Source code for galpy.potential.SCFPotential

import hashlib
import numpy
from numpy.polynomial.legendre import leggauss
from scipy import integrate
from scipy.special import lpmn
from scipy.special import gammaln, gamma
from ..util import coords, conversion
from .Potential import Potential

from .NumericalPotentialDerivativesMixin import \

[docs]class SCFPotential(Potential,NumericalPotentialDerivativesMixin): """Class that implements the `Hernquist & Ostriker (1992) <>`_ Self-Consistent-Field-type potential. Note that we divide the amplitude by 2 such that :math:`Acos = \\delta_{0n}\\delta_{0l}\\delta_{0m}` and :math:`Asin = 0` corresponds to :ref:`Galpy's Hernquist Potential <hernquist_potential>`. .. math:: \\rho(r, \\theta, \\phi) = \\frac{amp}{2}\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty} \\sum_{l=0}^{\\infty} \\sum_{m=0}^l N_{lm} P_{lm}(\\cos(\\theta)) \\tilde{\\rho}_{nl}(r) \\left(A_{cos, nlm} \\cos(m\\phi) + A_{sin, nlm} \\sin(m\\phi)\\right) where .. math:: \\tilde{\\rho}_{nl}(r) = \\frac{K_{nl}}{\\sqrt{\\pi}} \\frac{(a r)^l}{(r/a) (a + r)^{2l + 3}} C_{n}^{2l + 3/2}(\\xi) .. math:: \\Phi(r, \\theta, \\phi) = \\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty} \\sum_{l=0}^{\\infty} \\sum_{m=0}^l N_{lm} P_{lm}(\\cos(\\theta)) \\tilde{\\Phi}_{nl}(r) \\left(A_{cos, nlm} \\cos(m\\phi) + A_{sin, nlm} \\sin(m\\phi)\\right) where .. math:: \\tilde{\\Phi}_{nl}(r) = -\\sqrt{4 \\pi}K_{nl} \\frac{(ar)^l}{(a + r)^{2l + 1}} C_{n}^{2l + 3/2}(\\xi) where .. math:: \\xi = \\frac{r - a}{r + a} \\qquad N_{lm} = \\sqrt{\\frac{2l + 1}{4\\pi} \\frac{(l - m)!}{(l + m)!}}(2 - \\delta_{m0}) \\qquad K_{nl} = \\frac{1}{2} n (n + 4l + 3) + (l + 1)(2l + 1) and :math:`P_{lm}` is the Associated Legendre Polynomials whereas :math:`C_n^{\\alpha}` is the Gegenbauer polynomial. """
[docs] def __init__(self, amp=1., Acos=numpy.array([[[1]]]),Asin=None, a = 1., normalize=False, ro=None,vo=None): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: initialize a SCF Potential INPUT: amp - amplitude to be applied to the potential (default: 1); can be a Quantity with units of mass or Gxmass Acos - The real part of the expansion coefficent (NxLxL matrix, or optionally NxLx1 if Asin=None) Asin - The imaginary part of the expansion coefficient (NxLxL matrix or None) a - scale length (can be Quantity) normalize - if True, normalize such that vc(1.,0.)=1., or, if given as a number, such that the force is this fraction of the force necessary to make vc(1.,0.)=1. ro=, vo= distance and velocity scales for translation into internal units (default from configuration file) OUTPUT: SCFPotential object HISTORY: 2016-05-13 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ NumericalPotentialDerivativesMixin.__init__(self,{}) # just use default dR etc. Potential.__init__(self,amp=amp/2.,ro=ro,vo=vo,amp_units='mass') a= conversion.parse_length(a,ro=self._ro) ##Errors shape = Acos.shape errorMessage = None if len(shape) != 3: errorMessage="Acos must be a 3 dimensional numpy array" elif Asin is not None and shape[1] != shape[2]: errorMessage="The second and third dimension of the expansion coefficients must have the same length" elif Asin is None and not (shape[2] == 1 or shape[1] == shape[2]): errorMessage="The third dimension must have length=1 or equal to the length of the second dimension" elif Asin is None and shape[1] > 1 and numpy.any(Acos[:,:,1:] !=0): errorMessage="Acos has non-zero elements at indices m>0, which implies a non-axi symmetric potential.\n" +\ "Asin=None which implies an axi symmetric potential.