Dehnen DF

class galpy.df.dehnendf(surfaceSigma=<class 'galpy.df.surfaceSigmaProfile.expSurfaceSigmaProfile'>, profileParams=(0.3333333333333333, 1.0, 0.2), correct=False, beta=0.0, **kwargs)[source]

Dehnen’s ‘new’ df

__init__(surfaceSigma=<class 'galpy.df.surfaceSigmaProfile.expSurfaceSigmaProfile'>, profileParams=(0.3333333333333333, 1.0, 0.2), correct=False, beta=0.0, **kwargs)[source]



Initialize a Dehnen ‘new’ DF

surfaceSigma - instance or class name of the target

surface density and sigma_R profile (default: both exponential)

profileParams - parameters of the surface and sigma_R profile:

(xD,xS,Sro) where

xD - disk surface mass scalelength (can be Quantity)

xS - disk velocity dispersion scalelength (can be Quantity)

Sro - disk velocity dispersion at Ro (can be Quantity)

Directly given to the ‘surfaceSigmaProfile class, so could be anything that class takes

beta - power-law index of the rotation curve

correct - if True, correct the DF

ro= distance from vantage point to GC (kpc; can be Quantity)

vo= circular velocity at ro (km/s; can be Quantity)

+DFcorrection kwargs (except for those already specified)




2010-03-10 - Written - Bovy (NYU)