Source code for galpy.potential.interpSphericalPotential

# build spherical potential through interpolation
import numpy
from scipy import interpolate
from .SphericalPotential import SphericalPotential
from .Potential import _evaluateRforces, _evaluatePotentials
from ..util.conversion import physical_compatible, get_physical
[docs]class interpSphericalPotential(SphericalPotential): """__init__(self,rforce=None,rgrid=numpy.geomspace(0.01,20,101),Phi0=None,ro=None,vo=None) Class that interpolates a spherical potential on a grid"""
[docs] def __init__(self,rforce=None,rgrid=numpy.geomspace(0.01,20,101),Phi0=None, ro=None,vo=None): """__init__(self,rforce=None,rgrid=numpy.geomspace(0.01,20,101),Phi0=None,ro=None,vo=None) NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: initialize an interpolated, spherical potential INPUT: rforce= (None) Either a) function that gives the radial force as a function of r or b) a galpy Potential instance or list thereof rgrid= (numpy.geomspace(0.01,20,101)) radial grid on which to evaluate the potential for interpolation (note that beyond rgrid[-1], the potential is extrapolated as -GM(<rgrid[-1])/r) Phi0= (0.) value of the potential at rgrid[0] (only necessary when rforce is a function, for galpy potentials automatically determined) ro=, vo= distance and velocity scales for translation into internal units (default from configuration file) OUTPUT: (none) HISTORY: 2020-07-13 - Written - Bovy (UofT) """ SphericalPotential.__init__(self,amp=1.,ro=ro,vo=vo) self._rgrid= rgrid # Determine whether rforce is a galpy Potential or list thereof try: _evaluateRforces(rforce,1.,0.) except: _rforce= rforce Phi0= 0. if Phi0 is None else Phi0 else: _rforce= lambda r: _evaluateRforces(rforce,r,0.) # Determine Phi0 Phi0= _evaluatePotentials(rforce,rgrid[0],0.) # Also check that unit systems are compatible if not physical_compatible(self,rforce): raise RuntimeError('Unit conversion factors ro and vo incompatible between Potential to be interpolated and the factors given to interpSphericalPotential') # If set for the parent, set for the interpolated phys= get_physical(rforce,include_set=True) if phys['roSet']: self.turn_physical_on(ro=phys['ro']) if phys['voSet']: self.turn_physical_on(vo=phys['vo']) self._rforce_grid= numpy.array([_rforce(r) for r in rgrid]) self._force_spline= interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( self._rgrid,self._rforce_grid,k=3,ext=0) # Get potential and r2deriv as splines for the integral and derivative self._pot_spline= self._force_spline.antiderivative() self._Phi0= Phi0+self._pot_spline(self._rgrid[0]) self._r2deriv_spline= self._force_spline.derivative() # Extrapolate as mass within rgrid[-1] self._rmin= rgrid[0] self._rmax= rgrid[-1] self._total_mass= -self._rmax**2.*self._force_spline(self._rmax) self._Phimax= -self._pot_spline(self._rmax)+self._Phi0\ +self._total_mass/self._rmax self.hasC= True self.hasC_dxdv= True self.hasC_dens= True return None
def _revaluate(self,r,t=0.): out= numpy.empty_like(r) out[r >= self._rmax]= -self._total_mass/r[r >= self._rmax]+self._Phimax out[r < self._rmax]= -self._pot_spline(r[r < self._rmax])+self._Phi0 return out def _rforce(self,r,t=0.): out= numpy.empty_like(r) out[r >= self._rmax]= -self._total_mass/r[r >= self._rmax]**2. out[r < self._rmax]= self._force_spline(r[r < self._rmax]) return out def _r2deriv(self,r,t=0.): out= numpy.empty_like(r) out[r >= self._rmax]= -2.*self._total_mass/r[r >= self._rmax]**3. out[r < self._rmax]= -self._r2deriv_spline(r[r < self._rmax]) return out def _rdens(self,r,t=0.): out= numpy.empty_like(r) out[r >= self._rmax]= 0. # Fall back onto Poisson eqn., implemented in SphericalPotential out[r < self._rmax]= SphericalPotential._rdens(self,r[r < self._rmax]) return out