\n" + \ "Contradiction." elif Asin is not None and Asin.shape != shape: errorMessage = "The shape of Asin does not match the shape of Acos." if errorMessage is not None: raise RuntimeError(errorMessage) ##Warnings warningMessage=None if numpy.any(numpy.triu(Acos,1) != 0) or (Asin is not None and numpy.any(numpy.triu(Asin,1) != 0)): warningMessage="Found non-zero values at expansion coefficients where m > l\n" + \ "The Mth and Lth dimension is expected to make a lower triangular matrix.\n" + \ "All values found above the diagonal will be ignored." if warningMessage is not None: raise RuntimeWarning(warningMessage) ##Is non axi? self.isNonAxi= True if Asin is None or shape[1] == 1 or (numpy.all(Acos[:,:,1:] == 0) and numpy.all(Asin[:,:,:]==0)): self.isNonAxi = False self._a = a NN = self._Nroot(Acos.shape[1], Acos.shape[2]) self._Acos= Acos*NN[numpy.newaxis,:,:] if Asin is not None: self._Asin = Asin*NN[numpy.newaxis,:,:] else: self._Asin = numpy.zeros_like(Acos) self._force_hash= None self.hasC= True self.hasC_dxdv=True self.hasC_dens=True if normalize or \ (isinstance(normalize,(int,float)) \ and not isinstance(normalize,bool)): self.normalize(normalize) return None
def _Nroot(self, L, M=None): """ NAME: _Nroot PURPOSE: Evaluate the square root of equation (3.15) with the (2 - del_m,0) term outside the square root INPUT: L - evaluate Nroot for 0 <= l <= L M - evaluate Nroot for 0 <= m <= M OUTPUT: The square root of equation (3.15) with the (2 - del_m,0) outside HISTORY: 2016-05-16 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ if M is None: M =L NN = numpy.zeros((L,M),float) l = numpy.arange(0,L)[:,numpy.newaxis] m = numpy.arange(0,M)[numpy.newaxis, :] nLn = gammaln(l-m+1) - gammaln(l+m+1) NN[:,:] = ((2*l+1.)/(4.*numpy.pi) * numpy.e**nLn)**.5 * 2 NN[:,0] /= 2. NN = numpy.tril(NN) return NN def _calculateXi(self, r): """ NAME: _calculateXi PURPOSE: Calculate xi given r INPUT: r - Evaluate at radius r OUTPUT: xi HISTORY: 2016-05-18 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ a = self._a if r == 0: return -1 else: return (1.-a/r)/(1.+a/r) def _rhoTilde(self, r, N,L): """ NAME: _rhoTilde PURPOSE: Evaluate rho_tilde as defined in equation 3.9 and 2.24 for 0 <= n < N and 0 <= l < L INPUT: r - Evaluate at radius r N - size of the N dimension L - size of the L dimension OUTPUT: rho tilde HISTORY: 2016-05-17 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ xi = self._calculateXi(r) CC = _C(xi,N,L) a = self._a rho = numpy.zeros((N,L), float) n = numpy.arange(0,N, dtype=float)[:, numpy.newaxis] l = numpy.arange(0, L, dtype=float)[numpy.newaxis,:] K = 0.5 * n * (n + 4*l + 3) + (l + 1.)*(2*l + 1) rho[:,:] = K * ((a*r)**l) / ((r/a)*(a + r)**(2*l + 3.)) * CC[:,:]* (numpy.pi)**-0.5 return rho def _phiTilde(self, r, N,L): """ NAME: _phiTilde PURPOSE: Evaluate phi_tilde as defined in equation 3.10 and 2.25 for 0 <= n < N and 0 <= l < L INPUT: r - Evaluate at radius r N - size of the N dimension L - size of the L dimension OUTPUT: phi tilde HISTORY: 2016-05-17 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ xi = self._calculateXi(r) CC = _C(xi,N,L) a = self._a phi = numpy.zeros((N,L), float) n = numpy.arange(0,N)[:, numpy.newaxis] l = numpy.arange(0, L)[numpy.newaxis,:] if r == 0: phi[:,:]= -1./a* CC[:,:]*(4*numpy.pi)**0.5 else: phi[:,:] = - a**l*r**(-l-1.)/ ((1.