Zsun=obs[2]/ro,_extra_rot=False).T else: #Orbit instance obs.turn_physical_off() if obs.dim() == 2: X,Y,Z = coords.galcencyl_to_XYZ(\ thiso[0,:],thiso[3,:]-obs.phi(*args,**kwargs), numpy.zeros_like(thiso[0]), Xsun=obs.R(*args,**kwargs),Zsun=0.,_extra_rot=False).T vX,vY,vZ = coords.galcencyl_to_vxvyvz(\ thiso[1,:],thiso[2,:],numpy.zeros_like(thiso[0]), thiso[3,:]-obs.phi(*args,**kwargs), vsun=numpy.array([\ obs.vR(*args,**kwargs),obs.vT(*args,**kwargs), 0.]), Xsun=obs.R(*args,**kwargs),Zsun=0.,_extra_rot=False).T else: X,Y,Z = coords.galcencyl_to_XYZ(\ thiso[0,:],thiso[3,:]-obs.phi(*args,**kwargs), numpy.zeros_like(thiso[0]), Xsun=obs.R(*args,**kwargs), Zsun=obs.z(*args,**kwargs),_extra_rot=False).T vX,vY,vZ = coords.galcencyl_to_vxvyvz(\ thiso[1,:],thiso[2,:],numpy.zeros_like(thiso[0]), thiso[3,:]-obs.phi(*args,**kwargs), vsun=numpy.array([\ obs.vR(*args,**kwargs), obs.vT(*args,**kwargs), obs.vz(*args,**kwargs)]), Xsun=obs.R(*args,**kwargs), Zsun=obs.z(*args,**kwargs),_extra_rot=False).T obs.turn_physical_on() else: #FullOrbit if isinstance(obs,(numpy.ndarray,list)): Xsun= numpy.sqrt(obs[0]**2.+obs[1]**2.) X,Y,Z = coords.galcencyl_to_XYZ(\ thiso[0,:],thiso[5,:]-numpy.arctan2(obs[1],obs[0]),thiso[3,:], Xsun=Xsun/ro,Zsun=obs[2]/ro).T vX,vY,vZ = coords.galcencyl_to_vxvyvz(\ thiso[1,:],thiso[2,:],thiso[4,:], thiso[5,:]-numpy.arctan2(obs[1],obs[0]), vsun=numpy.array(# have to rotate [obs[3]*obs[0]/Xsun+obs[4]*obs[1]/Xsun, -obs[3]*obs[1]/Xsun+obs[4]*obs[0]/Xsun, obs[5]])/vo, Xsun=Xsun/ro,Zsun=obs[2]/ro).T else: #Orbit instance obs.turn_physical_off() if obs.dim() == 2: X,Y,Z = coords.galcencyl_to_XYZ(\ thiso[0,:],thiso[5,:]-obs.phi(*args,**kwargs), thiso[3,:], Xsun=obs.R(*args,**kwargs),Zsun=0.).T vX,vY,vZ = coords.galcencyl_to_vxvyvz(\ thiso[1,:],thiso[2,:],thiso[4,:], thiso[5,:]-obs.phi(*args,**kwargs), vsun=numpy.array([\ obs.vR(*args,**kwargs),obs.vT(*args,**kwargs), 0.]), Xsun=obs.R(*args,**kwargs),Zsun=0.).T else: X,Y,Z = coords.galcencyl_to_XYZ(\ thiso[0,:],thiso[5,:]-obs.phi(*args,**kwargs), thiso[3,:], Xsun=obs.R(*args,**kwargs), Zsun=obs.z(*args,**kwargs)).T vX,vY,vZ = coords.galcencyl_to_vxvyvz(\ thiso[1,:],thiso[2,:],thiso[4,:], thiso[5,:]-obs.phi(*args,**kwargs), vsun=numpy.array([\ obs.vR(*args,**kwargs), obs.vT(*args,**kwargs), obs.vz(*args,**kwargs)]), Xsun=obs.R(*args,**kwargs), Zsun=obs.z(*args,**kwargs)).T obs.turn_physical_on() return (X*ro,Y*ro,Z*ro,vX*vo,vY*vo,vZ*vo) def _lbdvrpmllpmbb(orb,thiso,*args,**kwargs): """Calculate l,b,d,vr,pmll,pmbb""" obs, ro, vo= _parse_radec_kwargs(orb,kwargs,dontpop=True) X,Y,Z,vX,vY,vZ= _XYZvxvyvz(orb,thiso,*args,**kwargs) bad_indx= (X == 0.)*(Y == 0.)*(Z == 0.) if True in bad_indx: X[bad_indx]+= ro/10000. return coords.rectgal_to_sphergal(X,Y,Z,vX,vY,vZ,degree=True) def _pmrapmdec(orb,thiso,*args,**kwargs): """Calculate pmra and pmdec""" lbdvrpmllpmbb= _lbdvrpmllpmbb(orb,thiso,*args,**kwargs) return coords.pmllpmbb_to_pmrapmdec(lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,4], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,5], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,0], lbdvrpmllpmbb[:,1],degree=True, epoch=None) def _parse_radec_kwargs(orb,kwargs,vel=False,dontpop=False): if 'obs' in kwargs: obs= kwargs['obs'] if not dontpop: kwargs.pop('obs') if isinstance(obs,(list,numpy.ndarray)): if len(obs) == 2: obs= [obs[0],obs[1],0.] elif len(obs) == 4: obs= [obs[0],obs[1],0.,obs[2],obs[3],0.] for ii in range(len(obs)): if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(obs[ii],units.Quantity): if ii < 3: obs[ii]= conversion.parse_length_kpc(obs[ii]) else: obs[ii]= conversion.parse_velocity_kms(obs[ii]) else: if vel: obs= [orb._ro,0.,orb._zo, orb._solarmotion[0],orb._solarmotion[1]+orb._vo, orb._solarmotion[2]] else: obs= [orb._ro,0.,orb._zo] if 'ro' in kwargs: ro= conversion.parse_length_kpc(kwargs['ro']) if not dontpop: kwargs.pop('ro') else: ro= orb._ro if 'vo' in kwargs: vo= conversion.parse_velocity_kms(kwargs['vo']) if not dontpop: kwargs.pop('vo') else: vo= orb._vo return (obs,ro,vo) def _check_integrate_dt(t,dt): """Check that the stepsize in t is an integer x dt""" if dt is None: return True mult= round((t[1]-t[0])/dt) if numpy.fabs(mult*dt-t[1]+t[0]) < 10.**-10.: return True else: return False def _check_potential_dim(orb,pot): from ..potential import _dim # Don't deal with pot=None here, just dimensionality assert pot is None or orb.dim() <= _dim(pot), 'Orbit dimensionality is %i, but potential dimensionality is %i < %i; orbit needs to be of equal or lower dimensionality as the potential; you can reduce the dimensionality---if appropriate---of your orbit with orbit.toPlanar or orbit.toVertical' % (orb.dim(),_dim(pot),orb.dim()) assert pot is None or not (orb.dim() == 1 and _dim(pot) != 1), 'Orbit dimensionality is 1, but potential dimensionality is %i != 1; 1D orbits can only be integrated in 1D potentials; you convert your potential to a 1D potential---if appropriate---using potential.toVerticalPotential' % (_dim(pot)) def _check_consistent_units(orb,pot): if pot is None: return None assert physical_compatible(orb,pot), 'Physical conversion for the Orbit object is not consistent with that of the Potential given to it'