Source code for galpy.potential.IsothermalDiskPotential

# class that implements the one-dimensional
#                               self-gravitating isothermal disk
import numpy
from ..util import conversion
from .linearPotential import linearPotential
[docs]class IsothermalDiskPotential(linearPotential): """Class representing the one-dimensional self-gravitating isothermal disk .. math:: \\rho(x) = \\mathrm{amp}\\,\\mathrm{sech}^2\\left(\\frac{x}{2H}\\right) where the scale height :math:`H^2 = \\sigma^2/[8\\pi G \\,\\mathrm{amp}]`. The parameter to setup the disk is the velocity dispersion :math:`\\sigma`. """
[docs] def __init__(self,amp=1.,sigma=0.1,ro=None,vo=None): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: Initialize an IsothermalDiskPotential INPUT: amp - an overall amplitude sigma - velocity dispersion (can be a Quantity) OUTPUT: instance HISTORY: 2018-04-11 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ linearPotential.__init__(self,amp=amp,ro=ro,vo=vo) sigma= conversion.parse_velocity(sigma,vo=self._vo) self._sigma2= sigma**2. self._H= sigma/numpy.sqrt(8.*numpy.pi*self._amp) self._amp= 1. # Need to manually set to 1, because amp is now contained in the combination of H and sigma^2 self.hasC= True
def _evaluate(self,x,t=0.): return 2.*self._sigma2*numpy.log(numpy.cosh(0.5*x/self._H)) def _force(self,x,t=0.): return -self._sigma2*numpy.tanh(0.5*x/self._H)/self._H