+a/r)**(2*l + 1.)) * CC[:,:]* (4*numpy.pi)**0.5 return phi def _compute(self, funcTilde, R, z, phi): """ NAME: _compute PURPOSE: evaluate the NxLxM density or potential INPUT: funcTidle - must be _rhoTilde or _phiTilde R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth OUTPUT: An NxLxM density or potential at (R,z, phi) HISTORY: 2016-05-18 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ Acos, Asin = self._Acos, self._Asin N, L, M = Acos.shape r, theta, phi = coords.cyl_to_spher(R,z,phi) PP = lpmn(M-1,L-1,numpy.cos(theta))[0].T ##Get the Legendre polynomials func_tilde = funcTilde(r, N, L) ## Tilde of the function of interest func = numpy.zeros((N,L,M), float) ## The function of interest (density or potential) m = numpy.arange(0, M)[numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, :] mcos = numpy.cos(m*phi) msin = numpy.sin(m*phi) func = func_tilde[:,:,None]*(Acos[:,:,:]*mcos + Asin[:,:,:]*msin)*PP[None,:,:] return func def _computeArray(self, funcTilde, R, z, phi): """ NAME: _computeArray PURPOSE: evaluate the density or potential for a given array of coordinates INPUT: funcTidle - must be _rhoTilde or _phiTilde R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth OUTPUT: density or potential evaluated at (R,z, phi) HISTORY: 2016-06-02 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ R = numpy.array(R,dtype=float); z = numpy.array(z,dtype=float); phi = numpy.array(phi,dtype=float); shape = (R*z*phi).shape if shape == (): return numpy.sum(self._compute(funcTilde, R,z,phi)) R = R*numpy.ones(shape); z = z*numpy.ones(shape); phi = phi*numpy.ones(shape); func = numpy.zeros(shape, float) li = _cartesian(shape) for i in range(li.shape[0]): j= tuple(numpy.split(li[i], li.shape[1])) func[j] = numpy.sum(self._compute(funcTilde, R[j][0],z[j][0],phi[j][0])) return func def _dens(self, R, z, phi=0., t=0.): """ NAME: _dens PURPOSE: evaluate the density at (R,z, phi) INPUT: R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: density at (R,z, phi) HISTORY: 2016-05-17 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi and phi is None: phi= 0. return self._computeArray(self._rhoTilde, R,z,phi) def _mass(self,R,z=None,t=0.): """ NAME: _mass PURPOSE: evaluate the mass within R (and z) for this potential; if z=None, integrate spherical INPUT: R - Galactocentric cylindrical radius z - vertical height t - time OUTPUT: the mass enclosed HISTORY: 2021-03-09 - Written - Bovy (UofT) 2021-03-18 - Switched to using Gauss' theorem - Bovy (UofT) """ if not z is None: raise AttributeError # Hack to fall back to general # when integrating over spherical volume, all non-zero l,m vanish N= len(self._Acos) return R**2.*numpy.sum(self._Acos[:,0,0]*self._dphiTilde(R,N,1)[:,0]) def _evaluate(self,R,z,phi=0.,t=0.): """ NAME: _evaluate PURPOSE: evaluate the potential at (R,z, phi) INPUT: R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: potential at (R,z, phi) HISTORY: 2016-05-17 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi and phi is None: phi= 0. return self._computeArray(self._phiTilde, R,z,phi) def _dphiTilde(self, r, N, L): """ NAME: _dphiTilde PURPOSE: Evaluate the derivative of phiTilde with respect to r INPUT: r - spherical radius N - size of the N dimension L - size of the L dimension OUTPUT: the derivative of phiTilde with respect to r HISTORY: 2016-06-06 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ a = self._a l = numpy.arange(0, L, dtype=float)[numpy.newaxis, :] n = numpy.arange(0, N, dtype=float)[:, numpy.newaxis] xi = self._calculateXi(r) dC = _dC(xi,N,L) return -(4*numpy.pi)**.5 * (numpy.power(a*r, l)*(l*(a + r)*numpy.power(r,-1) -(2*l + 1))/((a + r)**(2*l + 2))*_C(xi,N,L) + a**-1*(1 - xi)**2 * (a*r)**l / (a + r)**(2*l + 1) *dC/2.) def _computeforce(self,R,z,phi=0,t=0): """ NAME: _computeforce PURPOSE: Evaluate the first derivative of Phi with respect to R, z and phi INPUT: R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: dPhi/dr, dPhi/dtheta, dPhi/dphi HISTORY: 2016-06-07 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ Acos, Asin = self._Acos, self._Asin N, L, M = Acos.shape r, theta, phi = coords.cyl_to_spher(R,z,phi) new_hash= hashlib.md5(numpy.array([R, z,phi])).hexdigest() if new_hash == self._force_hash: dPhi_dr = self._cached_dPhi_dr dPhi_dtheta = self._cached_dPhi_dtheta dPhi_dphi = self._cached_dPhi_dphi else: PP, dPP = lpmn(M-1,L-1,numpy.cos(theta)) ##Get the Legendre polynomials PP = PP.T[None,:,:] dPP = dPP.T[None,:,:] phi_tilde = self._phiTilde(r, N, L)[:,:,numpy.newaxis] dphi_tilde = self._dphiTilde(r,N,L)[:,:,numpy.newaxis] m = numpy.arange(0, M)[numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, :] mcos = numpy.cos(m*phi) msin = numpy.sin(m*phi) dPhi_dr = -numpy.sum((Acos*mcos + Asin*msin)*PP*dphi_tilde) dPhi_dtheta = -numpy.sum((Acos*mcos + Asin*msin)*phi_tilde*dPP*(-numpy.sin(theta))) dPhi_dphi =-numpy.sum(m*(Asin*mcos - Acos*msin)*phi_tilde*PP) self._force_hash = new_hash self._cached_dPhi_dr = dPhi_dr self._cached_dPhi_dtheta = dPhi_dtheta self._cached_dPhi_dphi = dPhi_dphi return dPhi_dr,dPhi_dtheta,dPhi_dphi def _computeforceArray(self,dr_dx, dtheta_dx, dphi_dx, R, z, phi): """ NAME: _computeforceArray PURPOSE: evaluate the forces in the x direction for a given array of coordinates INPUT: dr_dx - the derivative of r with respect to the chosen variable x dtheta_dx - the derivative of theta with respect to the chosen variable x dphi_dx - the derivative of phi with respect to the chosen variable x R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: The forces in the x direction HISTORY: 2016-06-02 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ R = numpy.array(R,dtype=float); z = numpy.array(z,dtype=float); phi = numpy.array(phi,dtype=float); shape = (R*z*phi).shape if shape == (): dPhi_dr,dPhi_dtheta,dPhi_dphi = \ self._computeforce(R,z,phi) return dr_dx*dPhi_dr + dtheta_dx*dPhi_dtheta +dPhi_dphi*dphi_dx R = R*numpy.ones(shape); z = z* numpy.ones(shape); phi = phi* numpy.ones(shape); force = numpy.zeros(shape, float) dr_dx = dr_dx*numpy.ones(shape); dtheta_dx = dtheta_dx*numpy.ones(shape);dphi_dx = dphi_dx*numpy.ones(shape); li = _cartesian(shape) for i in range(li.shape[0]): j = tuple(numpy.split(li[i], li.shape[1])) dPhi_dr,dPhi_dtheta,dPhi_dphi = \ self._computeforce(R[j][0],z[j][0],phi[j][0]) force[j] = dr_dx[j][0]*dPhi_dr + dtheta_dx[j][0]*dPhi_dtheta +dPhi_dphi*dphi_dx[j][0] return force def _Rforce(self, R, z, phi=0, t=0): """ NAME: _Rforce PURPOSE: evaluate the radial force at (R,z, phi) INPUT: R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: radial force at (R,z, phi) HISTORY: 2016-06-06 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi and phi is None: phi= 0. r, theta, phi = coords.cyl_to_spher(R,z,phi) #x = R dr_dR = numpy.divide(R,r); dtheta_dR = numpy.divide(z,r**2); dphi_dR = 0 return self._computeforceArray(dr_dR, dtheta_dR, dphi_dR, R,z,phi) def _zforce(self, R, z, phi=0., t=0.): """ NAME: _zforce PURPOSE: evaluate the vertical force at (R,z, phi) INPUT: R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: vertical force at (R,z, phi) HISTORY: 2016-06-06 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi and phi is None: phi= 0. r, theta, phi = coords.cyl_to_spher(R,z,phi) #x = z dr_dz = numpy.divide(z,r); dtheta_dz = numpy.divide(-R,r**2); dphi_dz = 0 return self._computeforceArray(dr_dz, dtheta_dz, dphi_dz, R,z,phi) def _phiforce(self, R,z,phi=0,t=0): """ NAME: _phiforce PURPOSE: evaluate the azimuth force at (R,z, phi) INPUT: R - Cylindrical Galactocentric radius z - vertical height phi - azimuth t - time OUTPUT: azimuth force at (R,z, phi) HISTORY: 2016-06-06 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ if not self.isNonAxi and phi is None: phi= 0. r, theta, phi = coords.cyl_to_spher(R,z,phi) #x = phi dr_dphi = 0; dtheta_dphi = 0; dphi_dphi = 1 return self._computeforceArray(dr_dphi, dtheta_dphi, dphi_dphi, R,z,phi) def OmegaP(self): return 0
def _xiToR(xi, a =1): return a*numpy.divide((1. + xi),(1. - xi)) def _RToxi(r, a=1): out= numpy.divide((r/a-1.),(r/a+1.),where=True^numpy.isinf(r)) if numpy.any(numpy.isinf(r)): if hasattr(r,'__len__'): out[numpy.isinf(r)]= 1. else: return 1. return out def _C(xi,N,L,alpha=lambda x: 2*x + 3./2,singleL=False): """ NAME: _C PURPOSE: Evaluate C_n,l (the Gegenbauer polynomial) for 0 <= l < L and 0<= n < N INPUT: xi - radial transformed variable N - Size of the N dimension L - Size of the L dimension alpha = A lambda function of l. Default alpha = 2l + 3/2 singleL= (False), if True only compute the L-th polynomial OUTPUT: An LxN Gegenbauer Polynomial HISTORY: 2016-05-16 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) 2021-02-22 - Upgraded to array xi - Bovy (UofT) 2021-02-22 - Added singleL for use in compute...nbody - Bovy (UofT) """ floatIn= False if isinstance(xi,(float,int)): floatIn= True xi= numpy.array([xi]) if singleL: Ls= [L] else: Ls= range(L) CC= numpy.zeros((N,len(Ls),len(xi))) for l,ll in enumerate(Ls): for n in range(N): a= alpha(ll) if n==0: CC[n,l]= 1. continue elif n==1: CC[n,l]= 2.*a*xi if n + 1 != N: CC[n+1,l]= (2*(n + a)*xi*CC[n,l]-(n + 2*a - 1)*CC[n-1,l])\ /(n+1.) if floatIn: return CC[:,:,0] else: return CC def _dC(xi, N, L): l = numpy.arange(0,L)[numpy.newaxis, :] CC = _C(xi,N + 1,L, alpha = lambda x: 2*x + 5./2) CC = numpy.roll(CC, 1, axis=0)[:-1,:] CC[0, :] = 0 CC *= 2*(2*l + 3./2) return CC
[docs]def scf_compute_coeffs_spherical_nbody(pos,N,mass=1.,a=1.): """ NAME: scf_compute_coeffs_spherical_nbody PURPOSE: Numerically compute the expansion coefficients for a spherical expansion for a given $N$-body set of points INPUT: pos - positions of particles in rectangular coordinates with shape [3,n] N - size of the Nth dimension of the expansion coefficients mass= (1.) mass of particles (scalar or array with size n) a= (1.) parameter used to scale the radius OUTPUT: (Acos,Asin) - Expansion coefficients for density dens that can be given to SCFPotential.__init__ HISTORY: 2020-11-18 - Written - Morgan Bennett (UofT) 2021-02-22 - Sped-up - Bovy (UofT) """ Acos = numpy.zeros((N,1,1), float) Asin = None r= numpy.sqrt(pos[0]**2+pos[1]**2+pos[2]**2) RhoSum= numpy.einsum('j,ij',mass/(1.+r/a),_C(_RToxi(r,a=a),N,1)[:,0]) n = numpy.arange(0,N) K = 4*(n + 3./2)/((n + 2)*(n + 1)*(1 + n*(n + 3.)/2.)) Acos[n,0,0] = 2*K*RhoSum return Acos, Asin
[docs]def scf_compute_coeffs_spherical(dens, N, a=1., radial_order=None): """ NAME: scf_compute_coeffs_spherical PURPOSE: Numerically compute the expansion coefficients for a given spherical density INPUT: dens - A density function that takes a parameter R N - size of expansion coefficients a= (1.) parameter used to scale the radius radial_order - Number of sample points of the radial integral. If None, radial_order=max(20, N + 1) OUTPUT: (Acos,Asin) - Expansion coefficients for density dens that can be given to SCFPotential.__init__ HISTORY: 2016-05-18 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ numOfParam = 0 try: dens(0) numOfParam=1 except: try: dens(0,0) numOfParam=2 except: numOfParam=3 param = [0]*numOfParam; def integrand(xi): r = _xiToR(xi, a) R = r param[0] = R return a**3. * dens(*param)*(1 + xi)**2. * (1 - xi)**-3. * _C(xi, N, 1)[:,0] Acos = numpy.zeros((N,1,1), float) Asin = None Ksample = [max(N + 1, 20)] if radial_order != None: Ksample[0] = radial_order integrated = _gaussianQuadrature(integrand, [[-1., 1.]], Ksample=Ksample) n = numpy.arange(0,N) K = 16*numpy.pi*(n + 3./2)/((n + 2)*(n + 1)*(1 + n*(n + 3.)/2.)) Acos[n,0,0] = 2*K*integrated return Acos, Asin
[docs]def scf_compute_coeffs_axi_nbody(pos,N,L,mass=1.,a=1.): """ NAME: scf_compute_coeffs_axi_nbody PURPOSE: Numerically compute the expansion coefficients for a given $N$-body set of points assuming that the density is axisymmetric INPUT: pos - positions of particles in rectangular coordinates with shape [3,n] N - size of the Nth dimension of the expansion coefficients L - size of the Lth dimension of the expansion coefficients mass= (1.) mass of particles (scalar or array with size n) a= (1.) parameter used to scale the radius OUTPUT: (Acos,Asin) - Expansion coefficients for density dens that can be given to SCFPotential.__init__ HISTORY: 2021-02-22 - Written based on general code - Bovy (UofT) """ r= numpy.sqrt(pos[0]**2+pos[1]**2+pos[2]**2) costheta = pos[2]/r mass= numpy.atleast_1d(mass) Acos, Asin= numpy.zeros([N,L,1]), None Pll= numpy.ones(len(r)) # Set up Assoc. Legendre recursion # (n,l) dependent constant n= numpy.arange(0,N)[:,numpy.newaxis] l= numpy.arange(0,L)[numpy.newaxis,:] Knl= 0.5*n*(n+4.*l+3.)+(l+1)*(2.*l+1.) Inl= -Knl*2.*numpy.pi/2.**(8.*l+6.)*gamma(n+4.*l+3.)\ /gamma(n+1)/(n+2.*l+1.5)/gamma(2.*l+1.5)**2/numpy.sqrt(2.*l+1) # Set up Assoc. Legendre recursion Plm= Pll Plmm1= 0. for ll in range(L): # Compute Gegenbauer polys for this l Cn= _C(_RToxi(r,a=a),N,ll,singleL=True) phinlm= -(r/a)**ll/(1.+r/a)**(2.*ll+1)*Cn[:,0]*Plm # Acos Sum= numpy.sum(mass[numpy.newaxis,:]*phinlm,axis=-1) Acos[:,ll,0]= Sum/Inl[:,ll] # Recurse Assoc. Legendre if ll < L: tmp= Plm Plm= ((2*ll+1.)*costheta*Plm-ll*Plmm1)/(ll+1) Plmm1= tmp return Acos,Asin
[docs]def scf_compute_coeffs_axi(dens, N, L, a=1.,radial_order=None, costheta_order=None): """ NAME: scf_compute_coeffs_axi PURPOSE: Numerically compute the expansion coefficients for a given axi-symmetric density INPUT: dens - A density function that takes a parameter R and z N - size of the Nth dimension of the expansion coefficients L - size of the Lth dimension of the expansion coefficients a - parameter used to shift the basis functions radial_order - Number of sample points of the radial integral. If None, radial_order=max(20, N + 3/2L + 1) costheta_order - Number of sample points of the costheta integral. If None, If costheta_order=max(20, L + 1) OUTPUT: (Acos,Asin) - Expansion coefficients for density dens that can be given to SCFPotential.__init__ HISTORY: 2016-05-20 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ numOfParam = 0 try: dens(0,0) numOfParam=2 except: numOfParam=3 param = [0]*numOfParam; def integrand(xi, costheta): l = numpy.arange(0, L)[numpy.newaxis, :] r = _xiToR(xi,a) R = r*numpy.sqrt(1 - costheta**2.) z = r*costheta Legandre = lpmn(0,L-1,costheta)[0].T[numpy.newaxis,:,0] dV = (1. + xi)**2. * numpy.power(1. - xi, -4.) phi_nl = a**3*(1. + xi)**l * (1. - xi)**(l + 1.)*_C(xi, N, L)[:,:] * Legandre param[0] = R param[1] = z return phi_nl*dV * dens(*param) Acos = numpy.zeros((N,L,1), float) Asin = None ##This should save us some computation time since we're only taking the double integral once, rather then L times Ksample = [max(N + 3*L//2 + 1, 20) , max(L + 1,20) ] if radial_order != None: Ksample[0] = radial_order if costheta_order != None: Ksample[1] = costheta_order integrated = _gaussianQuadrature(integrand, [[-1, 1], [-1, 1]], Ksample = Ksample)*(2*numpy.pi) n = numpy.arange(0,N)[:,numpy.newaxis] l = numpy.arange(0,L)[numpy.newaxis,:] K = .5*n*(n + 4*l + 3) + (l + 1)*(2*l + 1) #I = -K*(4*numpy.pi)/(2.**(8*l + 6)) * gamma(n + 4*l + 3)/(gamma(n + 1)*(n + 2*l + 3./2)*gamma(2*l + 3./2)**2) ##Taking the ln of I will allow bigger size coefficients lnI = -(8*l + 6)*numpy.log(2) + gammaln(n + 4*l + 3) - gammaln(n + 1) - numpy.log(n + 2*l + 3./2) - 2*gammaln(2*l + 3./2) I = -K*(4*numpy.pi) * numpy.e**(lnI) constants = -2.**(-2*l)*(2*l + 1.)**.5 Acos[:,:,0] = 2*I**-1 * integrated*constants return Acos, Asin
[docs]def scf_compute_coeffs_nbody(pos,N,L,mass=1.,a=1.): """ NAME: scf_compute_coeffs_nbody PURPOSE: Numerically compute the expansion coefficients for a given $N$-body set of points INPUT: pos - positions of particles in rectangular coordinates with shape [3,n] N - size of the Nth dimension of the expansion coefficients L - size of the Lth and Mth dimension of the expansion coefficients mass= (1.) mass of particles (scalar or array with size n) a= (1.) parameter used to scale the radius OUTPUT: (Acos,Asin) - Expansion coefficients for density dens that can be given to SCFPotential.__init__ HISTORY: 2020-11-18 - Written - Morgan Bennett (UofT) """ r= numpy.sqrt(pos[0]**2+pos[1]**2+pos[2]**2) phi= numpy.arctan2(pos[1],pos[0]) costheta= pos[2]/r sintheta= numpy.sqrt(1.-costheta**2.) mass= numpy.atleast_1d(mass) Acos, Asin= numpy.zeros([N,L,L]), numpy.zeros([N,L,L]) Pll= numpy.ones(len(r)) # Set up Assoc. Legendre recursion # (n,l) dependent constant n= numpy.arange(0,N)[:,numpy.newaxis] l= numpy.arange(0,L)[numpy.newaxis,:] Knl= 0.5*n*(n+4.*l+3.)+(l+1)*(2.*l+1.) Inl= -Knl*2.*numpy.pi/2.**(8.*l+6.)*gamma(n+4.*l+3.)\ /gamma(n+1)/(n+2.*l+1.5)/gamma(2.*l+1.5)**2 for mm in range(L): # Loop over m cosmphi= numpy.cos(phi*mm) sinmphi= numpy.sin(phi*mm) # Set up Assoc. Legendre recursion Plm= Pll Plmm1= 0. for ll in range(mm,L): # Compute Gegenbauer polys for this l Cn= _C(_RToxi(r,a=a),N,ll,singleL=True) phinlm= -(r/a)**ll/(1.+r/a)**(2.*ll+1)*Cn[:,0]*Plm # Acos Sum= numpy.sqrt((2.*ll+1)*gamma(ll-mm+1)/gamma(ll+mm+1))\ *numpy.sum((mass*cosmphi)[numpy.newaxis,:]*phinlm,axis=-1) Acos[:,ll,mm]= Sum/Inl[:,ll] # Asin Sum= numpy.sqrt((2.*ll+1)*gamma(ll-mm+1)/gamma(ll+mm+1))\ *numpy.sum((mass*sinmphi)[numpy.newaxis,:]*phinlm,axis=-1) Asin[:,ll,mm]= Sum/Inl[:,ll] # Recurse Assoc. Legendre if ll < L: tmp= Plm Plm= ((2*ll+1.)*costheta*Plm-(ll+mm)*Plmm1)/(ll-mm+1) Plmm1= tmp # Recurse Assoc. Legendre Pll*= -(2*mm+1.)*sintheta return Acos,Asin
[docs]def scf_compute_coeffs(dens,N,L,a=1., radial_order=None,costheta_order=None,phi_order=None): """ NAME: scf_compute_coeffs PURPOSE: Numerically compute the expansion coefficients for a given triaxial density INPUT: dens - A density function that takes a parameter R, z and phi N - size of the Nth dimension of the expansion coefficients L - size of the Lth and Mth dimension of the expansion coefficients a - parameter used to shift the basis functions radial_order - Number of sample points of the radial integral. If None, radial_order=max(20, N + 3/2L + 1) costheta_order - Number of sample points of the costheta integral. If None, If costheta_order=max(20, L + 1) phi_order - Number of sample points of the phi integral. If None, If costheta_order=max(20, L + 1) OUTPUT: (Acos,Asin) - Expansion coefficients for density dens that can be given to SCFPotential.__init__ HISTORY: 2016-05-27 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ def integrand(xi, costheta, phi): l = numpy.arange(0, L)[numpy.newaxis, :, numpy.newaxis] m = numpy.arange(0, L)[numpy.newaxis,numpy.newaxis,:] r = _xiToR(xi, a) R = r*numpy.sqrt(1 - costheta**2.) z = r*costheta Legandre = lpmn(L - 1,L-1,costheta)[0].T[numpy.newaxis,:,:] dV = (1. + xi)**2. * numpy.power(1. - xi, -4.) phi_nl = - a**3*(1. + xi)**l * (1. - xi)**(l + 1.)*_C(xi, N, L)[:,:,numpy.newaxis] * Legandre return dens(R,z, phi) * phi_nl[numpy.newaxis, :,:,:]*numpy.array([numpy.cos(m*phi), numpy.sin(m*phi)])*dV Acos = numpy.zeros((N,L,L), float) Asin = numpy.zeros((N,L,L), float) Ksample = [max(N + 3*L//2 + 1,20), max(L + 1,20 ), max(L + 1,20)] if radial_order != None: Ksample[0] = radial_order if costheta_order != None: Ksample[1] = costheta_order if phi_order != None: Ksample[2] = phi_order integrated = _gaussianQuadrature(integrand, [[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.], [0, 2*numpy.pi]], Ksample = Ksample) n = numpy.arange(0,N)[:,numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis] l = numpy.arange(0,L)[numpy.newaxis,:, numpy.newaxis] m = numpy.arange(0,L)[numpy.newaxis,numpy.newaxis,:] K = .5*n*(n + 4*l + 3) + (l + 1)*(2*l + 1) Nln = .5*gammaln(l - m + 1) - .5*gammaln(l + m + 1) - (2*l)*numpy.log(2) NN = numpy.e**(Nln) NN[numpy.where(NN == numpy.inf)] = 0 ## To account for the fact that m cant be bigger than l constants = NN*(2*l + 1.)**.5 lnI = -(8*l + 6)*numpy.log(2) + gammaln(n + 4*l + 3) - gammaln(n + 1) - numpy.log(n + 2*l + 3./2) - 2*gammaln(2*l + 3./2) I = -K*(4*numpy.pi) * numpy.e**(lnI) Acos[:,:,:],Asin[:,:,:] = 2*(I**-1.)[numpy.newaxis,:,:,:] * integrated * constants[numpy.newaxis,:,:,:] return Acos, Asin
def _cartesian(arraySizes, out=None): """ NAME: cartesian PURPOSE: Generate a cartesian product of input arrays. INPUT: arraySizes - list of size of arrays out - Array to place the cartesian product in. OUTPUT: 2-D array of shape (product(arraySizes), len(arraySizes)) containing cartesian products formed of input arrays. HISTORY: 2016-06-02 - Obtained from """ arrays = [] for i in range(len(arraySizes)): arrays.append(numpy.arange(0, arraySizes[i])) arrays = [numpy.asarray(x) for x in arrays] dtype = arrays[0].dtype n =[x.size for x in arrays]) if out is None: out = numpy.zeros([n, len(arrays)], dtype=dtype) m = n // arrays[0].size out[:,0] = numpy.repeat(arrays[0], m) if arrays[1:]: _cartesian(arraySizes[1:], out=out[0:m,1:]) for j in range(1, arrays[0].size): out[j*m:(j+1)*m,1:] = out[0:m,1:] return out def _gaussianQuadrature(integrand, bounds, Ksample=[20], roundoff=0): """ NAME: _gaussianQuadrature PURPOSE: Numerically take n integrals over a function that returns a float or an array INPUT: integrand - The function you're integrating over. bounds - The bounds of the integral in the form of [[a_0, b_0], [a_1, b_1], ... , [a_n, b_n]] where a_i is the lower bound and b_i is the upper bound Ksample - Number of sample points in the form of [K_0, K_1, ..., K_n] where K_i is the sample point of the ith integral. roundoff - if the integral is less than this value, round it to 0. OUTPUT: The integral of the function integrand HISTORY: 2016-05-24 - Written - Aladdin Seaifan (UofT) """ ##Maps the sample point and weights xp = numpy.zeros((len(bounds), numpy.max(Ksample)), float) wp = numpy.zeros((len(bounds), numpy.max(Ksample)), float) for i in range(len(bounds)): x,w = leggauss(Ksample[i]) ##Calculates the sample points and weights a,b = bounds[i] xp[i, :Ksample[i]] = .5*(b-a)*x + .5*(b+a) wp[i, :Ksample[i]] = .5*(b - a)*w ##Determines the shape of the integrand s = 0. shape=None s_temp = integrand(*numpy.zeros(len(bounds))) if type(s_temp).__name__ == numpy.ndarray.__name__ : shape = s_temp.shape s = numpy.zeros(shape, float) #gets all combinations of indices from each integrand li = _cartesian(Ksample) ##Performs the actual integration for i in range(li.shape[0]): index = (numpy.arange(len(bounds)),li[i]) s+=[index])*integrand(*xp[index]) ##Rounds values that are less than roundoff to zero if shape!= None: s[numpy.where(numpy.fabs(s) < roundoff)] = 0 else: s *= numpy.fabs(s) >roundoff return s